Things on my mind...

Shiori's picture

Ok, so, I just have a few things on my mind, and they are really scattered, so if you’re my friend and involved with me, you might want to read on. If your bored or looking to make friends with me, you may also read on. If not…this might be a waste of your time XDD

Ok so lets see…I think I’m gonna bullet this just to organize myself.

1. As some of you may have noticed, I’m not around much. Well, no, I am…I come here everyday and hang out way more than I need to, but I don’t say much. When I do it seems to just tick people off or cause drama XD But not only that, I’m having trouble writing anything, especially about the recent events happening with Darcy. I was told by an individual involved not to write blogs on the topic, something I was willing to go along with, but now I feel like he’s being far too silent. That leads me to-

2. Darcy has things to say, and I am totally frustrated right now because I haven’t the ability to let him express what. I feel that he seems like a total arse right now for being silent to Wyvern (the decision was made over an IM through me, not him ><) so I feel kinda crappy for him, like he broke up with her over a phone message or something XD And that’s totally not him. He wants Wyvern as a friend, unlike the whole Fulu situation >< Yet I don’t see that happening with the way she’s acting towards him. He feels nothing but compassion and love for her, really…I don’t want anyone to think he just dropped her, though really in ‘in-character- terms that’s sort of what happened because ‘I’ can’t get motivated and Scythe said no blogs @_@
Anyways, sorry XD That’s been on my chest…

3. OK! So, if you remember, I have a puppy XD And I think the Husky is coming out in her because she’s really stubborn about training, and we STILL haven’t successfully potty trained her yet. She has a two minute attention span I swear. Anyways…some of you might have noticed I BRB in the forest a lot lately, and I just want you to know she is the reason. As soon as she wakes up, she needs to go out. As soon as she’s done playing, she needs to go out. Every time she sniffs around suspiciously, out out out. If I wait even 3 seconds after she’ll go wherever she is @_@ So sometimes I have to leave in a hurry and wont even signal it. AND if I’m gone for an abnormally long time? It’s because she just woke up from a long nap, had to be pottied, and THEN played with >< Really I should probably just leave when this happens, and do if nobody is on, but I feel bad when there are friends on, though I feel worse for making them wait XD GAAAH. This is the longest a dog has ever taken to be potty trained she better get with the program! IT’S FRIGGEN COLD OUT.

4. Ok, this one kind of bothers me a little, and while I don’t mean to offend anyone, well….it might @_@?
The ONLY writing I can seem to do lately is in Role plays. I love them, I’ve been doing them for years and years, and when people started jumping on them on TEF I was so excited ^^ However…the kind of RP I’m used to is play-by-post, and I usually have to wait a couple days to a week to get a reply for a post I do @_@ To some of you I can imagine that seems tiresome, but I’ve grown used to it, and so has my muse. I don’t have the time or energy to post one after another after another. I’m a long winded rper who puts a lot of patience and thought into their writing, so getting 2 posts from me in one day? That’s pretty good XD

However, obviously around here it’s much more fast paced., and the last few Rps I’ve been in kinda flopped. I can’t help but think that I was part of the problem >< First of all I seem to inspire or pressure others into making long detailed replies which they might not be comfortable with, I dunno. Secondly, I DO only post once or twice a day, and I don’t think others are as patient with that, and they seem to lose interest. They immediately post another RP blog saying their last one flopped or didn’t go anywhere, and then I lose interest because they did and BLEH. It’s not fun >< And it’s kinda making me wear of joining anymore, even though I feel like my characters are lonely and really need to interact with others. Most people seem to do this through stories, art, blogs…things I can’t at the moment do…

So…there you have it. Another long winded pointless post from me XD
Kanaf's picture

aww that makes me feel a

aww that makes me feel a little bad because i made another RP blog. i knew you werent leaving it, but i like to do more than one RP, so in truth, i didnt do it to abandon the other one, i just did it because i wanted to keep occupied, and apparently two RP blogs wasnt enough XD

so... theres the reason from me @_@ hope that clears something up when i start doing that, just so you wont get ticked at me i hope XD you can keep going on the fawn RP, seriously, i have NO CLUE what to add ^^;

phantomhelsing's picture

nope, I've seen more

nope, I've seen more pointless posts X3 at least you got it off your chest.......

