Holy canoli it's been a while!

mismatched's picture
Hey guys!

I don't know if any of you guys were around when I was around (probably spring/summer of 2013??), but GOODNESS~ it's good to be back (though not sure for how long - I have a tendency to vanish without notice). I miss this place! I've been over on DA, joining all sorts of groups and following their character guidelines, and I've forgotten how good it feels to have the freedom to design your character however the furq you want <3

I'm in the process of updating everyone. I'll be having Caden participating in the rut - per usual - and Jareth as a curious and eager onlooker. I might even throw a Hyssop in there, if I find the time.

If you know me, hi! If you don't . . . hi! I hope this wonderful, close-knit and compassionate community will welcome me back Smiling
onowl's picture

Hi! Welcome back.

Hi! Welcome back. Laughing out loud
Evern's picture

I remember you! Welcome

I remember you!
Welcome back. <3

0baf0's picture

Hi! I remember you, your art

Hi! I remember you, your art and Caden, haha. Welcome back! Smiling
Icon - ahimsa.Signature - Qanat. ♥
Unplugged's picture

I remember you! Welcome back!

I remember you! Welcome back!