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Five exquisite gems.
I will be close.

M ` |||||||||| / P ` ||||||||||
F e e l i n g ` SO MANY GOOD THINGS

one day I will write decent updates, but for now-

Has been sticking close to her family since Lina gave birth to five beautiful pups, which Cervena thinks has made her a great-grandmother - she is still unaware of Starless' children with Fay. Emanating love and support for all members of her family, and friendly toward any who appear to be on good terms with them.

Keeping an eye on Soét amidst the joy and excitement of the new arrivals. Made them a promise she fully intends to keep, and has been working to significantly decrease her responsibilities in her homeworld every moment she spends outside of the forest. To those who see and know her there, she comes off as calculated, driven, and purposeful, as if on a mission; and she is, but it is one that none of them could ever understand.

Today, learned something about Greitai that she is very glad to have become aware of. Came away from their conversation feeling an even greater sense of respect and gratefulness toward the raptoress. Since then, has been settled nearby Lina's den, watching over the area and feeling flares of excitement whenever she catches a peek of the newborn pups.

N o t e s ` I NEED TO UPDATE HER CSS AND REF SO BADLY, her design has been different for 238976 years now sigh

N a m e ` Cervena Duša

P i c t o g r a m ` x

G e n d e r ` Doe ♀

A g e ` Appears young adult

S p e e c h ` #E4D300

O r i e n t a t i o n ` Heterosexual

M a t e ` Beren

O f f s p r i n g ` Viktor and Soét

S e t ` Real Deer mask, Magpie feathers, Crying Idol pelt
R e f e r e n c e ` {Currently working on a new one}; feather necklace, a gift from Beren; her three pheasant tail feathers behind her ear were given to Beren and her sons.
S i z e ` #7

Lala description of her appearance here.


= Naive
= Trustworthy
= Observant
= Cautious
= Paranoid
= Patient
= Kind
= Swift
= Honest
= Graceful
= Forgiving
= Affectionate
= Relies often on instinct

She is prey.

B y M e
o o o o o o o o o o

o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o


B y O t h e r s
1Antidote: o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o
Hraeth: o
Kaoori: o
Mue: o
Pegasicorn: o

OUTDATED AF, so many to update/add ffkdjhg

B e r e n ` 12.17.11
There is no one in the forest who Cervena looks forward to seeing more than this wolf. Cervena adores her mate completely and is utterly in love with him. She feels warm, safe, and comforted while around him. She gave him one of her feathers after he gave her a beautiful feather necklace. Beren means everything to her.
Who would have thought that the one raised to fear predators would fall in love with one?

V i k t o r & S o é t ` Her dearest children {1.10.14} ♥
They are products of Cervena's first pregnancy, fathered by her beloved wolf. She thinks they're absolutely beautiful and loves them so much. She gave them both one of her pheasant tail feathers as well, and can't wait to raise them.


W a a r h i j d ` The butterfly doe was Cervena's first friend upon entering the forest. She thinks Waar is absolutely wonderful and misses her greatly, hoping to see her again someday and spend more time with her.

G r e i t a i ` A close friend of Beren's that Cervena has always thought of as strong and unique. Thinks she looks very interesting and would like to get to know her more, already liking the time they all spend together with Beren.

N a t - N a t ` Cervena's sister-in-law whom she wishes to get to know better. She hasn't seen her around in a long time.

D j i n n ` One of Beren's close friends that Cervena would love to get to know more, but already thinks Djinn is a very kind doe.

K o d y ` Met him only once, but it made an impact on her perhaps because he is a wolf. She would like to meet him again sometime.

U m a y ` The lioness is very impressive to Cervena, and the red doe respects her despite barely knowing her.

R a v l y ` Initially, Cervena greatly disliked the dragon for being enemies with Beren. Wary of.

A s u r a ` Fear. Cervena was chased by him a very long time ago but he still makes an appearance in the few nightmares she has.

