Antics 8-3 to 14-10 [image heavy]

Pegasicorn's picture
34 images ahead. And yes I know I play Toukan a lot. |D He's just appealing to play.

The nameless made me curious. So did the fawn over there whose picto I wish you could see better and I could remember. >.<

I don't know why that devout deer sat on Toukan. |D

Just us doves. Nothing to see here.

And 9 minutes later...

Numb was calling Ren a moron.

Toukan went "spiriting" because he felt like it.

Where'd that fawn come from? o.o

The fawn changed his pelt. |D And look, the "Ruins bar" decided to make an appearance.

I think Toukan caught Gustiro's interest.

That is a naked, sleeping Kaoori out of nowhere.

...don't look behind you.


...ok. |D

D8 Don't eat the Kinsha-bunny!

I'm not sure, but I think the long mask-wearing deer is Sokonei? Correct me if I'm wrong.

Felt like having them chat. I'm not sure what about though.

...I don't even know.

Something seems off here. Can you figure out what?

Simon Says.
I think the "Ruins bar" wanted to join in.

Caught this before Kylar started to fade out. My being distracted had me notice him there too late.

Toukan made a Seed dove.
I got caught off guard by him arriving actually. I had the camera zoomed out when he came up, and his pelt was missing, so I didn't realize until I zoomed in that it was Seed. (Hence the surprised reaction.)

Looks like when Seed changed back, he landed on and fell off Toukan's antlers. ..or hit him on the head. Laughing out loud
ShadowsofLight's picture

I sat by you whilst you were

I sat by you whilst you were sleeping, so consider us even cutie~

also...i always find it so cute to see screenies of deer sleeping beside each other. it looks liike huggling some how.

Mick Kreiger: You Know You Love Me XOXO
Kaoori's picture

rofl I was wondering if you

rofl I was wondering if you were paying attention that we were munching on toukan. |D

kaoori likes to appear naked a lot, apparently. *shot*
Ourania's picture

waaah Ourania got cut out of

waaah Ourania got cut out of the Simon Says pic Sad She was standing up on the left side on the ledge. *kri*

j/k Sticking out tongue
Pegasicorn's picture

@Mick: Hehe. Yea, those kind

@Mick: Hehe. Yea, those kind of screenshots are cute. ..unless the "outer" deer has their head going into the other deer.

@Kaoori: I had to leave the room and came back to that. XDD

@Ourania: I wasn't at the right angle. |D; Whoever was on the other ledge got cut off too.