Birthday Party!

EmmaJoycen's picture
Ok, now I know I don't have any fancy poster banner thing here ^-^;; but my birthday is on Tuesday, and I am thinking about having a party. Not that many people care, but I figured eh, why not.

Time: 5:00 p.m. - U.S EST Time Zone Conversions (The closest place for the converter to me is USA - Virginia - Richmond)

Place: Great Oak probably go from there to the Crying Idol, those two never seem to get much company. XD

To Do: Um, there isn't really anything specific, we'll probably be dancing, having a conga line, maybe playing wave. Smiling

I'll be the mini-deer with the real deer mask and the key antlers, probably floating in the air near the oak. I hope to see a few people there! ^.^

Haru's picture

Sounds like a lot of fun!

Sounds like a lot of fun! I'll try to come ^^
By the way, HAPPY (early XD) BIRTHDAY! =D
My deer biographies
EmmaJoycen's picture

Thanks! :3

Thanks! :3
Pegasicorn's picture

And I don't have class on

And I don't have class on Tuesdays. =D Great. I'll see I can come. (If the desktop's free. ^^; Otherwise, I'll be lagging on the laptop.)

The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
EmmaJoycen's picture

Yay, ok, well at least two

Yay, ok, well at least two people will be there. Sticking out tongue