d r e a m l i k e

parrotsnpineapple's picture

It is cold and murky. It is dark and damp. It is lonely and frightful.
It is many things that you are not.
Ebb. Flow. Ebb. Flow. The water rushing.
Lungs filled with muck. Murky and dank.

Cannot breathe. Cannot speak.
I cannot speak your name. The name rolled off my tongue.

When we were young.

I had a dream. It was not here. It was the other place.
The other place I can’t be certain. Was it there? Or was it here all along.
Golden fields. Flowing fields.
Golden like your eyes. Were we in your eye?

The place I want to be.

Leaping and bounding. Golden seeds fleeting. Flowing. Fleeting. Flowing.
Our hearts beating. Crisp smells of summertime.
And the warmth of the sun. Warm like your touch.
Our embrace.

And would slow to a still.
Curl up together. Sleeping in the grass.
The sun our guardian.


But then I wake.
And I am alone again.
Ebb. Flow. Ebb. Flow.

Dimentio's picture

This was simply beautiful.

This was simply beautiful. <3
ocean's picture

Odd, wonder how I missed

Odd, wonder how I missed this.
Very lovely...Poor Ravey. :/
Kaoori's picture

This honestly made me tear

This honestly made me tear up.
parrotsnpineapple's picture

Thankyou all. It means a lot

Thankyou all. It means a lot <3
The plot will be moving a lot swifter now. I speculate its completion early next month.
ocean's picture

Quote:I speculate its

I speculate its completion early next month.

Yay! I really do like these...I've been hoping for another page! ^^
parrotsnpineapple's picture

@ Ocean: (Only these pages

@ Ocean: (Only these pages though. Ive stopped the comic )