alphafrost's blog

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Rantrantrant. Aha.

Hey guys. I need to rant know what you think about creating characters. I don't really have one. I mean, okay, I don't really need one, but.. yeah...


~ They get old FASTTT. I mean, I use Alpha as a.. getaway? But, I don't really use her as a do-this-do that girl. I mean, I don't personally like the way you control your deer. Makin' them say those things. It makes it seem cruel. >>

~ Un-originality. We've all heard of it, all know it, yada yada. I mean, it's not that hard to not be original, but it takes even less time to understand what makes you unique. put some effort into it, and you can make it happen. If not.. Well, we ALL know about that fateful day when someone decided not to understand. Or, maybe you do. I'm clueless. :B

Opinions? Ideas? Characters you've never understood?
Alphafrost's picture


Well, I got 64 Fps!

screenies comin' soon!

Alphafrost's picture


Hey guys. Would anyone mind getting me a new pelt? I don't care which one, but I am fond of:

Real deer pelt
Orca pelt.

Alphafrost's picture

You dance with death, tonight

Hello all!

Another phail story, but I AM getting more fans. (I dearly hope!)

Would anyone kindly show me how to put music on here? The page where you do it?

I can just link it.. :<

Alphafrost's picture

Guys, I...

Well, the day has come. I am leaving the forest. Forever. I will still be here, but I don't have my bottom emotes, and I have no clue why. I am sorry. Thank you for playing with me, whoever wanted to, and thank you for enjoying my company!

Wait... I must try something. Please stand by.
Alphafrost's picture

Going against nature: Turning tides

Hey guys. Trying this for the first time. Real, live violence. It may start slow and wary, because I have never tried something this deep from my soul before. These are MY emotions, about what I have been through in my life, and what I am going through. Please be aware, I can and and will get deep into there pain, okay?
Alphafrost's picture

Little thing...

Hello. I would like someone to cast me a mini pelt? It would rock, and if anyone could tell me what the limits are?

I'll wait at the giant oak. (Inside it) I am the deer with the giant antlers, and no mask. I don't know what the pelt is.

Thanks to anyone who wants to help me. Ask for ajnythin' in return. Except cash. I has no cash. ;3
Alphafrost's picture

Dear deer diary. (Totally original, no?) 2 -Alpha

Hello reader.

I hope you are enjoying the forest.

Today, I went out, and I was.. Naked? For lack and want of a better word. My Pelt, antlers, and mask had vanished! I was very upset, and rallied help at once! Of course, one does not get these things by charging at other deer. Or does one? ... Anyhow, Once I had my set back, I grabbed a bit of magic from a tree, and turned into a fawn, to fit in a bit more, because I wanted to be young again. One does not know youth until one is old. And, there were two others. It was a summer day, one of the last I would see, sadly. But I played, and had a good time overall.

Alphafrost's picture

Interactions blog/bored postin'. ;3

Below cut. :3
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