To you Jareth

Your warm smile
Your tender embrace
Can never be replaced

A gentle heart
So pure
And full of grace

Your mask is just a facade
Behind those sparkles
Is a man
A man who has endured so much
And has received so little

My own heart aches
just at the thought of your pain
Those who have made you fell that way
Makes my blood churn in anger.

Such strong feeling for those of only a mere friend
How but how I wish these feelings I have for you
Could be returned
By your side I shall stay
Worry not about me

Goblin King
Such powers you possess
Such kindness you show
Goblin King
I dance only for you
Goblin King
Forever in my heart you shall stay
You are a great king
I shall remain loyal to you
Till my departing day

bump of selfishness

bump of selfishness

sdfsdlfhskjf poor Sierra ;;

sdfsdlfhskjf poor Sierra ;; <3

haha she was meant to have a

haha she was meant to have a dramatic life I'm thinking of writting the story of her journey with theytor her dragon and another love interest but idk