Smack me someone. I'm self-imposing another oversized work load.

Zergarikiaka's picture
So, an overview of projects I'm taking on in the next few weeks, all generally taking place at the same time.

1.) Continuing BS2 (On Deviantart) *Challenge*
2.) Joining BSR (On Deviantart) *More challenge*
3.) Joining VFA (On Deviantart) *EVEN more challenge*

4.) College Summer Semester -
- Organic Chemistry Class; Express course. (IE 16 week course compressed into 8 weeks. ALREADY crazy hard, and this is day 1!) *FEAR*

5.) Need to repair my laptop keyboard. (It's been funkey the last 2 months.) *Important but on delay*

6.) The Job. D< *Hate*

7.) REMAKE my old Sonic the Hedgehog based RP site, IE; Sonic-Shaded. It will be torn down to scratch starting next week, and completely remodeled. *BIG PROJECT*

This is all generally at the same time. 8'D I'm so happy I'm insane, or this'd be my quitting point now.
Fledermaus's picture


WOO! YOU CAN DO IT. Good luck. 8D
Serenai's picture

I have faith in you. c:

I have faith in you. c:
Icon Art © Beloved
Pegasicorn's picture

o_o I wish you not-death.

o_o I wish you not-death.
Aegle's picture

YOU. CAN. DO EET. -cheers-

YOU. CAN. DO EET. -cheers-