Azur's Biography

AyuChan's picture
Hello to all, me and Azur are new to the EF as you can see we woke up and found ourselves here in this wonderful place. Of course we don't know many ummm deer, so we always welcome making new friends and learning about others that live here in the forest. Now Azur will take over introducing himself, thank you.

Hello and welcome, I guess you have come here to learn a little bit more about me, well here you go. Hopefully this helps explains a bit more about who I am, and where I have come from. If you wish to ask any questions please feel free to ask me or anything else for that matter, I always welcome it.

Thank You, Azur.

Music Playlist at


Capital F with Rectangle



Couple of Months

Buck, Male Deer

Speaking Voice: Hades

TEF Deer, though follows the paths which lead from the Musk Deer

None yet

Is just chilling around

No family, they were killed.

Colour and Font:
Arial, #199f1a


Official Set:
- Orca antlers
- Beluga Pelt
- Magpie/Raven Mask

Usually found at the Deermuda Triangle or Ruin

- Outgoing
- Full of tricks
- Lazy at times
- Very loyal to friends
- Can be quiet but rarely
- Is very blunt
- Very random!!!!


There isn't much to say about me...What I can say that doesn't sound to depressing, I can say that my parnets died when I was younger so I grew up learning the ropes of life by myself so I never had good influences in my life. I turned out pretty close to normal I would say, though sometimes I tend to take thing a bit to far and sometimes can be very blunt, so forgive me for that.
My outlook on the world is really all over the place, I like life and believe you should never hide who you are otherwise krama will bite you in the butt. Not only is my outlook on life all over the place but so am I, yes...I'm admitting that I am random. I have my moments though, sometimes I can random and next I maybe just want to rest and smell the roses so to say. You could also say I'm complex I guess...

Sometimes though appearances can be deceiving, I care for my friends greatly, I am very protective and will hunt you down if you hurt them in any way or form. I normally can be found hanging out with my two good friends Kita and Halden

- Fun
- Resting under his rock in the triangle
- Playing hide and seek...though I suck at it lol
- Meeting new people
- Exploring new lands

- Mean people
- Breaking into fights
- People who pick on younger ones

My Writing:
Just Keep Going

My Artwork:

Reference Picture:

Artwork For Others:
None Yet



Friends List:
Faeron - Dancing Friend
Fran - Good Friend
Halden - Good Friend, tolerated
Kita - Good Friend
Myu - Good Friend
Aoife - Tolerated
KittyCatKita's picture



CAME OUT AWESOME! lol blue is hard to read but still tis awesome!
AyuChan's picture

hahaha changed it!!! and

hahaha changed it!!! and thank you very much :3
"Come by and say hello"
Azur's Biography
Lunar_Hikari's picture

Hey Azure! Welcome! The Blue

Hey Azure! Welcome!

The Blue is still very bright to read, maybe darken it more?
AyuChan's picture

Hello Halden, and thank you!!

Hello Halden, and thank you!! Laughing out loud

and darkened it!! lol
"Come by and say hello"
Azur's Biography
Serenai's picture


Icon Art © Beloved
AyuChan's picture

0-0 yaya stalked!!


yaya stalked!!
"Come by and say hello"
Azur's Biography

*stalks you too*

*stalks you too*
AyuChan's picture

"Yah! dance buddy!!"

"Yah! dance buddy!!" *chuckles*
"Come by and say hello"
Azur's Biography
Serenai's picture

*Continues to stalk.*

*Continues to stalk.*
Icon Art © Beloved
AyuChan's picture


lawl Laughing out loud
"Come by and say hello"
Azur's Biography