Thoughts of my Lost Mind 1#

Aegle's picture
Today's Topic: Beauty

What is beauty? What defines something as beautiful. Let us first take a look at the exact definition of beautiful.

Beautiful – adjective
1. Having beauty; having qualities that give great pleasure or satisfaction to see, hear, think about, etc.; delighting the senses or mind: a beautiful dress; a beautiful speech.
2. Excellent of its kind: a beautiful putt on the seventh hole; The chef served us a beautiful roast of beef.
3. Wonderful; very pleasing or satisfying.

What are these beautiful qualities? And why does everyone associate beauty with those who have perfect hair, skin, makeup, and body shape? Does the color of your skin really make you more beautiful than someone else? Or does painting your nails make you gorgeous? How about acne free skin?
None of these things make you beautiful. Society holds these things as beauty. But their wrong.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. A very cliche and corny saying, yes, but also very true.
When was the last time you woke up, looked in the mirror and said, "I look so beautiful today with my makeup-less face and uncombed hair! I'm ready to start the day!"
I know I haven't. I would never say that.

Today I challenge myself and all of you to believe you are beautiful. If you believe you are beautiful then you are. I also challenge you to not judge others on their looks whether they wear no makeup or a ton of it. If they feel beautiful then hell, THEY ARE.

Don't let society define beauty.

Your all beautiful in my eyes.


A very well thought out and

A very well thought out and composed blog, and I loved reading it!
I don't wear makeup, my hair is usually just wrangled back in a ponytail. I'm sure I look like an art student bum but heck that's sorta what I am lol! It's very liberating to stop worrying about being too big here and too small there. It's not easy, and there are things I'd like to change, but for the most apart I'm content with me, be damned with what society expects me to change about myself.

Thanks for the reminder Aegle, it was really touching (beautiful even!). C:
FromTheNotebook's picture

What a great blog post, this

What a great blog post, this is so very true!

Honestly, I would never leave my house without make-up, but that doesn't mean I don't believe I'm beautiful without it.
I think everyone, no matter what size, shape, height, age or race, is beautiful in their own way. Everyone has something that makes them 'beautiful', in their own eyes, and in others--whether it's your personality, your smile, or some cute quirk you have; it's always going to be beautiful to someone. And most of all, beautiful to yourself. <3
Aegle's picture

Thanks you guys.

Thanks you guys. <3
I'm glad at least two people read this and got something from it. c:
I wish more would but, heck.
Again, thanks.
Fledermaus's picture

I did 8D I just have no idea

I did 8D
I just have no idea what to say. Except YOU ARE BEAUTIFUUUULL NO MATTER WHAT THEY SAAAAYYYY.
Zergarikiaka's picture

Wow, first thing in the

Wow, first thing in the morning I look at, and so right. 8'D
I needed to read that.

You're beautiful to! 83
Aegle's picture

Yeah! It's a party now. c:

Yeah! It's a party now. c:
I'm glad you guys enjoyed it!