:.{Days of Our Lives : Rhapsody's Diary : Entry 1}.:

Hello. My name is Rhapsody. This is a...journal, of sorts, I suppose...

I woke to find two deer that I didn't know leaping around. I can't remember the names, which is disappointing really...but I'll know them if I ever see them again. I hope I do; they were wonderful company.

After some frolicking and playing, I saw a deer in the distance. Curious, I moved away to watch them, and then they fell to the ground. Just dropped, suddenly, without any warning at all. I was surprised, really.

Now, before this, I didn't know that deer 'disappear'. A puff of black, inky...something, and they were gone. It was intriguing, and a little frightening.

One of my new friends cast a bright light at me, which terrified me at first and made me yelp in surprise. But when the light faded and I could see again, something was different. I glanced down at my legs, and they were partially white! I ran to the river and stared at myself. I had been...gifted the 'Orca' pelt, I think, and it was actually very pretty. I liked it a lot.
Then my friends led me further up the river, and began to leap and play around it. They were able to just...soar over the water. I was too afraid. What if I fell in?

After quite a while of laughing and playing, during which I eventually leapt over the river, I strayed further up, towards what I've been told is called the Crying Idol. But I've heard some call it The Weeper. Hmm. Why does it cry? Does every fawn and deer wonder this? Is there really an answer?
It's a beautiful creation, nonetheless. Truly beautiful...but at that time, I didn't stop to examine it properly.

I eventually felt a bit tired and sat down, amongst some red flowers. My orange-and-brown friend came and sat beside me for a while, but I eventually rose and nuzzled her before leaving. It wasn't that I didn't like her company; I loved it very much. I just felt like wandering, exploring.

I started towards the...Birch Forest, I think, and I followed a grey deer for a short time. They gave me antlers, little black ones that were quite nice, then ran away. I was a little bewildered, but they had been nice enough to me.

Then I met two lovely deer. They were friendly, though the smaller one couldn't seem to keep still for long. We all sat down after a while of hopping around, and again I ran off. I think I might be too curious.

After playing with two fawns for a little while and trying to understand them, I met someone that I really, truly like. I think their name was Mika. We walked for a little while, in silence.

We saw a stag that looked very plain to me, but I liked that about them. They didn't do much.

Mika showed me the Pond up close for the first time, and it was a wonderful sight. He walked behind me, as if keeping an eye on me.

Surely going a little closer to the edge couldn't be dangerous, I thought.


I had become...
...a frog?

It felt oddly comforting to be in that form. I remember the first time I woke here. I remember that the first creature I laid eyes upon was a frog.
I like the frogs, I really do...
Anyway, Mika and I ended up at the Weeper, the Crying Idol. It was then that I begun appreciating its beauty.

A fawn came along, as did a large stag. His mask was interesting, but we didn't communicate. I gave the fawn flowers and bowed, but they left...

Then I met a stag that calls himself Mick.

Mick, it turns out, is a wonderfully interesting stag. He told me things and helped me understand some things about the Gods, and...I don't really know if I can tell everyone. So I won't. But he was wonderful to speak with, and the way he spoke sounded familiar. Similar to the way I speak, which I feel is unnatural for a fawn...
I don't think I was always this way.
We talked for a very long time, but eventually I grew so tired that I felt I really needed to sleep. He seemed a little down at this, but I don't think it was devas--dev--too bad or anything, heh.

He sat by me while I slept, which was comforting. Mick had told me that the Forest wasn't as peaceful as it seemed.

And in the morning, he was still there.

I'm very happy here.

-- Eloquent Rhapsody


SO YA <3 Thanks to everyone that hung out with Rhapsody c: <333
Verycrazygirl's picture

T'was fun!

T'was fun! <3

AnimaSoul's picture

tracking lol. I SEE A KYLAR.

tracking lol. I SEE A KYLAR.
The Soul Of Souls