All forms of interaction are welcome~

Cervena © Apparanza.
All actions are IC unless otherwise stated.
CSS from Unplugged, edited by me.
Discord: Apparanza#5911

Apparanza's picture


KSLDFHSFDL ANTI YOU SNEAKY THING. For some reason this didn't show up in my track list until you edited it /fail BUT OMG ;AAA; Everything is amazing. So completely gorgeous. I adore the Cervena pic at the top, you actually always get her perfectly and she looks so awesome in your style. I love the way you draw her eyes, ears, neck, and feathers especially. Every single screenshot is lovely, and I lol'd at the last one xDD! When I get back home {am out of town right now}, I'll finish my picture for you and put it in Beren's bio ♥ I really hope you'll like it~
Thank you soso much! 8D


By Leuvr
1Antidote's picture

jkldfshsdjklf I was so lazy

jkldfshsdjklf I was so lazy to read that whole lot of text, but I'm so happy you like it! ♥
And I just can't wait to see that picture! I'm sure I will froth at it and explode of awesomeness. ;o;
Apparanza's picture

LOL! /ded xD♥

LOL! /ded xD♥

By Leuvr
1Antidote's picture

The wolf curled up beside his

The wolf curled up beside his mate, squishing hard against her and gently nibbling her neck fur. "My love, where here have you been gone for so long? I've missed you so much." He wrapped his front leg around the doe. "How have you been?" He asked while happily rubbing onto Cervena's fur.

/I'm so happy I could crai ;A;
Apparanza's picture

{BAW SAME ♥} -x- A



A large smile spread across Cervena's muzzle as he curled and squished her. She leaned into his touch, an ear rotating towards him when he spoke. "I feel like I was in a dream, asleep for a long time. But I'm so happy that I'm awake now... I've missed you too, Beren," she murmured to the wolf, rubbing the side of her face against his neck. "I've been very well. Peaceful, even. Seeing you now makes me feel even better. Complete," she replied, her yellow gaze looking up at him fondly. "I hope you've been fine and safe too."

By Leuvr
1Antidote's picture

It was a relief after Cervena

It was a relief after Cervena said that she's been well. "I'm glad. For me the past few weeks while you've been gone have been terrible, honestly. But now you're here and I'm as happy as I could ever be." He replied with a gentle smile. The wolf then stood up and leaned his neck down, letting his feather necklace slowly slide down his neck until it reached the ground and he was able to pick it up in his mouth. He sat down again and carefully put the necklace around Cervena's neck. "It's for you, so you will have something to remember me by while we're apart. It's not much, but I hope you like it." The wolf gently licked Cervena's cheek and continued on rubbing against her fur.

/sorry for being a bit afk, trying to make something to eat.
Apparanza's picture

{Same with me xD} -x- The

{Same with me xD}


The red doe's oval ears drooped when he said the prior weeks had been horrible for him. She frowned. That was not the news she had been hoping to receive, but upon hearing that she made things better now caused her great happiness, and another smile appeared. Cervena blinked a few times when he stood and watched him take off his necklace. Her feather-adorned head tilted to the size quizzically, and her yellow eyes widened when he placed the necklace around her neck. She stared down at it in awe while listening to his words. "It's perfect," she whispered, admiring the colors and hues. She looked back up at him, and then shook her head vigorously side to side. One of the pheasant feathers spiraled to the ground and, picking it up gently with her mouth, she stuck the feather behind his ear. A grin was spread across her features. "Now we both have something to remember each other by." Cervena nuzzled him.

By Leuvr
1Antidote's picture

The wolf was glad to hear

The wolf was glad to hear that she liked the necklace, a smile spread across his face. It grew even wider after the red doe placed the feather behind Beren's ear. The wolf turned to face Cervena and gave her a nuzzle in return. He then curled around her and rested his head on the doe's back, trying to stay as close to her as possible.

/I love pheasants. They're so pretty. *-*
Apparanza's picture

{Agreed ♥} -x- The

{Agreed ♥}


The red doe snuggled against her mate, feeling warm and content. This was where she was at her happiest - she treasured moments like these, and ingrained them into her memory so that she would never forget. She turned her head around to look at Beren. "Why were the past weeks so bad for you?" she asked him softly, wanting to know if she would be able to help with anything that had occurred.

By Leuvr
1Antidote's picture

His ears flickered forward to

His ears flickered forward to the sound of Cervena's voice. "Well, I've been missing you very, very much," he spoke, a brief smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. "And Nat-Nat recently started acting weird.. She seems to be hurt, but she doesn't let anyone approach her, not even me or Greitai. I'm very worried about her." The wolf let out a deep sigh, his smile was gone by now. Beren's ears pointing backwards, his gaze turned to the distance, staring at nothing in particular as if he was deep in thought.

