Bastilion's blog

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[=white][i]Chaos. Insanity.
Words that cannot best describe what I came across after I awoke. I had wandered down to the pond, but the constant calls of deer masks caught my curiosity, causing me to divert my route. What I found, were three stags, dancing in a row. That was not odd on its own. What was odd about them was, they were all dressed the same.

...and my friend Darkweaver was among them.
I could not help myself in showing amusement before joining in their dance along with the other deer they had drawn the attention of, though I kept to my true look rather than partake of their "cloning".
I soon found myself assisting my dark companion in regaining his antlers, as he had lost them for the "clone party". That same doe I had met a few times, including a bit the other day, came upon us. She has proven to be a lively one, trying to get me to join in play of some sort. It is odd for me, as I have not really played much since my previous life's childhood, but I go along with it eventually.
Especially since it really does prove to be entertaining.
Such as the antics I found myself joining on this day.
This...air-sitting, as it is called... Though last time had been in my fawnhood, in a weeping willow tree.
Soon, even Dark was in the air with us. The dancing of before was now moved to a full-grown stag's height off the ground. I swear my voice almost returned then, wanting to add to the shouts of joy as we danced.
But, as all things do, it came to an end.
Bastilion's picture

Though I told myself I would not hope...

...I find myself doing just that.
This strange feeling to my throat has not left. In fact, it seems to have increased. And then the event of the other day...
Without intending to, I found myself answering another's call with one of my own. Upon realizing it, once I overcame my shock, I attempted to repeat the motion.
Alas, all I could manage was a pathetic cough. It seems no matter what I tried, I could not figure out how I had done that before. It was almost as if on reflex.
But I wonder...
Why now has my voice decided to work again?
And as if the timing could not be more odd, Darkweaver has informed me that he and the Priest have reached a tentative agreement of sorts. It shocks me to know that they held a peaceful conversation without my needing to be there to block blows between antlers. But I am happy to hear it nonetheless.
Peace indeed has returned to the Forest.

I just wonder if my voice really has.

I remain, wondering if I will no longer be silent,

Bastilion's picture


[=white][i] how I awoke this day. What seemed like a good place to drop off to my weary-fogged mind at the time, proved to be an ill choice once I regained controlled thought. I had found out the hard way that consuming mushrooms not long after blueberries is not the wisest thing to do. I could not help but gag at how my stomach protested the other day. Even now, it as if my throat is reminding me of the feeling.
But no matter. It is nothing I can do anything about. So I went on my way, to nowhere in particular. It was not as if I could easily navigate, for not only was it raining, but it seemed I had awoken in the middle of the night as well. Had something taken place as I slept? The few deer I saw run by seemed more active than usual. I guess any weather change will do that, but..,what was this?
Were those...giant mushrooms?
I could not recall if I had ever seen anything like these before. There was little chance to study them further, for another deer - a doe I believe - had asked me to follow. I was not sure why, and did not right away understand that was what they wanted, but follow I did. Into the usually brighter, but now just as dark, other part of the forest. She? had led me to a few who sat amongst the trees. It seemed the giant mushrooms did not grow here. Something I did not notice at the time, until later, when I reentered the normally darker part of the forest. I had lost sight of my companions in the dark. It is times like these I grow frustrated with my lack of voice, for I could have called to ask for a sign to locate them. It almost felt like I could call out, but I was not sure how I would go about it. I did have a voice once, but it was long ago...
I had best prevent my thoughts from going to the past, for they may linger on more depressing events.
Bastilion's picture

There is a different feel to the air today...

A different "vibe" to the wind you could say. For the past weeks, there was always a feeling of trepidation or caution. But now, it feels as if a cloak has been lifted, letting light in once more.
It has been a rather peaceful day indeed.
I even found myself dancing for longer than I normally intended, after finding a fawn who seemed fond of the white pelt gained from praying to the Twin Statues. I wonder how long we managed to remain white from casting it back and forth amongst us...
Wandering once more, with no particular location in mind, I found myself entering a dip in the land, having drifted into my thoughts as I walked. I am not sure if I ever found this location before, but I must say...if I ever find myself wanting to consume my own weight or more in blueberries, I now know where to go.
Very few seemed to venture to this area, but upon leaving the "Blue Bowl" as I assume it is called, I took notice of a smaller deer following after me. They seemed...a bit odd, performing a series of moves in succession. They also seemed a bit skittish, fleeing at some cause I could not find.
No matter, I suppose. I believe they returned while I was writing, for I now find myself in fur not my own...
I suppose I shall end this here and see what else I happen upon.

I remain, silent but heard,

Bastilion's picture

A Duel Long Overdue

"Well played, my friend."
Bastilion's picture

Sometimes this vow of mine...

