
Hey there,

I only just joined the endless Forest, thought I've known about the game for a while. I decided to give it a try as i'm tired of games that stress me out and really just want to relax and have fun. I'm loving the characters and variety in designs. the settings are peaceful. the music quirky but enjoyable. I hope to make some friends here and to continue my exploration of the forest.

Starling's picture


Welcome! Smiling


Welcome. <3

Hey, welcome to the

Hey, welcome to the community!
I'm sure you'll have a blast (;

thank you [:

thank you [:
Tuo's picture

Welcome. This game is great

Welcome. This game is great for relazing.

SyliaCyril's picture

Hello there : D I only just

Hello there : D
I only just joined the community myself but been playing the game for years, everyone is so nice here ^^
I hope you enjoy your stay