[ extracts : 3 ]


"You stupid wench, you could've gotten us killed!"
"The hell did you just call me?"

They were stood face-to-face, opposites in appearance save for the similar military-esque uniforms they wore. Around them was the dormitory they had recently confined themselves to, for although it was in an M.I. base it was a lot safer than the outside world. The agents had been ordered to work together as usual, though it was not usually a problem; for the most part the two got along, for the most part they worked as one entity, for the most part they didn't end up almost risking eachother's lives.

Snake was leaning heavily on his right leg, arm held out to push his palm against the metal frame of the bunkbed against the wall, helping to support him. "Wench," he repeated for her, ruin-grey eyes narrowed. "Did I fuckin' stutter?"" The man mocked his comrade, chest rising and falling sharply, blood that was not his own soaking the sleeves of his uniform. He tensed as the woman opposite him clenched her fists.

"I saved your ass,"" Saxophone snarled, hands curled tightly at her sides, ocher eyes blazing. She looked as if she were waiting to be snapped in half, waiting to be let off of a chain so that she could fly for the agent opposite her. "What, d'you think they wouldn't have fuckin' slit your throat if I hadn't killed them first?"" She sneered, as if she were the superior one - and in her mind, perhaps she was.

"We were ordered to get information, not kill anyone!"" The brunette shouted at her, leaning forwards slightly, a head taller than the scruffy-haired creature before him. "But oh no, Agent 9 just has to rebel, doesn't she, has to kill something, satisfy her sick fucking needs--"


Snake's head snapped to the side as he was slapped and hit the metal of the bunkbed, giving a shout of pain before he reeled to the other side, trying to balance on his injured leg. "I'm right, ain't I?!" He snarled as Saxophone advanced on him, refusing to back down. Her fist was pulled up and back, ready to strike out again, warning him, but Snake would not relent. "You enjoy it, you like killing people, sick bitch!"

"Shut the hell up!" Her fist did not strike out; instead the white-haired agent grabbed her comrade's shoulders and threw her head forwards, skull against skull, a sharp thunk. Blunt nails dug into the greyish fabric of that uniform as she snarled at him, sharp teeth bared briefly. "I'm willing to do what you ain't, Snake, you'd be dead if I wasn't!""

The taller laughed in her face and slumped backwards against the steel door, surrounded by white walls. He was smiling in that familiar crooked way, head pounding as a strong arm wound its way around Saxophone's waist. "You're not in this because you wanna avoid prison," he breathed out, laughing in that low and gritty voice, free hand rising to stroke Sax's cheek. "You're in it for the kill."

Saxophone was stiff and tense against him, suspicion flickering on sharp features as she stared, flinching away from the large hand against her face. "If I wanted to kill things," the woman hissed quietly, fingers tightening upon Snake's shoulders. "I'd go to a fuckin' ranch and shoot coyotes all damn day. I'm in this for my freedom, you damn well know that!"

"I don't believe that."
"Well you should. I ain't lyin'."

"You don't show guilt and you don't show fear, Sax. Everybody's noticed. Everyone thinks you're sick." Snake chuckled, pushing his forehead against hers, holding her against him even as she started to move backwards. "Y'know if Danforth picks up on that, he'll have you checked out? Witch doctors, M.I. doctors...they'll probably do an exorcism and lock you up in a padded cell for a bit." He was laughing.

She couldn't believe he was laughing.

Cypher. Sad, blue eyes flashed in her head and she grimaced, wishing she had not left the Forest at all - but they had limited time there, her and Snake, were not allowed to stay there forever. Sooner or later, the Otherworld or the human world would tug at them.

"Get the hell offa me," Sax hissed, pushing at the brunette's hands, trying to squirm backwards and away from him. When he didn't relent, the agent snarled and clawed at his face, starting to panic to her own surprise. "Gerroff! Snake!"

"Gimme a kiss first."

Sax laughed bitterly at that, managing to pull away after more struggling. "Oh, now you wanna kiss? What happened to your wife, Snakey-boy? Don't she matter to you? Or are you all fuckin' confident because she ain't here to watch you betray her?"

A tense silence. Snake stared coldly, walking forwards. "You'll speak nothin' of her!" He growled, grabbing Sax's shoulder.

"What you gonna do about it if I do?" Sax chuckled, glad to have the tables turned, smirking up at the brunette. "You can't even say her name anymore."

"Shut up, Sax, or I swear I'll tell Danforth that you--"

"--that I what?" She laughed again, pushing his chest roughly, shoving him backwards. The agent was smirking past the threats, eyes alight, revelling in conflict. "That I disobeyed an order to save your life? What's he gonna do about it, Snake? Punish me? Boo-fuckin'-hoo, I can handle that. But man, if he knew some of what I know--"

"--I'm done with this. I'm fuckin' done with this."

Snake threw himself into the bottom bunk, fully-clothed, staring upwards at nothing. Triumphant, Number Nine slithered up onto the top bunk, knowing she'd won, and eventually slept.

I love these two. They had

I love these two. They had such an... interesting relationship. And Sax with her temper |D.


I can never tell whether they

I can never tell whether they love eachother or hate eachother. >> But they're fun to write regardless.

|: <3