[e]: darn it, gotta go do homework. >_>
It was lovely seeing you and Cervena again.♥
Apparanza's picture

A small smile was Cervena's

A small smile was Cervena's reaction to Beren's first sentence, but it faded as he went on about Nat-Nat. Why would the ghoulish doe behave that way? It was certainly not like her to avoid Beren or Greitai, as far as Cervena knew at least. She didn't say anything for a few moments when Beren finished speaking, simply gazing at the wolf as he stared far away. "I'm sorry to hear that," the red doe murmured, looking down. "I hope that she heals if she's hurt, and feels better somehow... I wish there was a way I could help." Cervena wanted to try and approach Nat-Nat, but if she wasn't even letting Beren or Greitai near her, then Cervena highly doubted she would be able to get any closer. She leaned into Beren, her lids closing over her yellow eyes as she rested.


{Aww, all right. And likewise~! 8D}

By Leuvr
1Antidote's picture

The wolf turned his head to

The wolf turned his head to face the red doe. Her worried face was not what Beren wanted to see. "I don't want you to be worried for my troubles," he said. "Could you do that for me?" he added while gently rubbing his muzzle against Cervena's own, a brief smile spread across his face.

/lame, short and yet late reply. What kind of post is that?
1Antidote's picture

It sucks so freakin hard that

It sucks so freakin hard that I can't be online for any longer right now. ;n; It's late her and I have to go to bed and stuff.
I'm so glad they got to see each other again. ;U; ♥
I hope they can meet again on the weekends or something. c:
Apparanza's picture

Summer will be here for me in

Summer will be here for me in just one more week, Anti 8D They'll get to see each other much more often like they used to~!! ♥

By Leuvr
1Antidote's picture

That is going to be epic. B|

That is going to be epic. B| ♥
Apparanza's picture

It will ;U; Also, do you have

It will ;U;
Also, do you have me on MSN? Because I do have you, but you always show up as offline for me O:

By Leuvr
1Antidote's picture

I have you. But I'm never

I have you. But I'm never online. ._. Though I'm online right now.
Apparanza's picture

Hmm .o. Lemme see if I can

Hmm .o. Lemme see if I can fix this~

By Leuvr
Apparanza's picture


ASLDKAS ANTIIII! ;O; That is beyond very awesome with incredible anatomy and a super amazing background!! I don't even know where to start, omg. I adore the Birch Forest setting. You always draw such gorgeous birch trees and grasses 8D Beren looks so handsome, ahh - I looove the shading and highlights and jaggedness of his mane. His legs look great, too, and eee his tail ♥ Your style of drawing Cervena is so lovely. Her eyelashes and eyes are so pretty and I really like her neck. The way the tip of Beren's muzzle is just touching the top of Cervena's head is a loving, tender moment ;;♥ Thank you so much for this. It's absolutely wonderful ;U;

By Leuvr
Salome's picture


1Antidote's picture

^that. B| lol


Apparanza's picture

PFFLOL ♥ There's the

PFFLOL ♥ There's the whole finding a fawn player and then picking out a date and then finding a place in-forest askljsfd I PROMISE IT WILL HAPPEN. When Beren gets completely healed. B)

By Leuvr
Salome's picture

< count me in !

< count me in !
1Antidote's picture

&hearts; I was just messing

I was just messing with pictures and textures and stuff and this came out. Lol those ears..

[e]: also this.
I have no idea why I never draw Beren's antlers.
Apparanza's picture


...HOW DID I MISS THIS. /hours late
ASDFKGLJLKHJDF AGAIN ;O; YOU SPOIL ME. Those ears are freaking ADORABLE. /tugs on them
Such lovely textures they are, I love the poppies so much! Those trees, fff - I love your trees, even if they take like three brush strokes for you or something LOL they come out so awesomely 8D You always make Cervena look soso pretty and asdlk her eyes, lashes, feathers, and slenderness, everything...
OH MY GOODNESS THAT SECOND PICTURE, EEEP! I can't even find the words @.@
First, that background. I love the textures and the dark colors, and ONCE AGAIN, THOSE TREES. Beren's hair/mane just blows me away. So spiky, it's great. I love his legs and those paws, those claws. And that freaking awesome tail. I like how his skull stands out compared to the rest of him. /tugs on his ears too
Cervena looks so happy with that little smile of hers - where she's at is practically her heaven, haha, snuggled up against him like that. She's got her foreleg over him, letting the world know he belongs to her and no one else. You draw her eyes so gorgeously ;U;