I don't think I have ever truly participated in an RP and seen it through, I try but then I just forget it's there and then it moves on without me and I get lost, and klahsfdiukgdiggfedgf..........chatroom RP's didn't work either......I type to slow XD...........or I would be the only one in there and end up talking to myself..............the dA chatrooms were never the same after that................

yeah for training.......I still remember training my dog when he was a puppy.........sorta........that long.......uh....11 years ago..............holy shit......I feel old. I think we just put him outside and he did the rest.........he was born on an Amish farm, so he must have known the drill XD

I'd say write a blog anyway........that sounded disrespectful.....nix that..........if anything don't write it on that but at least something so that Darcy can unbottle all the jumble of thoughts and emotions I imagine he has. Can't keep that bottled up, that'll drive anyone to the funny farm on the crazy bus.

I should seriously stop being on here so much.........get to more important things............. *looks at Assassin's Creed game collecting dust*..........9 missions.....I've done 3...........*gamer fail*

I just replied to that blog in reverse order of the topics.................I march to the beat of a different drum it appears............Well, I wish you luck with your new puppy, and tell Darcy to pull himself together before Darren beats him with a blunt object.

OH LOOK there's the Darcy mug on my shelf! lol I just noticed that.........ew........there's dirt in it......

I apologize, she has ADD issues. *facepalm*

I've gotta say what I've gotta say
And then I swear I'll go away
But I can't promise you'll enjoy the noise
Kumiko's picture

If Darcy has something to

If Darcy has something to say, you should let him say it. I know it doesn't feel good to hurt other people's feelings, but he's your character, not their's. And honestly, if someone is letting little 'deer drama' get to them that much then maybe they need a reality check. After all, this is just a game. It's not real life. No one feels real pain and with the ability to create characters and edit stories, anything can be created to fix any situation. People just need to learn to swallow their maturity pills and let little things like this slide.

I could understand being upset a bit if your character was completely based around a certain idea and I can sympathize with someone if the problem was real. Like if someone told someone they didn't want their deer to be together because they really didn't like them...Being really upset would make sense but to become so sensitive about the interacting between two made-up characters to the point where you don't even want to talk about it? That's something I don't really understand. The fact of the matter is...As long as real friendships aren't being ruined, then the characters should be allowed to speak if you feel that they need to.

Anyway, for the RP thing...Waiting doesn't bother me. With having a part-time job, I often can't rely until late at night when I get home from work and most of the time, everyone's either getting ready to go for the night or has already left for the night. So, coming home to see that my RPs have only had one or two posts in them is kind of nice; that's why I stay out of RPs with a lot of people- I can't always keep up.

Most of the time, it doesn't me though I will say I'm always anxious to see what people have to say, especially if it's something regarding what to do with a character of mine. (Hinthint!) But I'm willing to wait for as long as it takes. :3


By: Rowan
Shiori's picture

Hey, RP seems to be the only

Hey, RP seems to be the only real writing I can do long term. I can’t write stories…I have a short attention span for my own plots and find it hard to have a conversation with myself…unlike you Cato XD’’ Which is basically what you’re doing when you write for two or more charries in a story. I’ve had plenty of cool ideas for them, sure, it’s just all the fillers that seem to stop me from every perusing them.

As for the Darcy thing, I guess I made it sound like more Scythe’s fault than mine; It isn’t XD Sure she said she’d like me not to, but then she sorta made a blog about it, and I had every intention of doing so afterwards, but as I said, I CAN’T write anything >< The words don’t come out right or flow right and my thoughts are too scrambled. The only way I can seem to express myself lately is through RP but nobody else seems as into it as I am >< I feel I have to carry the whole thing along so I’m weary to even ask. You know what I’m talking about Kumiko XD Darcy doesn’t really have any friends around to talk to…Shyla probably has a better chance than he does at the moment >_<

I can’t bash anyone about drama or overreacting. I did nearly take Darcy out of the forest during the last incident, and he does now avoid Fulu and Zilant, though thankfully they at least can be in each other’s presence now @_@ Like I said I hope that doesn’t become Darcy and Wyvern but if it does, it is what it is ;_;