[=white][i]...can be quite tiring. And a peaceful walk meant to observe one's surroundings can be interrupted by the calls of other deer. Calls not of joy or even a shouted conversation. No. Some feeling told me that these were calls of a different sort. I could not trust my "gut instinct" however. I had to see with my own eye what was going on.
And thus my peaceful walk to the pond was ended.
Rushing back to the ruined stone building, I could see a small herd had gathered closer together. But this was not a herd meant for protection. This was a herd divided. A quarrel had broken out, with three combatants, as neutral deer not choosing a side went about trying to halt it. I hesitated a moment, waiting to see if it might stop so I need not interfere.
It did not. And appeared capable of going on for some time.
I stepped in, assisting a brightly-colored doe in blocking the attacks of those fighting. Eventually it broke up, and I went on my way again. But not for long, for I seemed to catch the attention of a fawn that lacked a name. And what a rambunctious fawn they were! Causing fights with deer much bigger than it, be they stag, fawn, or doe. Even trying to convince me to lower my own antlers!
Though when I made it clear I would not partake in their play of fighting, they would simply nuzzle me instead.
What a strange young one this was.
It felt almost as if I were scolding a child of my own.
Such an odd thought.
I had even required the assistance of a dark-pelted doe of royal blue. Lady Kaoori if I am not mistaken.
The fawn had attempted to start a match with one of the combatants of earlier - one of pale white fur I believe I recognized - who wished to have no part of it. Even though being bothered by just a young one, they fled.

The violence ended not long after that moment, thankfully. I did not wish to have to step between more antlers.
And to think that first fight was mainly between two does.
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So ends a Pure One

Legends rise...
Legends fall...
The sun will set...
On us all.

It seems this place completely is as some sort of copy of the world I left in my last life. Beings here do not just have their lives taken by others.
They may also die of their own accord. Or by "natural causes" as some may say.

Admittedly, I did not know the noble stag of pure white that once wandered this forest. I only caught sight of him in passing, one day during my time as a fawn. The last day I would be one as well.
Though I did not know this "child of the moon", in my short time here, I have heard much.

The sky weeps today.

Perhaps the Gods of this forest are in mourning as well.
But I do not mourn.
I regret.
For this noble stag sounds like one I might have liked to meet...

Farewell to thee, Oh Pure One.

Bastilion's picture

While one day may bring peace...

[=white][i]...the next can bring anything but.
Again I must wonder if changes in weather are cause for changes in nature.
Yesterday was filled with pleasant sunshine, and the meeting of the Priest. We shared a calm walk through the forest, he almost reading my mind as he commented on how things must appear different through the eyes of a stag than through the eyes of a fawn. The day ended with a brief encounter with the dark one I call my companion. Though, as has happened once before, while I was still a small fawn, his appearance and manner were changed. He had to be off quickly, though, as did I, so that ended my day, slumbering in a patch of sunshine I discovered.
But as I said, while one day may be peaceful, it can change in the next.
I must have encountered at least four clashings of antlers on this day.
And I am exhausted.
Not from taking part in the fighting, no.
But from holding to my vow of protecting those that need it.
My silent pleading as I stood in the middle of each quarrel seemed to have no effect on the combatants. I continued to get in the way, though. This had to end. I had heard of this one who was being attacked, and he was not the one looking for fights, despite past deeds. I had also heard the victim had forgiven him, so why could not his attackers?
Soon, my patience snapped, when the one who had started this fight began attacking not his initially intended target, but the one doe with us who was not part of the fight!
That did it.
I lowered my antlers at this foe.
I had been holding back from doing so before, knowing the huge tines would cause great damage if used.
I did not like having to resort to this, but the message finally got across. They soon backed down, though it took a bit more convincing, and finally, there was peace. Both parties involved forgave each other.
Peace has a way of not lasting, of course.
A series of smaller scuffles followed, quickly broken up, thank the Gods.
Bastilion's picture

Tale of a Nobledeer


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[=white][i]I am sure some are aware of what has occurred today. But for those who are not "in the loop" as I have heard said...
My own "stag day" has arrived. Yes, I am no longer a small of stature fawn, but a noble stag, with a great rack of antlers atop my crown. When I awoke this day, I could tell right off something was off. I did not wish to rise immediately, for my head felt heavy to lift. But I finally summoned the will to, noticing things seemed...smaller somehow. The graves that surround this stone, the ruins...seemed to have shrunk. As I was studying the area, I could not help but notice there were no longer spots on my back. My fur covering my belly seemed a bit darker as well, and longer.
I needed to confirm what I suspected! Jogging past the trees, I noticed, they, too, appeared not quite as large as the previous day. My excitement grew, feeling the first time in years, like a child again. Ironic, really.
But yes. Seeing my reflection in the pond's shallow waters proved I was right. A rare sense of joy overtook me. I had to find those I knew, to join in my celebrating. I did not have to search, however, as a stag and doe I had seen before found me. I was not sure if I had ever met them properly, but they seemed to know who I was and what had occurred, for they began to dance. I could see another growing nearer, though. A stag I know very well.
I once wished to use the strength a noble stag has in order to face this certain dark one.
But it would seem this is no longer the case, for, while they are still dark, even dark by name, I now call them companion.
It still baffles me how this came to be.
Do not get me wrong. I do not admit to liking their dark ways, nor do I partake in them. But somehow they are companionable.
Getting back to my original train of thought, though...
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