Sick Away from Home

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Sick Away from Home

Please do not read if you're sensitive to killing or animals killing other animals.

Small paws pattered against the natural, earthy soil and a lean physique sauntered through the strange woodland.
A small leucistic coyote, Henya, was blurred by the thick growth of the forest, visible within peeps of the plants and gaps between each tree.

Henya's belly bellowed and gurgled in hunger. She hadn't eaten in days, she was tired but needed to hunt.
Her limbs felt worn but she pushed on, she wouldn't get much sleep on an empty stomach or a clear head which was what she needed more than ever in this new environment.
It was bizarre. Peculiar creatures lived in this woodland, they were familiar to those she seen in the human world but of an unorthodox variation.

Henya's muzzle elevated into the air, breathing in the many scents but she had to find one that intrigued her.
The witty coyote had caught a scent but what exactly would this creature be. She couldn't tell anymore. The creatures here were so unusual and far from prey but she couldn't just starve. She'd have to take the chance.

The young canine tracked down the creature, careful of stepping on any twigs in case they snapped under her weight or brushing against lush growth and scared off whatever critter awaited. She couldn't risk losing what might be prey.
She drew another breath through her nose. The animal was here, she could sense it but couldn't see it.
Henya would have to rely on her other senses to pinpoint the location.
Henya's ears perked, using them like radars to detect sounds. The coyotes attention was caught by rustling, the creature had given itself away.

A rabbit peeked itself out of the shrubs it tried protecting itself in, unaware of the predator watching its every movement closely with piercing, unblinking eyes.
Is it feral? The question surfaced in her mind, another question was why did she care? In the human world, something drove her but it seemed to change. What was happening?
Henya shook the second thought from her mind, focusing on her prey. She couldn't miss this opportunity. She couldn't afford to go hungry another night.

It was time to use the covering the woodland offered to her advantage, it would be stupid to just go running out without any sort of plan.
Henya stayed within the rabbits blind spot, slowly shifting along the ground and hiding within the plants.
She maneuvered carefully among the plants. There, she'd have to wait for the rabbit to move closer on its own. Her legs stiffened, waiting for the right moment to strike.
The coyote had to be patient, after all, all good things come to those that wait... right? Minutes passed and the rabbit started getting closer. Drool developed in her mouth, she could almost taste it.

Closer and closer, the rabbit came. If it came any closer, it would be time for Henya to spring into action.
Her limbs tingled with the urges to leap out now but it wasn't time.
The rabbit drew nearer.
This was it. The moment she waited for. Henya sprang out of the growth, the rabbit was startled, its legs kicking frantically as it quickly swerved around. A paw slapped against the hindquarters of the rabbit,
swerving it off balance. The rabbit squealed as it was knocked off balance, its body rolling along the ground.

It managed to get back on its feet but not quick enough. Squeals from the rabbit echoed throughout the woodland as Henya's teeth snatched a tenacious grip around its hind leg. Her prey thrashed but it wasn't good enough, the coyote was determined and she would have her meal, she refused to go hungry but she couldn't get a kill shot like this.
She let go of the now injured rabbit, it was slower and could barely hop due to its leg. There was no escape for the rabbit and she could sense the rabbit knew this.
The rabbit had slowed down more and Henya quickly caught up. She gripped around the rabbits throat,
though it gave up in escaping, it still squealed like it was startled and surprised. Henya held the rabbit in place, slowly suffocating her prey. Suffocating would allow the prey to calm down so her meat wasn't ruined. You are what you eat.

The rabbit fell limp and the forest was silenced again. The adrenaline subsided, soreness and weariness grew throughout her body. She forgot how tired she was in the moment, her energy seemed to worsen.
Desperation for food and sleep worsened. Henya was going to have to find a place to fill her belly and sleep.
A sudden roar of thunder echoed in the distance. Henya looked back to find dark, daunting clouds rolling in. Time to find shelter and quickly.

Henya found a grown tree with a hollow hole tangled beneath its roots and hollowed the bottom of its trunk. She ate her prey in peace, discarding the remains outside, not far from the den. She didn't bother to bury it.
Henya felt satisfaction, finally filling her belly but her limbs still ached.
The thunder came closer and the sky cried of rain, thundering against the forest floor. The canine stared outside from her shelter and to the gloomy sky.
Her satisfaction in her stomach turned into anxiety and homesickness. Although it wasn't the best, it was still her home and she missed it. This place was new and scary.

Her light colored eyes wandered back into her den, staring at one of the dirt walls in deep thought.
Is there a way to get home? The thought raced through her mind since she first got here. Was there a way home? If so, how?
A whine released from the coyote and her body tucked up in a tight ball, closing her eyes and curling her tail around her body.

She didn't want to think about it anymore. Maybe things will be better once she got her footing in this new world but who knows? Could she ever get used to it? Could she ever just go home?
