a tester

HoneyDiva's picture
ill start this soMEDAYYY......

for now just some stuff i have no idea whether ill need it in the future or not just gotta put it somewhere excuse me thanks

Blah blah text goes here
Quisque rutrum. Aenean imperdiet. Etiam ultricies nisi vel augue. Curabitur ullamcorper ultricies nisi. Nam eget dui. Etiam rhoncus. Maecenas tempus, tellus eget condimentum rhoncus, sem quam semper libero, sit amet adipiscing sem neque sed ipsum. Nam quam nunc, blandit vel, luctus pulvinar, hendrerit id, lorem. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus. Donec vitae sapien ut libero venenatis faucibus. Nullam quis ante.
Quisque rutrum. Aenean imperdiet. Etiam ultricies nisi vel augue. Curabitur ullamcorper ultricies nisi. Nam eget dui. Etiam rhoncus. Maecenas tempus, tellus eget condimentum rhoncus, sem quam semper libero, sit amet adipiscing sem neque sed ipsum. Nam quam nunc, blandit vel, luctus pulvinar, hendrerit id, lorem. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus. Donec vitae sapien ut libero venenatis faucibus. Nullam quis ante.

feeeeel meee text goes here

stuff dat u wanna leave here for ppl

  • E V E N T S

    BodyPefect. ° SoulGood. Satisfied. ° Notesupdates, relations

    '' Tomorrow's midday. ''

    05.12.2017 Spent the beginning of the day with Yema, playing and having a good time. Joined him at the stream to take a rest, and was later found by Steini and her friend [Jude]. Welcomed the kids warmly and let them stay around.

    Noticed a sphinx nearby after a while, and headed up to her [Adele] to give a few sniffs and say 'hi'. Nice Ceinlyss mode on. Ended up having a conversation with the female, and concluded a deal with her, promising to get her some stuff for scarf knitting. Was happy to know that she could finally trade with somebody within the forest.

    Going to come back to Meridian tonight to get the supplies for Adele.

    04.20.2017 Was absent from the Forest for a week due to the neccessary departure to her homeworld. Had to heal the wounds and find Yema, her companion, to bring him to the new world. Back.

    04.11.2017 Was wandering around the forest for the whole day. Spent a lot of time sitting in sunny spots, but then left for some shadow. Suddenly, was approached by Hälla. Was nice with her and invited to sit, getting the fact she wasn't up for playing around. Said 'see ya' after a while, when the doe left to do some stuff.

    Later, was found by 'Steini' and slept at her side 'till was awakened by some weird noises. Found out there was a fight nearby [Ma'ao, Esll]. Encouraged, she headed up to the place to have a closer look.

    - yes lets goo guys

    - watchin the fite

    - fite me 2 pls

    - lets fite fite is fun

    - thanks for more bruises and scratches Dáire and Ma'ao <3

    - ok im wathcin you fitin now

    - hello fletcher whatcha need

    Then didn't join the fight again just because was curious about some new faces [Fletcher, Liathe] NOT BECAUSE im not stuBBORN ENOUGH yes. Finally, was bored with what was going on and just put herself at a tree, accomponied by 'Steini'.

    04.10.2017 Just some notes about the day:

    - felt like sitting at the stream

    - hi Rhea and kiddo (Nanook)

    - Rhea is watchin me welll ok

    - some playing with the kiddo ('Steini' cutie)

    - kiddo it's time to go home

    - kiddo didn't want to go home

    - omg here goes another kiddo

    - kiddos go home

    - rhea we need u

    - left the kiddos with rhea anyways and came back to her spot

    - fell asleep but the kiddos GOT HER ANYWAYYY WOW

    04.09.2017 Just another sunny day in the new place. Ceinlyss starts liking the fact she can watch other people doing their stuff. Has been stalking a lot during the last few days. At this point, she is trying to explore about the forest as much as she can.

    Noticed a nice opponent at the pond and was more than glad to have a fight with him. Fought for a pretty long time, noticing more and more people around them. Felt amazingly good when realized that they had some audience.

    Was approached by a stranger ['Fenrir'] who asked her to "move to another spot together with the bull" in a quite rude way. Didn't really pay attention to his request and told him to "f_ck off" with a sweet smile on her face, after what continued to fight with the bull for some more time.

    Finally, when they stopped the action (which Ceinlyss didn't like at all and teased the bull to make him come back to the activity, yet was unsuccessful), a fawn came up to say 'hi'. Katarrah smiled, seeing a sudden tense among all the people around her. She quickly got the fact they were afraid of her behavior, as well as weren't sure she is not gonna attack a child. Gave a calm sniff to the baby, ignoring people's excessive attention to the scene. Was somewhat surprised about hyena's [Rhea] normal reaction when Ceinlyss approached to give her a sniff as well. Glanced at the bull once again before turning back to the Birch and leaving for some rest.

    Took some of the medication she brought with her to the forest just in case. Slept for nearly an hour, then got up to clean her wounds at the pond. Drank a lot of water in a hope to relieve the fever, and left the stream to sleep in a safe place for the rest of the day.

    04.08.2017 Arrived.

  • D E T A I L S

    i'll just drop some random facts here ok

    · Original design + face reference by FoxOfTheStars ?

    · Keeps in secret the majority of information about herself. Rarely lies about it; mostly just avoids any questions regards that aspect of her life.

    · Easily changes her behavior depending on the circumstances. Can be adorable and kind, sarcastic and cold, or aggressive and cruel and so on.

    · True personality is unknown due to flexibility of her temper. Most of those who are familiar with her consider Ceinlyss a sly, selfish, and cruel person. Yet, she also shows many other sides of her versatile character.

    · You can't resist her sweet smile. I'm not kidding.

    · Can heal a body with her energy. Also uses specific things that are believed to have some kind of aura or energy (stones, various kinds of artifacts, blah). Keeps this ability in secret and uses rarely.

    · Trader and collector, well-known for her occupation. Besides, truly likes profitable deals.

    · Enjoys teasing, annoying, and provoking others.

    · Doesn't attack children or those who can't protect themselves, as it's considered not fun. May scare them to look at their reaction though.

    · Really doesn't care about what others think about her. Finds it okay if people don't care about what she thinks of them as well.

    · Has her own opinion regards literally any situation.

    · Likes children as long as they don't annoy her too much. She is playful, which is why she rarely minds kids' company, especially if they like to play.

    · Thinks it is wrong to feel attached to somebody, and constantly avoids this type of relationship. Knows well from her past that feeling of attachment only brings pain, grief problems. Probably the only fear of hers she still can't cope with.

    more to come... i hope... lol

  • H I S T O R Y


    horizonzerODAWN!!1111 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAaaA

    carja x oseram


    the sundom

    stay tuned its comin... not really tho

  • C O M B A T

    · Enjoys fighting and considers it one of the most interesting and entertaining activities. Doesn't always fight just because of specific emotions, mood, or relationships with her opponent, but for fun and training.

    · For Ceinlyss, fights have no direct connection to negative emotions (hate, hostility, fury etc).

    · Red spots on the body mean that she is either ready for a fight, currently in a fight, or had a fight some time ago.

    · Antlers are hidden inside of her head when not in a fight (default antlers in game = antlers she uses for fighting).

    · Has hidden spikes all around her body. When in a fight, the spikes show up on the red spots on her body.

    · May use her flat tail for slapping and hitting.

    · Hardy. Rarely leaves the fight first.

    · Heavy muscles that can be easily seen under the tight skin. Has no fur.

    · Heavy weight. Noticeable only in fight. This, however, doesn't make her less agile.

    · Uses bouncing and jumping to land on her opponents. It helps Katarrah to crush and stun her enemies. In the process of landing on the opponents' bodies, her spikes go deep down into the skin, leaving small, but painful and quite deep wounds.

    · When antlers are used in fights, it reminds of a bull attack.

    · Would never kill her opponent in a fight on purpose (with exceptions). Though, may a kill an enemy.

    · Her typical tactic is to chase and then suddenly attack to catch her victim off guard. Usually kills fast, enjoying the process of chasing and scaring more than killing.

    · Fights dirty; knows no rules regards this activity.

    · In human world, she is a master of steel arms.

  • B O N D S


    Sie'maanhe Le't Ahm

    Companion, playmate, friend, pack. The person she had to survive with for the majority of her life in the Sundom. Probably the only close friend of hers; a trusted person, and she can always be sure he will keep any secret. Despite all the conflicts that happen between them from time to time, their relationship is based on trust and mutual understanding, as well as teamwork. Unspoken platonic love. Will never admit her attachment to Yema in public, even though it might seem obvious to some people. Treats him as a friend, yet may express some other feelings towards. Protected. Cherished. Warmth.

    this list here basically tells about those she's met and its just for me to remember dont mind it pls

    positive - 'steini'
    sniffs - rhea, nanook, hälla, fletcher, liathe

    talks - 'fenrir', adele

    fought - the bull, /daire/, /ma'ao/



