Kindess {Castiel} isn't something you can fake

Midnightrose's picture
Zeus= Castiel

Wip as you can see

To do:

The name is Castiel.
it used to be Zeus but i changed it.
i really don't know why.
is like someone told me to do it.
well i write this since i want people to know who i am.
here it goes.

This is my journal, i'll write my feelings, and what have happened.

Recent happinings: Nothing

Mood: Happy

Feeling: sligtly hungry else a little bored.

this is the part were i describe myself so if you see me you'll know who i am.

The Name: Castiel.

The Age: 27 human years.

the Gender: Male

The sexual orientation: Homosexual

Hai (:

Hai (:
Midnightrose's picture

hello ^^

hello ^^