Zergarikiaka's picture
Will put stuff up soon. XD

But a taste test -

A happy new family. 83
Pegasicorn's picture


Kaoori's picture

ROFL, Kaoori is a dork. Even

ROFL, Kaoori is a dork. Even Wesker's in the background like "..."

And yay family. <3

did you edit Lagho's feathers? You did a good job.
Zergarikiaka's picture

83 Yep, I'm glad yua noticed

83 Yep, I'm glad yua noticed I did that. <3
Thanks. ^^

D'aw at the second one.

D'aw at the second one. :3
lol it's like Midnight has two dads X3
Seed's picture

Awww...How sweet.

Awww...How sweet.