Solanine's blog

Solanine's picture

((Ignore this blog kthx))

Solanine's picture

Give me stuff to draw... please xD

((Ignore the mechanical whir of CSS coding in the background. Thanks again ocean~))

Ever have one of those moods where you don't really want to do anything at all?

Fill out the following and see what happens...
SPOLIER: i'll draw it lol

Bio (link plz):
Desired pose:
Desired bg:
Desired mood:
Desired color pallette:
Solanine's picture

Consider this blog a rite of passage...!

Being Tall is FUN
Solanine's picture

What in the world is this?

What in the world did these horrific stories come from? Please tell me people don't actually go out and hallucinate this...
Solanine's picture

Hedwig for TheIsolated~!

under da cut
(hehe, I learned how...)
Solanine's picture

Will trade art for cool CSS :D

Position filled :3
Solanine's picture

Question; Discussion

Does TEF lose or gain meaning for you when you use this site?

Personally, hypothetically, the game might gain meaning if you never used this site, by way of pure nonverbal interaction. Though, I admit that this site is wonderful.

Well, comment what you think... and I will watch....
Solanine's picture

Welcome to the ((w o r l d)) . x

. † . † . † .


S o l a n i n e

- - - - - - - - -

: BiologÍc :

"Birth" date: October 27
Still a fawn, almost grown...

Gender: Female

Species: Musk Deer (( Doe . Stag . Wiki ))

- - - - - - - - - -

: Individüal :

- running in a line without stopping -
- pretending to sleep while she observes -
- watching -
- wandering -
- stalking -
- ignoring -
- following strangers of interest -

- the grave with the crucifix -
- any large boulder -

- silent -
- mysterious -
- observant -
- scary -
- timid -


. † . † . † .

So yea. Solanine the people (er, deer) watcher.
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