
Zergarikiaka's picture
Just leaving a note here for anyone who didn't see the message on my DA page.

I was in a car accident yesterday, and was the one hit in an intersection. Thankfully I'm alright (just whiplash, verified by my chiropractor) but my car is totaled. It's all been kind of a mess and I don't want to explain the situation and circumstances yet again after dealing with insurance all day...
But I just wanted to let you all know why I may not be too active for a while. Just plain not up for it and in a good bit of pain using my arms/back/neck.
I'll still be stopping in of course... just might not feel like saying much.
ocean's picture

Glad you're okay. ;;

Glad you're okay. ;; <3
Pegasicorn's picture


Kaoori's picture

Take care of yourself. Glad

Take care of yourself. Glad you're safe. <3
quadraptor's picture

D8 *nuzzlenuzzlenuzzle!!*

D8 *nuzzlenuzzlenuzzle!!*
GlobalBeauty's picture

Glad you're doing okay.

Glad you're doing okay. Well... aside from the whiplash, which I do hope you recover quickly from!

Siggies by Carry & Amazengalo

Take your time. Get some

Take your time. Get some rest.
We'll still be here.

Hope you feel better soon. ♥
WonderfullySarcastic's picture

Thank Heaven you weren't

Thank Heaven you weren't seriously hurt!! ;; I hope you feel better real soon, Zerg

Feel better soon!! So glad

Feel better soon!! So glad you're alright!! Take your time, we aren't going anywhere. Smiling <3