Bright Eyes - Chapter Five

Fenqua's picture
Sorry for the long wait you guys! It's almost five pages, so enjoy it Laughing out loud



‘I still don’t accept this!’ Micarena shouted, while glaring at her parents. Her mother sighed and looked at Mythiro who stood up from his resting place. ‘Micarena, you are going to stop this instant or I’ll sacrifice you to the Twin Gods!’ After hearing that, Micarena’s eyes grew wide with fear. Would he really do such a thing?
‘Sacrifice?’ Fenqua asked curiously. ‘What does that mean, being sacrificed to the Gods?’
‘Well,’ Micarena’s mother answered, ‘it’s an old story, that deer who misbehave or don’t fit in society properly, will be sacrificed to the Twin Gods. This way, our community won’t be disturbed and we will keep the Gods happy.’
‘Isn’t that a terrible thing?’
‘It’s only a story; I have never been a witness of a real sacrificing. I guess it doesn’t exist in the cruel way I just explained.’
‘Fenqua should be sacrificed! That way, we’re all better off and I can be your sweet, happy daughter again!’ Micarena yelled. Her mother started to look pissed and walked over to her.
‘Listen young lady, I don’t want to hear ANY more from you, you understand? While she is trying her best you’re not showing any respect at all! Fenqua is your SISTER now and she will stay. If you have anything against it, you’ll be thrown out this family, not her.’
Micarena looked at her in disbelief but decided to keep quiet. Her mother nuzzled her and returned to their resting spot, which was near the Old Oak. The Old Oak was a huge, beautiful tree which was hollow inside. Deer often came there for shelter when it was raining, but everyone accepted that it belonged to Mythiro, since he fought a group of wolves when he was still a soldier. The Oak was his reward and he and his family could stay there as long as they liked, so they decided to make it their resting place. Even though it was theirs, other deer were always welcome when the weather was bad. Fenqua loved the Old Oak, it was quiet and peaceful inside. If it wasn’t for Micarena, she wouldn’t mind staying here for the rest of her fawn-hood, which was clearly getting to an end. Only a few more months and she would be an adult.

After breakfast, which contained lovely, juicy mushrooms and pine cones Fenqua went to the pond. It was the first sunny day in a long time. She enjoyed the light which made the water sparkle like a diamond. After looking around for a bit, she walked over to the water and noticed her reflection. She stared at her own, big, blue eyes and suddenly heard a soft voice.
‘My beautiful bright eyes…’
It had been a long time since Fenqua heard this, she still remembered the fact she couldn’t tell Twyla her name. It really bothered her, but she had forgotten about it until now. Especially about the memory that spoke to her, as if it was standing right next to her.
‘You have grown, my bright eyes…’
Fenqua looked up and turned around, but there was no one there. The voice seemed familiar to her, it sounded like the voice of a doe, a gentle doe. A deer with a warm, loving heart. Fenqua could tell that by just hearing her voice.
‘Who are you?’ she asked out loudly, but nobody replied. ‘Hello? I know you’re there somewhere, please come out!’ A few deer lifted their heads and looked at her. They started talking and looking at her, but she just ignored it. This was far more important to her. Suddenly, she saw something shiny in the corner of her eyes. It looked like a pictogram, a symbol that floated above a deer’s head. Everyone had one, but this one looked familiar, so she quickly turned around.

She saw the deer taking a step back, trying to hide in the shadows but she had already seen him. Her enthusiasm caused her to run at him at full speed and shouting out his name.
‘Skokey! It’s me, Fen!’ Even though he heard her, he quickly took off, running away as fast as he could. Fenqua tilted her head but decided to follow him. She could see he was in a bad condition, he looked skinny and weak. His body was dirty and he had trouble running, as if his legs were tired.
‘Skokey, wait up!’ she yelled, as she was desperately trying to catch up. Even though her body was a lot healthier, he managed to run faster and disappeared in the shadows. She slowed down and looked around, swiveling her ears in every direction.
‘Why did he run away?’ she asked herself, while letting her ears down. While looking in the distance, tears were quickly welling up in her eyes. Tears of sadness, tears of anger. Tears of confusion and tears of disbelief. Was he leaving her again? Why would he do this? Did she really mean anything to him at all?
‘WHY?!’ she yelled at the trees. ‘Why are you leaving me?!’ Her cries were not reaching him, as he had already fled into the Birch Forest, the second part of the Holy Area. Fenqua bashed her head against a tree a few times, before taking off. She couldn’t believe this, after all these months he finally showed up, but broke her heart again. Maybe it was hopeless, maybe she had to forget about their friendship. Even if she could, she probably didn’t want it anyway.

