MadNysa's blog

Where the Ash Tree Grows


Pictogram issue

Hellooo, so I'm having an issue. Whenever I go to the account creator webpage, a pictogram never generates. It's not just me, and any help would be awesome.

Also, since I'm unable to get a picto right now, anyone have any spare pictograms? They don't have to be anything special, but grownup would be awesome. Thanks!

Top secret W.I.P

ALARM ALARM ALARM! Da popo is after you now. Meanwhile, view this lovely picture by Kaoori.
Future character heeerreeee finally. LOTS OF TESTING DONT MIND ME.

The Red Eyes ~Neo~

The Gift of Peppermint

My latest character, Asali, has acquired some candy canes and she would like to give them out. This is sort of an interaction blog for her, but also to spread the love haha

She forced me to! D;

Sweater Weather ~Asali~ [ONLINE]

UPDATES HAVE HAPPENED. Please glance/look through the updated areas. Making her come alive again. I PROMISE CSS SOON ;-;

Updates: Woke up after a long long time, found that I now had a fox hat and shoved it on my head by scraping my head on a tree. I bounded up and ran around, pointing out anything different to myself. Looked in the pond and found I was HUGE. Wow I cant wait to show all my friends! [Pssh not like you have any friends] Eventually settled down in front of a tree. Realized I missed Christmas and started to silently sulk. I missed my chance to give out presents. I still don't have any peppermint! Maybe I can find the herb peppermint somewhere around here. Got up to go look and to my suprise I found a wolf deer skull serpenty horsey thingy behind me! [6] Before I could investigate I got approached by someone much smaller than me. We greeted each other and to my suprise again, my newfound friend approached the mutant thing! It was short lived though and my friend disappeared to greet the next pair of deer. I watched 6 behind the a tree, fascinated. [merp sorry, tabbed out] Blinked and found 6 right infront of me! Bowed and got a sniff back before the mutant guy thing returned to his spot among the flowers. Hmmm. Creeped closer to the next tree and sat watching him. I was confused by his leave, usually the interactions went on for longer. Maybe he doesn't like me. Sniffled and whimpered quietly at the thought. Creeped to the next tree, and sat there once again. Wasn't okay with just leaving without a proper greeting. Jumped up and ran off when smelling G on the wind. I think she shrunk because last time I remember she was bigger than me! Greeted and sat down with her, happy to be accompy of a friend. Hoped the mutant was okay back there though, hope he wasn't too lonely.

Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it

It all begins with the scrap of black cloth......The forest is a blank canvas, lacking color. Day doesn't exist, neathier does night. There is no sun to fill you with warmth. There is no moon to light the trail. There is no stars to make a wish filled with hope. Small glowing orbs of light are the only thing to light your way. The trees look down at you, swaying and moaning to their own song that you just can't seem to hear. The ground breathes in and out, dormat. Beings peek at you in the corner of your vision, gone when you whirl their way, the only thing left of them a giggle of amusement. The pond is filled with what appears to be some sort of thick liquid, rippling as if an invisible force dwelled there. The cries of your loved ones emit from the pond, and if you dwell too close to the deep part of the pond, your cries will soon join them. Glowing eyes watch you from the bushes, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. The once mighty oak is now alive, turning to watch you as you pass. The mushroom circles that filled you with wonderful dreams have been replaced with ritual circles, shadow beings muttering a low chant. The inhabitants that dwell here have turned into black eyed Nightmares. Cold, so cold to the touch, cackling as they dance and cast wicked spells to harm you. The shadows move closer each time you look away, intent on using you as a host. Dark cannot exist without light, and so the twin idols were chosen. They emit a rainbow of colors, offering you a chance to glimpse their world and safety. The path is not easy. Monsters of your worst nightmares block the path, and if you manage to pass them you would already die from blood loss by the time you started praying. This world brings fear. So much fear that if you stay too long....The last symptoms contain the want to die, unable to move, screaming, bleeding, and more unspeakable things. Then you begin to change for the worst.....And just as your about to die....The fear fully possesses you.

Eira's interaction blog :D

Yeaaah, another one of these. Decided to try this out. ^.^
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