Streaming of Consciousness

parrotsnpineapple's picture
Don't you hate it when....
you do stuff. But you don't think of the consequence.

And its something you regret later.

And you can fix it, you can fix the problem. You can make it go back to the way it was.
But you are worried that no one will ever take you seriously again, or you worry that you will hurt others even more than the mistake you did in the first place.

That really sounded like I was pregnant then. Rest assured Im not.

I speak of more...strange(?) matters.
I wish I never did what I did. I want Ravenflight back. I miss her. She's like. A part of me. A part of me that isn't officially dead. A part that is lost.
I miss playing her in forest. With my own clever tongue and hand I can easily write her back. Play her back. Draw her back.
With plots I can bring her back to the endless forest. Theres no denying that. And I have many clever plans to do so. But in doing so, it would seem unoriginal. It would be like.
"Killing her
Oh she's dead/left the forest

Basically. I would fear that I wouldn't be taken seriously. The whole thing wouldn't be taken seriously and Id probably confuse and upset many of the deer in the forest that knew her.

I just don't know what to do.

Well. I do know what to do. And I want to do it.
But I don't know if its the right thing.

Isn't it funny how characters can affect us like that?
We may not see it. And maybe some characters aren't like that.
But so many of them are reflections of ourselves. Little parts of us.
Personalities. Mannerisms.

And when you let them go. You cant help but feel the pang.

What a strange little world.

Verycrazygirl's picture

It's not a great situation to

It's not a great situation to be in...

Don't really have any advice words for it, other than feel better soon. *Sends hugs* <3

Graveyard's picture

It's never something you

It's never something you enjoy, I felt the same when I desired to release Nightmare from the Forest but it hurt too much when I did so.

I say go with what you desire to do, even if there not the greatest of words it's all that I can really say *offers many hugs*

"Your efforts are insignificant! I carry you to your deaths!"