[APH] RP Blog

Her's picture

Because there's so many of us and probably more on the way into the Hetalia fandom through TEF deer, having a certain order to RP turns by would be difficult; so, like any other RP blog, I think we'll all be alright with deciding how you guys yourselves want to go about interacting with each other. Whether this be, for example, England role-playing with America and China simultaneously in an organized line-up about who responds when, or a one-on-one, or--which I'd personally find funnest, if you guys think we can do it--a huge group of us at a World Conference of some sort. For that, we would need an order, but I'll let this stay loose for now and see how to set it up as we go along. c: ♥ Thanks!
On the concept of deer or human, it's again up to you and your partner(s) to decide.

I also want to apologize in advance for possible bumping for the CSS. I don't know how this looks on other browsers; especially on monitors bigger than 1024x768, so do ignore the ugliness as I fix it up. xD But this is officially open, so go ahead!

The quote box down there will be editted as well to show what character is RPing with what character, whether it's a group or not. This does mean that one person can have (again as an example) England RPing in two different plots with two different people, if they wish. Your style can be paragraph or the short, IM sort of way with the asterisks around the movements. As in: *RUNS AWAY*

Anyway, so far, it's pretty much freedom and what you'd expect~! Please be respectful.
Personally, I don't mind sex and cussing, but when it comes to any sort of touchy-feely pairings please remember that others might not enjoy reading it as much as you do writing it. I'd like it if you could do such over MSN to avoid conflict in any way, but I will allow kissing and whatever you please. Opinions between pairing likes and dislikes should also come into respect. I think we'll all be okay and cautious, though, so just keep this in mind as you go along. ;; Thanks again, guys. ♥

Yes I'll organize this later so it's not all one big HUGE BLOCK OF WORDS. There's really no rules in it anyway LOFLF

none so far


This account is a biography holder. Nothing more.
Tenley's picture

Ill rp with you if ya want.

Ill rp with you if ya want.
Walking into a room and saying, " I should clean this! " Then walking out. -lily

GingerNut's picture



Tenley; you'll have to visit


you'll have to visit the APH deers bios to RP with them, as this one has been reserved for plotting between the APH deer themselves~ c:
This account is a biography holder. Nothing more.
Munkel's picture

Mh &hearts :3

Mh &hearts :3
thecapturedplanet's picture

Tracking Aru!~!

Tracking Aru!~!
Reduce's picture


R e d u c e the fear
Switzerland's picture

And second track xD, gonna rp

And second track xD, gonna rp with this account of course.
Brightredskies's picture

tracking, for sure~!

tracking, for sure~!
Gysti's picture

Yes! Hetalia~!! I just made

Yes! Hetalia~!!

I just made a Thailand deer yesterday. I hope I can use him eventually.
Munkel's picture

I love the layout

I love the layout &hearts

And I would love to RP sometime soon, when my computer's fixed :' )
dietywolf's picture


ShadowsofLight's picture

Track for Latvia~

Track for Latvia~

Mick Kreiger: You Know You Love Me XOXO