Standing beside the lake

Mizuame's picture
Well... I felt myself a bit artistic and I decided to write a poem. I don't know, is it good or anything, but I wish you like it... And I think I have to own this to my dearest person in my world, and he is Bracca... * Blush. *

I'm standing beside the lake,
watching how the others have fun.
They're so happy, I think,
and that is so beautiful to watch.

I'm standing beside the lake,
listening to the sing of the birds.
They're so happy, I think,
and that is so beautiful to hear.

I'm standing beside the lake,
watching you, my dear,
We're so happy together, I think,
and that's the most beautiful thing in the world.
Kelvana's picture

Very nice.

Very nice.
Blackhoof's picture

That was very nice! Just

That was very nice!
Just reading about standing by the lake woundering if I'm
happy makes meh happy!
Mizuame's picture

Thousand thanks to you. :3

Thousand thanks to you. :3