xparadoxx's blog

xparadoxx's picture

and i bleed when i fall down;; WIP

pretty css coming soon. eventually.probably
omg look what im finally doing

[[Alika is IC 90% of the time, so please don't take offence if she seems to be acting strangely towards you! I love to rp, whether it be here or somewhere else!!]]

[[picture will come soon!!]]

Alika|| Symbol || Female || Heterosexual || #16 || 2 years

|| +Gentle || +Playful || +Whimsical || =Tranquil || =Shy || -Mistrustful || -[too] Emotional ||

Main Set

Golden Butterfly Mask || Default Pelt[will change] || Antelope Antlers


started her morning by waking up in a rather confused state. the sunlight was hitting her pelt at a pleasurable angle and the birds were singing-- no no no, this was all wrong. the only familiar thing was the heavy pressure of the mask that covered her face.

a squirrel had spooked her, prompting her to move from her place among the birch trees. she wandered about for a while, tripping and faltering every few steps. it was quiet, but not the eerie sort of quiet that she had become used to. it was too loud, birds and leaves making the noises that are found in a forest.

she wandered aimlessly for a couple more hours, gradually making her way from the odd stone structures she'd found to the stream flowing from a very suspicious looking statue. she didn't trust it, and despite being thirsty, continued on to what she thought to be a lake, before drinking.
xparadoxx's picture


so, I used to play TEF, it's kinda been my go-to game when I'm bored. However I've never generally interacted with the community before, and I'd like to change that c:
I'd also like to focus more on actually developing my deer child this time around.
so anyone who wishes to interact with Alika is welcome toooo
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