What Seed Did on 5-03-08

Seed's picture
Heya, everyone!
I'm a little excited about the pictures of something I did tonight, so I'll rush a bit through the early stuff.
I ran into Walter-woman (Or, I think it was Walter-woman. I once mistook another deer for Walter, and I've never been confident in my ability to recognize his pictogram since.) There was strutting and costume-changes, and other forms of amusement. I guess she knew I was down in the dumps, for I got a good dose of cuddles: two at a time only, please Eye. If you go into a third, I'll feel like things are getting too serious, and you know...I...I can't do that. I know you'll understand....right?

My favorite shot from my adventures this morning. It was an accident, but one can never afford to be too pious.

This evening, I played with a fawn for a little bit, but we got seperated. And then I ran into Magnet. (it's been a while since I've played with Scape. I'm not really sure how it makes me feel...Since Magnet's grown up he's been so much like his brother that...well...I need to say, it's almost like Scape isn't gone at all. I think that, however, makes me feel bad. Bad, bad Seed!) We were messing around a bit....when I got turned into a bat! I started flying away, and Magnet started play-chasing me.

There's a certain type of running I like: It makes me laugh to myself as I move along, it makes my legs, so prone to failings and aches that make it hard to run or jump, feel as supple as the stalks of grass that bend nearly double in the strong wind that marks my passing... It's almost always with another deer, but rarely with more than one. It's definatively chasing, sometimes in circles, but often just in lines. Somehow, that sort of running, that sort of chasing, without the intent to catch or be caught, the ability to switch (sometimes, though not tonight) positions....It makes me feel like the person I'm running with really knows me, or cares about me. Payton and I chased eachother like that sometimes. We did the last time I saw her. I'm fairly certain Scape and I have run like that, and tonight Magnet did, though with some variation of it.

When I was done being a bat, an idea occoured to me: Magnet and I look alike sometimes. We did tonight, anyway, wearing the same pelt and all. It occured to me...why not make us twins? So I wore his antlers and he wore my mask...and just as we were enjoying twinhood, Pepokeen shows up. I think the path of action we took is obvious.

((We are the gold deer. You WILL be assimilated))
So another couple of deer show up. One of them already had the mask on. From there, it became a frenzy of all the deer trying to get the three into costume. Sometimes, it was frustrating, but deer, was it worth it!

Once we were all done, we ran around a bit.

We did some line dancing, some in-sync rearing (in that picture, we were sooooo close!)...and then we got a little crazy.

OK, OK, a LOT crazy.

Things died down a bit after that, and I had to go. Till next we meet, Forest!
Pegasicorn's picture

Magnet: That was insane. XD

Magnet: That was insane. XD Pega's gonna make a few animations from the pictures I took. =]
I'm beginning to wonder if I need to shove Scape into the Forest again. >.>

that was a great...

that was a great... performance! i was too small, but then i got big again and someone helped me get the set, too Smiling it was after the main thing tho.
Blackfeathr's picture

8D I loved the TEF version

8D I loved the TEF version of the wave. xD That was fun stuff.