Thank you so much, Anti ;; Your style is to die for, and I feel so happy whenever you draw for me, and just when you draw something in general. These pictures are perfect ♥

By Leuvr
1Antidote's picture

Hi. BI &hearts;, &hearts;. I

Hi. BI
, . I like the second one a lot more. Here's a background-less version cuz it looks better.

i hate to bother but
we're all waiting for them.
baby baby baby oooohhh
we want babies babies babies oooohhhh

yeah it's kinda late here and I'm starting to go a bit crazy so I'll just stop writing this comment before i cross the line.

Apparanza's picture


I adore both of those, omg. Like you don't even know. Your style is so amazing MY GOODNESS I'M GOING TO EXPLODE BECAUSE THAT'S HOW MUCH I LOVE IT ;; I say the same thing every time LOL but fff I am just absolutely in love. You draw so wonderfully, Anti, and you make Cervena look so gorgeous ;U; /stares at your art forever

LOLOL yes 8|
There will be babies.
Darling little creatures.
Are you excited? I'm excited.
I'll give you a kick to go on MSN soon so we can figure out details B)

By Leuvr


Track. <3
Apparanza's picture

Thank you~! &hearts;

Thank you~! ♥

By Leuvr
1Antidote's picture

&hearts; It didn't come out

It didn't come out as I imagined it, but I still hope you'll like it. Also, I know I'm a bit late, but happy birthday~ ♥

[e]: also finished this c:
Apparanza's picture


I LOVE THEM BOTH ;A; And thank you so much for the happy birthday wish, Anti! 8D
BUT FF HOW BEAUTIFUL! ♥ The first one is so lovely, the curve of her head and her figure is so pretty - I love the background as well, the blue-blacks and those golden glowing orbs. Her eyelashes and that tail ♥
The second one, EEE! Beren and Cervena are so cute sleeping beside each other like that. She looks so safe and protected with him curled around her. His mane, omg ♥ And holy, that background is GORGEOUS. All the colors, and the trees and their shadows, the hills... everything, it's such a wonderful, dreamy atmosphere.

Thank you soso much for such incredible gifts, I adore them ;U; ♥

By Leuvr
1Antidote's picture


Apparanza's picture


ANTI, just omg. I don't know what to say that won't be repetitive, but I still must tell you that your style is freaking gorgeous and I LOVE the way you draw Cervena, you make her look amazing and aughhsdkjhds your coloring and trees {I LOVE YOUR TREES} and the grass fffff ;O; EVERYTHING IS PERFECT! ♥ Thank you so much 8D!

I've been working on a picture that I meant to finish on their anniversary, but it's taken longer than I thought because of exams ,_, IT WILL BE FINISHED SOON THOUGH, and I'm so excited to give it to you~! ;U;

By Leuvr
1Antidote's picture

Your long comments flatter me

Your long comments flatter me every time 8| ♥ Cervena is fun to draw and her looks are gorgeous. She deserves lots of love.~
but i just realized she looks fat there D:

I shall prepare a tissue for my drool.
No. A box of tissues. 8|
1Antidote's picture

drool. because that's how he

drool. because that's how he expresses his love 8|

having an art block, so thought i might try to kill it with a random doodle from previous events |D
Apparanza's picture

LOOOL! That's so great ;;

LOOOL! That's so great ;; Cervena's face and that frown, omg.

I kind of am too, ff. I should try doodling and see if it helps |8

By Leuvr


Apparanza's picture

Dinaaa &hearts;

Dinaaa ♥

By Leuvr
Xemi's picture

"O f f s p r i n g `

"O f f s p r i n g ` Soon."

Apparanza's picture



By Leuvr
Xemi's picture

Nothing gets past me 8I

Nothing gets past me 8I nope
I have the eyes of a hawk
and the brain of a.. whale
and my bow
Apparanza's picture

/imagines what you would

/imagines what you would really look like with all of those things

By Leuvr

(No subject)

Xemi's picture

Something like this When this

Something like this
When this is a badly designed D&D character sexy mofo
Apparanza's picture

LOL YOU GUYS Han, that

Han, that picture omfg asjkdskla

By Leuvr
OkamiLugia's picture

(No subject)