Spring Breeeeaaakkk

Fledermaus's picture

A whole week of more Forest and fewer exhausting classes! And it's my friend's birthday so we're going to a Japanese steakhouse and also seeing Watchmen at the IMAX. *bounces off the walls* I'm excited xD

Anyone else have fun spring break plans?
Kinsmate's picture

Have fun at your friends

Have fun at your friends party, sounds like you guys will have
fun. Sounds like your whole break is going to be fun, everyone
is ready for spring break here. I have to go bording all week and
my knee is busted so that will be intersting....
Im always here to listen to the bads and goods in the world
and to fix the wrongs beening done in this
dying world
dont try to tame me, its pointless.
Serynn's picture

Lucky... my break is

Lucky... my break is sometime next month. *sighs* Well, I'll be going vacationing somewhere... don't know where, exactly, but somewhere. I probably will be on TEF less, though. *sighs again*

-Click? Please?
toboe's picture

Mine isn't for a long time

Mine isn't for a long time :C

Blackhoof's picture

Mine is next month, because

Mine is next month, because we waste our time having winter break -_-
If my school didn't have winter break, or fall break (witch they actually are planing on
getting rid of fall break) We would still get out somewhere in May and come back to
school somewhere around...duh, I can't remember....

I rather have a longer summer break than breaks in between the year.
quadraptor's picture

My family and I are going to

My family and I are going to Biloxi, MS, to do some gambling at the Hard Rock Casino. I'm also planning on going down to Dauphin Island, AL, to hit the beach. Since it's so far out of the way, I'm sure it won't be crowded down there. Eye

Quad's Bio
The Divine Series
Pegasicorn's picture

|D Seems like everyone's

|D Seems like everyone's getting spring break now.

Whereas my spring break starts Friday the 13th. =B

The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Pega's Forest Philosophy: Look for Friends. Let Love find you.