onyxsoulclaw's blog

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Then and now

Hi everyone,
I hope your all well, and life's good for you.

I thought I would try and inspire those of you who don't feel you can draw.
This is a demo of How I used to draw and how I draw now

Yer there is quite a difference. Though the new image is not perfect in any way.
The thing is to progress I did 1 simple thing.Whats that?
I learnt about real animals and there anatomy. If you can learn real animals anatomy then you can apply it to any creature.

This is the A4 colour test for the image

I still have a lot of amendments to make but these will be done on the A3 version. I also will be putting more in to the colours and details.

So no matter what level you are at keep trying,
You dont need to know complex stuff just how things work and why and then you will see an improvement to your work Never give in. you are amazing people you just need to believe in yourselves.
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Forgive us for our dance

Hi sorry if our dancing has annoyed anyone. we are trying to do something different dancing on the spots a bit dull and common for us so we are learning to dance as one with grace and balance.

Part 1)
4 Forward
4 Back
Turn To opposites
Four forward
Foward to spin till facing. Then 2 Back
Curi Bow

Part 2)
1 back 6 Whilst other Forward 5 (Lag issue)
Reverse role.
Both back 4

Facing - Stamp, scratch, stamp
Walk Back 2
Walk forward 3
Stamp, scratch, Stamp
Walk forward to spin.
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Refernece material to help artists.

I will add to this as I go, but hay here's somethings to help everyone.

Running deer: http://www.flickr.com/photos/61643745@N04/9678767941/

When getting close to wild deer during the rut there's no point in having good running shoes, I recommend tree climbing skills though
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Has anyone here read Bambi & Bambis children by Felix Salton?

Hi everyone, I hope your all well.
I was wondering Has anyone here read Bambi & Bambi's children by Felix Salton? If yes what did you think of it?

I have finally got a copy of both and read them both in two days.(was sniffing at poor Gobos tale.) I know you cant compare it fully to more modern books, but how has it made you feel.

I would love to know your feedback
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Fresh start Bio/links WIP


::Deer Information::
Deers name: Mors Mortis Khoth-(Mort For short)
Gender: Male
Breed:- Water deer cross Irish elk
Apperence:- Depends on his mood, he loves to chop and change, so he's best found with his Picto.

Current Mood:-
He's happy and relaxed


Mors is a take him as you find him deer. Some days he's happy others he's sad. He often takes time to sit and think at runs memorial and can be seen paying his respects there.

He's not great with fawns and has no wish for a family. Lifes hard enough with out extras on top.

He likes dancing but not the stampy dance . He prefers a more regal paced dance which showns strength and beauty in motion.

He will fight if some one starts picking on him and does not like being laughted at. He is approchable, but dont expect much from him. He just wants to relax. He enjoys galloping through thetrees and likes slarluming as he travels. He also enjoys air races which he gets to very high areas.


My Website: http://silverfoxforestdesigns.webs.com/

My Blogg: http://silverfoxforestdesigns.blogspot.co.uk/

My Flickr Site: http://www.flickr.com/photos/61643745@N04/

My Youtube Site: http://www.youtube.com/user/SilverFoxForests

My Livestream channel: http://www.livestream.com/onyxdragonart

Follow on FB: https://www.facebook.com/NikolaMiddlemastArtPhotography?fref=ts
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Ignore for now

Sand coloured base - White freckles- Real deer mask in sand, Light Palm antlers

New coloured flowers appear Feb- May

Bird tweet sounds ambiance.

Leaf rolll abbiltiy, leaves go up
Mud bath (rut)
Crackleingrussling leaves sound ambiance
Leaf showersfrom trees.

Holly bushes with snow under them - rub antlers against and get sprigs of holly in antlers.
Ivy on trees rub antlers against trees and get sprigs of Ivy in antlers
Light grey white specked pelt with Ivy/holly moteff in gold lace.
Wind sounds ambance
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When Big V comes to town...

Rember your manners little and large
Dont sit on top
Or try to barge
Be polite
Give a bow
listen out for his howl
Some of us will sit for you
In a circleish shape
For you to take spells needed.
But dont get to greedy.
help all and the needy

with this we will all do fine, we will get what we want, and dance all night long singing about the big v's in town.
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Buttiful challenge game or Blinddeers butt.

Last night i was having a go at Blind deer butt (blind mans buff). With a friend the idea was to sneek up to a deer and give there rear a friendly nuzzel without thn turning round and catching you.

We found a small group of dancers and my friend managed to get a few nuzzells in including a giant rabbit ... whos rear looks rather fluffy. But when ever my deer when to try the others turned round. so Mortis hid.

We hope the deer did not mind us trying the game on them. Eyestrikes owner was saying theres not enough free nuzzles given in the forest and wanted a way to fix it so hence the game. Thanks to the fawns for being so cute. Oh and mr bunny beware your rear maybe highjacked as a pillow. it's so fluffy!
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How can you summerise emotion?

Whats my Deer like:

Good Bad
Wanting to please - Gets over friendly
Wanting to support - Gets wrong part of stick
Has opionion - not understood by others
Trys to be friendly to all Sometimes forgets people dont want attention
Sees good and bad in all Even demons can love.

no scrap that...

So what am I saying. Um well. gees. .. Right:

A positive turn negitiev may still turn positive a again

A man kills a man who has done wrong people call him a hero but life is life and another will call him the bad man and take his place as the hero is others eyes, and so it continues.


To me everyone in the communitee is special no matter who.
Each persons talented in there own ways see there own vision and some times I wish I had that vision. I have tried to role play But have never understood it. Then mess up by getting in the way of others games.

Everyone Has a right to think free and if wahts said in not what the other wants to hear But that does not mean you can listen and perhaps see from another view.

But you know what.. if a house was on fire I would not care who was inside I'd still run to save them.

You know that when you meet a person your whole idea of them is made in 30 seconds of seeing and talking to them. Hence first impressions count.

But we all make mistakes all mess up all wish the clock to go back. we can make do and mend but sometimes giving the respect people want and space they needs best. it hurts to stand aside when you just want to give a person a hug But it helps.

Understanding each other goes not between people it goes round. See a person with sever phycial or mental disabilites Just cause the shells a bit damage does not mean the minds broken. I used to work in a supermarket I oftern served these people and never once looked down upon them. I treated them like any other and you know what...
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Fan art. who will be next?

For Quad:

For Veegamer:

For Mistako:

For Vala:

For Flyleaf:

For Pegasicorn:

For Saosin:

For Iaurdagnire:

I'm stuck with art block so am making random ones. I'm not taking any requests sorry. Just posting one or two when free time appears. These little characters will be very lose I will try to get rough detail on them, but im using it as an interpritaion exersise.Eg on skull they have extr red horns. On the little deer these will be 2 red spots on their heads. Candles will be yellow on the top of the antlers.
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