The WAters

Deer companion spent the time observing the weather and events. Wind blows. Sand forms. Fire burns. Rain falls. An orange deer Leeloo once said. The companion deer spent most of the time watching the waters. As the water rose and fell she noticed the rain. Whether mist or droplets it coupled. Then rain drops group. As the rain did so it formed rivulets where waters had not flowed before. As rivulets gathered it formed streams. Streams become rivers. When water has no place to go it makes a lake as large as the amount of water that fell. One exception delays the whole cycle of it all. When water chills it becomes ice or snow. Companion deer watched as snowflakes gathered but instead of rivulets it formed a blanket on the ground and smaller blankets on trees and sleeping deer. At some point snow warms again and it moves back into being rivulets. As destructive as all that became in a temporary span of time so to did it cleanse the deepest tar. It is said that most of which anything breathing is made of is water. For a short time a membrane like glass holds it in a variety of forms and shapes then it leaks to return to the larger waters only to be scooped up by another glass like sack in a similar but new way. Companion deer remembered when watching births a rush a water cames before the fawn. Other deer deaths resulted into turning into water slowly as the rest decays. Usually some flowers would grow to mark the water event in that spot. Companion deer pondered how much of the water in her came from others and how much came directly from the sky.

sounds of water hertz style