what's going on?

It looks like it is snowing in the game. I didn't know that weather changes could happen like that.
Are there anything the deer are supposed to do when that happens? Or do we just sit back and enjoy this? This is totally and delightfully unexpected. Smiling

The forest is beautiful...
Flatsoda's picture

It's actually pretty normal

It's actually pretty normal for weather changes to happen :> There's a lot more than snow - there's rain, fog, night and dusk. Sometimes stars hang from the treetops too, as far as I know.
And just sit back and enjoy ♥

The weather was changed because of this amazing event - click

Pegasicorn's picture

Just enjoy it. Weather

Just enjoy it. Laughing out loud Weather changes only happen when the Gods/creators decide for them to.

That's amazing. All that for

That's amazing. All that for a donation? I've played many games, but none like this one.