Antics 1-18 to 20-11 [image heavy]

Pegasicorn's picture
AKA "Toukan Takes Over", since there's no shots of anyone else. XD;

Quite an ominous eye you've got there, Wesker...

Looks like someone forgot to collect Tieff after playing deer darts.

Two slo-mo doves. Does this mean I got flipped the bird twice?

Shocked Kaoori and Noelle blew each other up!

This fawn was turned into a mini-Sokonei. =D

Yet decided to cling to Toukan instead. O.o
They even stayed when he fell asleep, trying to wake him up when my hands weren't free (and thus had to leave him asleep).

Got turned into a clone when he did wake up though.

I sense a theme here...


...well that explains it.

Hi Amadahy.


Geisha seems both pissed and pleased. |D's like watching a soap opera.

Couldn't figure deer-on-the-left out.

The majority of the group seems to have vanished.

..well, this was a funny coincidence.

Why is she...?

(Notice the level of terror this invoked.)

Sokonei even tried blending with a tree.

Show off those levitation skills.

To avoid Geisha's sudden spurt of butt-nuzzling, Toukan took to high ground...on Ravus's back. Geisha seemed to pick up a passenger as well.

Toukan has taken over o.o

Toukan has taken over o.o

HB's picture

Hehe Geisha's mini passenger

Hehe Geisha's mini passenger is my third deer Rhythm c:
Anjali's picture

I see an Anjali in there.

I see an Anjali in there. Laughing out loud
Ourania's picture

ffffff loved all of these

ffffff loved all of these XD

Pegasicorn's picture

@Kittyo8: I'm sure no one's

@Kittyo8: I'm sure no one's really complaining though. |D

@HellsBells: Ohhh, ok. Was wondering who that was. Didn't get to click the picto on the map either, even though I meant to. ^^;

@Anjali: Indeed. =]

@Ourania: OF COURSE. 8]

So many minis. Even a

So many minis. Shocked Even a mini-Quad!

I love these. X3
Pegasicorn's picture

The Forest shall be overrun

The Forest shall be overrun with minies! >8D ... |D; I don't know.
MickKreiger's picture

I'm certainly not...

I'm certainly not...
Pegasicorn's picture

Took me a few minutes to

Took me a few minutes to figure out what that was a response to. Laughing out loud