even the darkest night will end

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the; Nightshade, Tear-streaked

Crown | Male | Birth2/17/19 | Stature
Toyhouse | Pinterest


Wrought over the weeks and months with a need for change, to rid past burdens and weight that he feels will never heal or better themselves. Knows, without a doubt, that he will never be able to move on from all that has occurred throughout his childhood, but is beginning to understand that he can at least have a say and hand in his future. And, as such, brainstorming new names and trying some out for a while to see what truly speaks to him.

Stuck his nose in others business and then got stuck right in the middle of it. Brawled for a while, though didn't exert himself, and simply followed the fleeing predator at a trot when it tried to escape the clutches of their assailants. Anytime catching up, the Nightshade would lunge and leap in an attempt to attack and bring it down after it had brought him into it. Rinse and repeat until it finally succumbed to the onslaught of attacks. Ripped off a hindleg as a trophy, but did drag it elsewhere to pick it clean.

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