And Kumiko, if you’re referring to Shyla, she’s never had anything written about her XD I just don’t flower her energy as well as I do Darcy, or now Kailani’s, and she’s never given any indication of wanting her thoughts out on writing >< So I don’t. Actually I’m kinda worried and curious about how our RP thing will go because I’ve never really let her speak much. I’m not even completely sure I know what her personality is anymore -sigh-

Raku! XD I feel kinda bad now, I think I’m just moody >< I have some things going on between me and my best friend that are worrying me and…meh. I’m just on edge and paranoid >< WHY AM I TELLING YOU THIS? -tapes mouth- See I rant when I’m upset, to anyone, it’s shameful XD

Kanaf's picture

OH PLEASE rant on! my

OH PLEASE rant on! my friends say im the best thing to rant to XD im like the brick wall they can punch when theyre angry or sad... cept they dont punch me XDDD i totally understand though! and um, lol, i saw your post JUST after i replied to this XD TAKE. YOUR. TIME. if you have too much going on, just say so, and BABY I WILL WAIT. FOOOOOOOOOR YOU. srsly <3 im very patient when it comes to that sort of thing. i mean ive been waiting for a fanart for like five years now XDDD (i dont think itll ever come, BUT STILL LOL)

Shiori's picture

Fan art? -headtilt- I'VE

Fan art? -headtilt- I'VE MADE JOO FANARTS?! -pout-

Heh, yeah you said that before XD But Im sorta selfish in that I rant to people and expect feedback from them and yet when people rant to me I sorta stare at them funny and can't think of anything to say @_@ -shot- SO naturally I feel bad. But I always feel bad. About everything. So...<_<'' What can ya do.

Kanaf's picture


NO NOT FROM YOU SILLY. from someone else XDD

i tend to say it a lot >> LOL yeeaaaaah, i have a friend like that, i dont mind. i dont give the best feedback ever anyway ^^;

Scythe's picture

You can create a blog if

You can create a blog if you'd like to. ^^ I never meant to silence Darcy in any way; I just didn't want an uproar of drama as in the previous incident with Darcy, Fulu, and Wyvern. That was...messy. XD; Besides, I've already posted an indirect entry on the matter; very few people just happened to see it.

I love Wyvern as a character, but I don't need a reality check. I am fully aware that this is just a game. My character just happens to have a life inside of that game. Please, if you feel like posting a blog or two, go for it. ^^ I miss your writing entries anyway.

And if you ever need someone to talk to, my offer still stands. Unfortunately, my own life is a bit off as of late, but I can still be around on AIM or MSN. I feel like I haven't spoken with you in a while anyway. My MSN is too quiet as of late. XD
Kanaf's picture

wait, Scythe, whats your

wait, Scythe, whats your MSN? mines not working at the moment, but itll start up soon enough XD

Scythe's picture

I'm not on myself right now, but I generally sign on for an hour or two each day; although, my hours are all over the place. Winter break inspires terrible habits. XD
Kumiko's picture

Well if you need some help

Well if you need some help with writing, maybe I can help a bit. I might not be able to give people gift art because I can't draw with a crap, but I can offer some help with writing. I can maybe help you brainstorm or help you find your muse again or maybe even do another RP to help with Darcy. I don't know how close he'd be to Kumiko, but like always, she's willing to help if needed since she was there for the Fulu incident and has been trying to help with this.

(Gah! Sorry if it gets annoying that I keep bringing her up. >_< I'm just trying to do what I can to help and out of all my deer, Kumiko's the best bet for aid. Paavo might be able to help Darcy learn to deal with things, but for other advice he's horrible since he's all 'life sucks', Alis is just learning about love, and Morrow...well...I just made him. XD)

I'm curious about the RP, too. I won't lie, I'm antsy with it. I want to see what happens so I know what to do and not do with Paavo. So much of his emotions are bottled up that it makes me feel like exploding, but he'll just sit there all quiet and looking pretty until the RP has picked up a bit.

And don't worry, I think things will work out. Kumiko was in a similar situation that Shyla was in sometime ago (Kumiko cared deeply for Reetno but she couldn't offer him the love in return even though it was what he once wanted- don't know if he still does or not). So maybe after talking to her for a bit, you'll decide what to do and like I've always told you, if things become too much of a problem, I can drop Paavo's troubles to better help you. :3


By: Rowan
Shiori's picture

-Sigh- man, now I’m

-Sigh- man, now I’m getting all upset >< NOT because of you guys! Trust me…the friend I referred to just Imed me after 4 days of silence acting like nothing happened, going back to the usual conversations that annoy me. It kinda bringing it all around.