‘Hey, what’s the matter with you? Another familiar voice, but this time it wasn’t very pleasant. ‘What do you want, Micarena?’ Fenqua asked while glaring at her.
‘Wow, what’s with the look? I haven’t done anything yet.’
‘Well, you always stop by just to bother me.’
‘I’m not bothering you now, I just want to talk.’
‘It better be useful, or else you can better leave again.’
‘Okay, okay. Listen Fenqua; could you do me a favor? There’s something I really want.’
‘What is it?’
‘I want you to leave our family; I can’t stand living with you.’
Fenqua looked her in the eyes; she could see she was meaning it. But like always, she was just overreacting. It was her fault it was always a mess.
‘Don’t be such a baby, I’m not going anywhere. It’s your fault everything’s such a mess, you could make it easier on yourself if you just accepted me.’
‘Accept you? You’re like the scum of the earth, always lonely and training. It’s like you like fighting and hurting people. Comparing to me, you’re as anti-social as that Skokey guy that disappeared.’
‘You heard me. You’re so called friend that ran away. He’s a disgrace to our herd, fleeing like that. He has never been any good to anyone. I heard he even left his own mother behind. Some even say he killed her, which is the reason he fled. He is a criminal Fen.’
‘Exactly WHAT are you calling him?!’
‘You heard me, he is a murderer. I hope he gets shot by humans.’
Fenqua couldn’t believe it, after all the trouble they went through she just did it again. She felt her blood boiling and was ready to give Micarena a head butt with her new grown antlers. But before the blind rage caught her, she realized it. Micarena was tricking her; she didn’t know anything about Skokey but was trying to make her mad. If she would be violent again, the herd would banish her. She grinned and lifted her head, looking down on the smaller doe.
‘You almost got me there.’
‘What?’ Micarena blinked her eyes.
‘I know you were trying to make me angry, just like last time. It almost worked. Too bad I’m one step ahead of you.’
‘I never knew you were that smart. But you’re right; I was trying to make you violent again. Another black eye is really worth it if it gets you banished.’
‘Who said you would get away so easily?’
‘… What are you talking about?’
‘Micarena, I do believe I have the strength to kill you. So don’t do this again, for your own sake.’
Micarena looked at Fenqua with a frightened look on her face, though she was trying to hide that. Could Fenqua really do that? She felt a lump in her throat.
‘Don’t forget who trained me, Micarena.’
‘You’re evil!’ Micarena shouted and ran away from her. ‘Crazy deer!’ Fenqua heard her yelling while she disappeared in the distance. Her grin grew even wider and soon she couldn’t help laughing at the small, black spot that was quickly fading away.

The following days, Micarena seemed awfully quiet. Even though she still talked, she didn’t babble or complain like she usually did. She understood her mother’s rules perfectly and decided to keep her mouth shut about Fenqua. Apparently, that was all she could talk about. Still, she ignored Fenqua and just pretended she didn’t exist. Fenqua was not very pleased, but it was better than being yelled at every ten seconds.
That day, a fierce wind was blowing through the forest and the blue sky had turned grey again. Fenqua really missed spring, but it was only three more months until her Doe Day, which can be referred to as her first birthday; the day she would finally become an adult. Deep in her heart, she really wished for Skokey to come back soon. Would he want to miss her Doe Day?
While thinking about him, Fenqua didn’t notice a doe taking place besides her. It was Micarena’s mother, Ventazza. She sighed and gave away her presence. ‘What an awful weather.’ She said. Fenqua nodded in agreement and looked at the doe, her eyes were sad.
‘What’s wrong?’ she asked.
‘It’s nothing Fenqua, I’m just worried about Micarena. She is such a rebel, I’m afraid I didn’t raise her properly. I don’t understand, I made her live by the rules, but somehow she is still disrespecting others. Especially you.’
‘She probably has her reasons, even though I don’t understand them. She keeps talking about the fact I’m a loner. Like that really bothers her.’
‘Micarena is a very social deer, even though you wouldn’t tell. She always hangs around with friends and can’t stand being alone. It’s hard for her to not be the center of attention. Next to that, she is just scared of being lonely, so she can’t understand others who want to be alone. But everyone wants to be alone sometime, it’s natural.’
‘If she would accept me, I wouldn’t be a loner anymore. So why isn’t she social towards me?’
‘To tell you the truth, like some other deer, which I won’t name, she thinks you’re already ruined. I guess she listens to rumors too much, she thinks having dead parents, a cruel caretaker and a lost friend is the source of evil. She believes that sad things like that can break you. Micarena thinks you’re broken, Fenqua. And you can’t be repaired.’
‘What? You mean, she thinks I can’t handle the things I went through? She just thinks I’m weak!’
‘No, she thinks it might turn you into a lonely, aggressive deer.’
‘Well, SHE is turning me into a lonely and aggressive deer if she keeps talking like that!’
‘Don’t say that! She’s still my daughter.’
‘I don’t care, she treats me like dirt. She looks at me with disgust in her eyes. I’ve tried everything to make this work, but she ignores my existence. How can I accept that?’
‘Please, say no more Fenqua.’ And after saying that, Ventazza turned around and slowly walked away. Fenqua looked at her with anger in her eyes. In the end, all she was trying was to gloze over Micarena’s behavior. She swiftly took of and decided to take a stroll through the forest, which wasn’t quiet or peaceful today. No, the wind kept blowing through the trees and made the forest look more hostile than ever. But Fenqua didn’t mind, it suited her mood perfectly. Angry and aggressive, willing to torn everything apart on her way. Evil, she though. I’m not evil. You’ll make me evil if you keep upsetting me like that, you stupid drama queen. Everything you do is fake!

