First Intervention; Purpose { Phylux }

shaku's picture

My gods... I admit, it feels good, in a way, to go back to the basics.
            A purpose in life... to protect, to serve.

That is all I need.

...Is it?

...M... Madam?

It seems, feathered one,
that you have forgotten something of importance.


A little girl, and a wish...?

If you're speaking of my responsibilities before the forest, I remember.
I remember all of their faces.

Their dreams. Their hopes. Their wishes.

...Do you?

I do.

Tell me, then... what is your purpose here?

My purpose is to protect the weak from harm.
To make sure their hopes come true.

...To keep the sadness at bay.

A noble answer...
But that was not my question.

I asked what your purpose was here.
In this forest.

...I do not understand.

Then you do not remember...

Hold on to your hollow purpose, Guardian.

I'm afraid that, until you remember,

we have nothing more to discuss.





Intervention: I - II - III - IV
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Munkel's picture

So, so pretty ♥

So, so pretty ♥
Scythe's picture

Gorgeous. &hearts I wonder

Gorgeous. &hearts I wonder where this is going.
Sleepything's picture


;__; <33 so happy to see thisss

adorable art by Tuoho! ♥
Texas's picture

oooh? you changed the css :'D

oooh? you changed the css :'D goodie~~ then I'm doing a new track again xD <333 -loves all over this-
shaku's picture

Eee thanks you guys!

Eee thanks you guys! ;u;

Scythe; too >>;; *only has a vague idea*

Texas; ROFL yeah, I like this better ♥ It isn't as busy.

Pretty, and intriguing.

Pretty, and intriguing. /track stamp/

So, so happy. This is

So, so happy. This is beautiful, and I can't wait to learn more about Phy.
shaku's picture

*snugs you both* Thank you!

*snugs you both* Thank you! >u<


gimme~ <3

Love this so much...&hearts;.

Love this so much...♥.

shaku's picture

Thank you, you two~! &hearts;

Thank you, you two~! ♥