Are some gen 1 pictograms being re-used?

Lyeekha's picture
I keep thinking I know people and then their symbols links back so someone totallY else
I mean it's pretty in-character for an old deer but it keeps throwing me???
sylphofheart's picture

off topic but hOMESTUcK

off topic but

-by Sokoora by Kamaya
Lyeekha's picture



wait what hang on how did you know
did you get to my tumblr
Pegasicorn's picture

A lot of unused pictos have

A lot of unused pictos have been and are being traded off to people who will use them, so yes, there are some gen 1 pictos being reused. Laughing out loud
Fincayra's picture

lieka! so great to see you

lieka! so great to see you around again :'D
esll's still got his same picto as you can see- s'great to have a visit from you. been a long time!
Lyeekha's picture

Pegaaaaaa tell me you still

Pegaaaaaa tell me you still have Scape's picto i love that one
Okay, so, I need to drop some pictogram associations. fair enough

Hey Fincayra! So you *are* awake, haha. Of course I gotta have some sitdown time with lovely Esll and their distinctive symbol. Are you aware theres a sleeping god to the right of you?

I know the feeling. I was

I know the feeling. I was thrown off by that when I came back, too.
Pegasicorn's picture

I shall never give up my

I shall never give up my pictos. NEVA!
...yes. >> Though I don't pop in nearly as much as I used to and feel awkward at the thought of doing so because of that. =D And other games have my attention. *coughFalloutcough*