Well, darn. o.O Time is a sneak!

Zergarikiaka's picture
I just realized... my birthday is in 4 days. x.X; Pinned between two finals.

D'ah, I hate my birthdays. They're always a dissappointment - so I tend to want to just skip them. :/I don't even ask for anything, and I expect nothing.

I hate birthdays too D|

I hate birthdays too D| Usually.

-- Dannii <3

Serynn's picture

Haha, me too. I have to

Haha, me too. I have to actually think when someone asks when my birthday is. Laughing out loud

Pegasicorn's picture

adklgjaklgkjadgj WHY WAS I


The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Pega's Forest Philosophy: "Look for Friends. Let Love find you."
"If you don't like something, tolerate it."
Zergarikiaka's picture

D8 I only realized this

D8 I only realized this today. Completely freaked out inside. DX

Pegasicorn's picture

o.o; I'm just mixed about my

o.o; I'm just mixed about my birthday. Usually like it..though last year my dad forgot about it. =( For once.

The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Pega's Forest Philosophy: "Look for Friends. Let Love find you."
"If you don't like something, tolerate it."
Zergarikiaka's picture

That stinks. o.O I think I

That stinks. o.O
I think I dislike mine mostly because half the time it lands on Mother's day, or too close to it. That and it's also too close to other people's b-days in my family... so mine usually turns split and if someone else doesn't like their day they'll rant about it threw mine. ><

fayne's picture

I like birthdays, but my

I like birthdays, but my family is retarded about them. XD WELL I SHALL WISH YOU HAPPYBIRTHDAY ANYWAYS. -shakes tambourine-
Fenqua's picture

Awww, that's too bad. I'm

Awww, that's too bad. I'm convinced everyone should have a great time on their birthday! I think it's important and everyone deserves to be the star for one day <3 I hope you have a happy birthday nonetheless!

To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul

To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul