Techinical Difficulties...

MysteriousMalice's picture
A snowstorm and power company stupidity fried my old CPU.
I have a new one, an e-machines CPU, and my old screen.

Apparently, TEF does not like this new CPU unit, despite the fact that the graphics card, sound card, memory, and RAM are all up one level from the computer I had last.

I can't log in with anyone but Rev, due to the way Windows7 handles files. But even when I do, I'm only getting between four and six frames a second - even with all detail down.

I can't have Rev dance. I can't follow people. I can't 'fly'. I can barely jump, and I can't interact with people, because the button-click is so slow that by the time I'm done GETTING to the button, they've moved on.

I apologize for not being in-forest, but this sudden lag, despite the new CPU unit, is REALLY getting on my nerves. And I've already got ENOUGH on my nerves as of late.

Unless I can figure out a way to get the forest to run with AT LEAST 11 frames per second, I won't be playing it. Not for a while, anyway. 11 f/s is what my last computer ran it with.

I will still RP Revtheyr in-forum, write, and all that. But I won't be in-forest until I get this situation ironed out. I refuse to play with that much lag, after being accustomed to none at all.

EDIT: Suggestions would be lovely. Please and thank you?

I'm not sure, but I would try

I'm not sure, but I would try de-fragmenting.
If it doesn't help TEF, it will at least help the computer ^^;

Here's a good place to learn about it: click