Suddenly she saw Micarena running, something that wasn’t seen very often. The small doe looked focused on something and Fenqua couldn’t help but being curious. She slowly approached the doe, but fast enough to keep track of her. What was she doing, running towards the edge of the forest? Micarena looked around, as if she searched for something. She swiveled her ears and listened carefully. Fenqua decided to confront her and stepped out of the bushes.
‘What are you doing here?’
Micarena turned around and glared at her, she couldn’t ignore Fenqua now.
‘I could ask you the same question.’
‘I’m here because I’m wondering what you’re doing. Are you plotting something?’
‘Why would you care?’
‘Well, usually it concerns me. Is it another plan to get me banned?’
‘No, not this time. I’m actually looking for humans.’
‘Looking for humans? Why would you do that?’
‘I just want to see what they look like.’
‘So that’s why you’re here, all the way to the edge. You’re just hoping some human is waiting at the border so you can see them.’
‘Everyone keeps talking about them; I just want to take a peek, that’s all. I won’t come any closer than this.’
‘There’s nothing special about humans, believe me. They are just ruthless killers; I wouldn’t come near them if I were you.’
‘I’ll decide that for myself.’ Micarena said, approaching the border. ‘Besides, I don’t need your lecture so please go away.’
‘Okay, just don’t get scared on your own.’ Fenqua said grinning and she disappeared in the bushes again. From behind a tree, she looked at Micarena who was slowly walking towards the invisible protection. What if she crosses? Fenqua asked herself, she would be in huge trouble. Even though Micarena was stubborn, she wasn’t reckless like that, was she? It’s not like she knew the young doe that well.

After a few seconds, she heard Micarena screaming. Immediately Fenqua jumped out the bushes and sped towards her. Somehow, she was pulled through the invisible wall and only her hind legs were still visible. Fenqua had no time to think and she bit herself into Micarena’s leg, trying to pull her out. Meanwhile, she heard gunshots coming from nearby. ‘Someone, save me!’ Micarena yelled, even though she was right in front of her, the sound seemed to come from miles away. Fenqua pulled even harder while scratching her hooves on the ground. Hold on Fen, you almost got her. Hold on just a little longer! In her head she counted from three to one. Three...Two...One! With all she had, she pulled the young out of the protecting wall. She let go of her leg and jumped in front of her, expecting more danger to come.
‘F-Fenqua… W-what are you doing here?’ Micarena stuttered.
‘I just knew you were going to do something stupid, so I couldn’t leave you like that. What happened?’
‘The human got me and tried to pull me out, another one was shooting, I don’t know exactly. I was so scared.’
‘Save your breath, the fight isn’t over yet.’ Fenqua said as she saw and iron stick piercing through the border. She got an awful feeling in her stomach. The humans their strongest weapon so far, a weapon of steel that sounded like thunder.
‘Micarena, RUN! Now!’
‘Huh?’ The doe blinked her eyes for a second, not understanding Fenqua.
‘Just do it! They’re going to kill you if you don’t run!’
Micarena nodded and ran for it as fast as she could. She looked back a few times and saw she was followed by Fenqua.
‘They’re shooting at us!’ Fenqua yelled while hearing the clashes of their thunder. At this rate, they were not going to make it, they weren’t fast enough. She heard the humans approaching, they broke through the border! Why weren’t the soldiers coming? Why weren’t she and Micarena protected? Had the Twin Gods decided, that this was their end? No, it couldn’t be! Fenqua turned around and suddenly stopped, staring right in their weapons. She looked at their faces, they had eyes like her but they were cold and emotionless. They aimed their weapon and Fenqua bellowed out loudly. The golden pictogram which symbolized her name started to glow even brighter. A blinding light surrounded her and the humans, which were surprised by the magic.

‘My beautiful bright eyes, show them what you've got…’

Without thinking, Fenqua lowered her head and charged at them. The ball of light that was resting between her fresh antlers kept growing and growing, until it was fired at the two furless creatures, which could barely move from the shock. The white light forced Fenqua to close her eyes, but when she opened them again, the humans were gone. The light had faded, but her pictogram was still glowing brightly.

‘I’m proud of you Fenqua.’ The soft voice spoke, before it disappeared with the light.
Kanaf's picture

hodang Fen, you brave brave

hodang Fen, you brave brave doe <3 no! Skokey you dork! XD you know, i bet Micarena started that whole rumor about Skokey killing his mommy. that would be a thing id expect her to do >_>

sorry i didnt read it right away! i had to leave right after i saw you posted it ^^;
Fenqua's picture

It's okay ^^ Well, Micarena

It's okay ^^ Well, Micarena made most of that up just to make Fen angry.
But I guess some of them are really rumors going around. I actually made the deer look like humans, something I wanted to prevent XD

To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul

To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul