reoplusone's blog

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Hey guys, look! That loser posted again!

The loser posted?! Where? Oh, wait...

The left is me, the right is an adorable fawn we played with. The middle is the fellow I'm looking for. The deer had female vibes, but hey, I can't tell.

Uh... if you know this deer or ARE this deer, I'd love to chat...
reoplusone's picture

Homemade Heat Packs?

Has anyone else ever tried these things? 'Cuz these are seriously amazing. Old sock + minute rice + microwave = no more pain. Mmmmm...

So tasty. Sorry, I swear it feels so nice I had to write about it somewhere.

SO share your homemade things and ideas!
reoplusone's picture

WANTED: Alive, Hopefully

I just had an amazing time with a few very nice deer. I'd love to meet them (darn you lack of chat in the game!) and talk to them a bit, if I could. Here's the picture.

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I'm the orange-red one next to the picto-less fawn. The 'twins' were really nice, and the red fellow and black and white one were both very good to me. If you are them or know who they are, I'd love to see you guys!

To recap, we, in no particular order:
* Ate mushrooms and spammed each other
* Danced a conga line
* Frolicked
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Ashcroft and the Fireflies

Song Lyrics: Owl City - Fireflies
Character: Ashcroft

The character is copyrighted to me, the song to the band Owl City. It's best to listen to it while reading.
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