Entrances to the Forest ==> EXPLAIN, HUMAN

In which Dannii tries to explain how her characters found the forest, and how they continue to flicker between the deer and human world. WARNING :: May contain extreme rambling. |8

Rutilus Phoebus Rootilughs Phoobs |8

How did they first get into the forest?

He was born here; as a result Rutilus is a 'true' Endless Forest deer, gifted with immortality (aging-wise) once he reaches the age of around thirty. However, Rutilus is unaware of this and is unlikely to ever find out about it, as only his father actually knew about it; his mother is unaware as she was not born into the forest.

How do they switch between the forest and the human world?

Having been taught how to switch between them as a child, Rutilus has no difficulty getting from one realm to the other, although the forest and human worlds are the only two he has ever had access to. If he goes from human to deer, his physical body is actually moved through space/time, reappearing almost instantly in the forest, but transformed into a deer through forest magic. Upon returning to the human world he tends to retain his roses and his mask, but is transformed back into a human. Strangely given his love of video games, he seems to have a specific 'spawn point' in the human realm - his sofa - but various 'spawn points' in the forest. Rutilus retains all memory of both forest-realm happenings and human-realm happenings.

Beta 9 :: Saxophone

How did they first get into the forest?

Like Alpha 5 (Snake) and Alpha 6 (Q), Saxophone's forest entry was forced upon her by the technicians and higher-ranking personnel of the Initiative. Unlike the other two she was not allowed to work closely with the technicians to create her forest form, and although they did try to make her pelt brown to help her blend in, the forest's magic overpowered it; leaving her white. The Gods also took away part of the pictogram that the Initiative manufactured for Saxophone, perhaps as a warning to them, telling them not to tinker with things they didn't understand. Saxophone was originally supposed to research the forest, but has since taken to entering it for leisure.

How do they switch between the forest, human and otherworld?

Sax enters the forest through a sort of simulator whilst in the otherworld, created by the Initiative. Her human body remains in the same place, though her mind controls her deer body in the forest. She can exit at any time by will. Entering the human world can only be done through the otherworld, and generally requires the use of magick and portals, which Sax is not the best at dealing with. As a result she tends to require Snake's help for this. When entering the human world, she is in the same body as she was in whilst in the otherworld.

Keith Richards

How did they first get into the forest?

Due to his prolonged exposure to the otherworld whilst in fragile mental states, Keith's mind is prone to being 'pulled' into other realms and worlds whilst around the right type of magick energy. His first memories of the forest are shortly after passing out, drunk, in the presence of Austere - a powerful sorcerer that he has spent a great deal of time with.

How do they switch between the forest, human and otherworld?

The aforementioned prolonged exposure to magical energies, as well as being pulled by Austere between human and otherworld frequently, has led to Keith having gained the ability to switch between all three worlds at will. He usually enters the forest whilst under the influence of one substance or another, but can also enter through dreams, although he has little control over the latter. In these instances, his body will stay in its original realm whilst his mind is elsewhere, controlling his body in the forest. Keith enters the otherworld via magick, which drains him of energy and is very rarely used, as he despises the place and only visits it when he has to.

Jim Osterburgh

How did they first get into the forest?

Being the closest friend Keith has, it was only a matter of time before the scruffbucket showed Jim how to enter the forest too. However, since Jim is forbidden from intoxicating himself, he can only enter the forest whilst asleep. Given his subconscious' habit of flicking between the forest and nightmares, Jim may actually suffer from awful hallucinations from time to time whilst inforest, although this is mere speculation.

How do they switch between the forest and the human world?

See the above. His body stays in the human world whilst his human mind controls his forest form.

Julia Phoebus

How did they first get into the forest?

She was born there, a decision made by her mother in order to ensure that she would be a 'real' endless forest deer, despite her father being unaware of the forest's existence. Later she was given to Rutilus in the human world, but was reintroduced to the forest very quickly; growing to be a teenager in the space of about three months, given the forest's very quick growth rate, which was admittedly slowed by exposure to the human world.

How do they switch between the forest and the ____ world?

In the same way as Rutilus. Her 'spawn point' however is actually quite a while away from her/Rutilus' apartment, and as a result she has to use public transport to get back home, or phone Rutilus to come and get her. This is often difficult however as Rut is often inforest too and therefore unable to recieve phone calls.

Darlene Redding

How did they first get into the forest?

The Family (aka, a cult of human/demon horrorclowns from the otherworld) have always come and gone from the forest, though usually kept to themselves. Darlene, like the rest of them, enters the forest through use of self-altered pre-existing portals to get her there.

How do they switch between the forest, human and otherworld?

Through the aforementioned portals for all three. Her physical form must be changed 'manually' for all three worlds as it does not do so automatically; gas form, human/demon and deer form. however, as the forest prevents her kind from entering in a solid form; as a result she enters as a fine, white mist and solidifies afterwards into a deer.

Padlock Smith

How did they first get into the forest?

The Family (aka, a cult of human/demon horrorclowns from the otherworld) have always come and gone from the forest, though usually kept to themselves. Lock, like the rest of them, enters the forest through use of self-altered pre-existing portals to get her there.

How do they switch between the forest, human and otherworld?

Through the aforementioned portals for all three. His physical form must be changed 'manually' for all three worlds as it does not do so automatically; liquid form, human/demon and deer form. however, as the forest prevents his kind from entering in a solid form; as a result he enters as a thin, sticky black liquid and solidifies afterwards into a deer.

Yes give me. I need it.

Yes give me. I need it.