Truth is the fact that I can’t write bothers me…a lot. I used to be member of several rps at a time, making several posts at different places. I have characters I absolutely love, all a part of me, and it was pretty much my only way of socializing with anyone, was through them.

Lately the RP world I was part of has gotten really bad…N00bs everywhere, stereotypical, rude, lackadaisical, unrealistic people just clogging up the system to the point where that’s all there is anymore. It’s killed me, like the only thing I really cared anything about has been taken away by total morons ><
-sigh- -second rant end-

Anyways… I don’t think there’s any help for it. It’s been this way all year. Earlier I tried to convince myself it was just a funk…but who has a year long funk? >< I can’t even do writing exercises I’m so lazy and unmotivated.

Also…-sigh- I don’t want to say it…I feel guilty saying it, and it kinda sucks, but…Darcy is actually kinda happy >< So I don’t think he really requires any ’help’, though as I said he’d like someone to talk to other than Rowan, who seems to have become his only source. He of course has his moments still, I think he always will…his conscience is far too guilt >< He’s not the one really suffering in this situation, Wyvern is…

Lastly, you’re killing me Kumiko XD I have no idea what you want to hear from Shyla that will be any sort of helpful. In fact if she is going to be completely honest, which I’m not sure she will be, it’ll cause more drama than sedate it >< I keep saying this but I’m not sure you know what I mean XD I don’t want to offend but sometimes you want to be too helpful. I would never ask someone to sacrifice their issues for mine, so stop saying that -pops-

lemon's picture

Aww! I know exactly how you

Aww! I know exactly how you feel with 3. and 4. |D

I come from the old-school RP-ers, where I'm used to waiting days for a new post. And I like that; it gives me time to formulate where I'd like the RP to go, to feel less pressured about getting a post done on time, to have the time to write a nice post I can be proud of, and most importantly, to do other things! xD I'm a busy girl, believe it or not, and I can't always devote several straight hours to one RP. If I could, I'd probably spend those hours on TEF, anyway. xDD <3

When RP's start flying by, I tend to lose interest in them. Given that I'm already on several anti-anxiety meds, I really don't need to add that extra stress to my life. @__@;

As for puppies, oh boy have I been there. xD I have a mini Dachshund. Dachshunds (the full size versions) are KNOWN for being ridiculously stubborn and impossible to train. Even knowledgeable dogtrainers who generally know not to judge dogs by their breed, will look at a Dachshund and say "I ain't messing with that thing. 8|"

Now imagine a stubborn and self-minded Dachshund, crossed with a toy breed -- and remember that toy breeds are notoriously difficult to potty-train. :| :| :|

There, you have a mini-Dachshund. I don't know what genious thought a miniature Dachshund would be a good idea.

It took almost a full year to potty train him, and I still can't train him not to bark at people. |D And keep in mind, I'm no newbie to dog-training. I've read almost every dog-psychology and dog-behaviorism book that's every been published. I've made friends with some of the best dog trainers around, lived my entire life romping around with dogs (I preferred them exclusively over human company until age 12 or so lol. Sometimes, I still do.). But for the life of me, I just couldn't get my Mini-Dachshund potty trained. D;

Soyeah. I feel your pain. xDD

As for points 1. and 2., I'm not sure what's going on there, but I hope everything gets straightened out, soon. Sad
Avatar by Kohva!

toboe's picture

Jesus, these long winded

Jesus, these long winded posts make me jealous! ...Ah crap now I have to go -facedesk-
IhateHolidaysdkfmgkgmklg -flee- I'll try to respond later though I can't promise it will be helpful.
-fails at life-
Fenqua's picture

I didn't read it out of

I didn't read it out of boredom, rather curiosity. And since you're a friend of some friends of mine, I'm always interested in reading it. Though I have to disappoint you, Avani hasn't got much wise words to say. What should've been said, has already been said, so yeah XD

.. I have nothing useful to add, except from: Good luck with your puppy! I would really love to have another one after mine died.. ^^

To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul

To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul