Don't Let Me [Ryuu] Be Misunderstood

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October 31, 2020

Name Ryuu
Pictogram Ryuu
Gender Male, possibly genderfluid.
Age Adult. Born September 19, 2010.
Species Unique. Kirin/dragon/deer.
Size A tall boy
Voice Henry Golding, Font = #324F17
Set Blue Luchador mask, Kabuki pelt, Candles
Spotify o

Ryuu is a kirin-like creature with human intelligence and emotions. While there are many resemblances to his parents, he much more closely resembles a dragon than his family. He is also substantially larger than either of his parents. More subtle characteristics, such as his silvery-colored eyes and green markings, belie his heritage.

His face is less like a deer, more wolfish but certainly still something else entirely. It is furred, unlike the rest of his body which is instead of smooth, scaled skin. A pair of long, prehensile whiskers adorns his snout, which give Ryuu a sixth sense with which to perceive the world. They are sensitive tactile organs, and he can communicate through them telepathically through touch. They are likely the physical conduit with which he can sense other telepathic or magical beings. As he matures, his reddish mane has extended to his face to form a sideburns-like beard, and a gray goatee has sprung from his chin. His ears are large and quite similar to a deer's.

His neck is long and powerful, boasting the strength to carry his large rack of elk-like antlers with ease. The mane that begins at the top of his head extends down his neck all the way to the end and under the tip of his long tail. Both the mane and his scales have an iridescent green sheen. His body is shaped much like a stag, but there is a subtle elongation that matches the long proportions on both ends of his form.

While his most obvious weapon is his antlers, Ryuu has a mouth of sharp teeth similar to those of wolves. His tail primarily serves to keep him balanced, but it is also a useful bludgeoning tool. The extra mass in his neck too gives his antlers extra reach and power, making him quite formidable from all angles. Unbalancing him is nearly impossible, and he has unusually high stamina. One's best defense against him is superb speed and agility, or raw power beyond his own.

Clare's picture

a c c e p t m y l o v e

a c c e p t m y l o v e
OkamiLugia's picture


Clare's picture

sry had to go punch people

sry had to go punch people wILL LOVE U AGAIN SOON
Ayanel's picture

~Mist covers the area. From

~Mist covers the area. From the mist a large beast emerges. The figure in the form of a dragon approaches the sleeping stag like beast. The dragon creature lowers his head and gently nudges him. "My son... how you have grown..." His massive body curls around Ryuu then, laying his head beside his son. In the silence the figure of the dragon begins to shrink and reform to that of a simple stag. The stag smiles and nuzzles against the other as he closes his eyes. He hopes to see his son when he awakes, hoping to the heavens that he would be allowed at least that.~

<3 Miss you <3
crabbycrown's picture

smacking that track button,

smacking that track button, because WOW IS HE EVER GORGEOUS <3


OkamiLugia's picture

awe ty ;;

awe ty ;; <3

A swirl of smoke and a grin

A swirl of smoke and a grin was all that gave notice of a presence even being around, before a rather lithe buck or dark fur with bright stripes appeared. Softly touching down on the rock beneath them, a lengthy tail curled playfully, tip twitching, setting bright eyes on the other.

"Thank you for joining me in my dancing shenanigans, and please always feel welcome to do so again!"
OkamiLugia's picture

After their little dance

After their little dance party around the candles, Ryuu gives a bow and warm smile to the strange, but friendly, being. "Pleasure's all mine. See you around."

I have no idea but this is

I have no idea but this is all deep and lush and fantanstic. To each their own. *High hoof*