Shatter the darkness with a candle of love. For my friends.

Update: Added Flyra, and Dannii. Made it centered.

MySpace Playlist at

So Avani is amazing everyone in coming up witht the bandwagon that says something nice about people. It's just epic. So I've done one too, and tried to broaden my list of friends, and recognize a lot more people around me that are considered my friends that I enver even really knew!!

I don't have everyone here who may consider me a friend- but please keep in mind it's quite hard to get everyone.. I love you all dearly.... and thought I may take my leave for awhile on a light note.

You guys are the CoLoR iN mY LiFe

The names mentioned below are in the order of oldest-friends to newest-friends.


You've been there for me since the very very beginning... I remember seeing your avatar picture when you commented on some obvious question I posted about the forest, and then in your comment you always had the ":)" symbol when you typed... now whenever I see it I think about you...

Then.. I really wanted the candle antlers. Gosh I wanted them so bad... and in a flash you had sent the spelldata in an e-mail to me. Then you typed out how to use spelldata-- yourself! You didn't bother to send me a link to some other post when someone had asked the same thing, you explained clearly everything I needed to know.

Stuff like that, people remember.
For a long long time...
I'm sure when I'm an old lady and my kids are on a web site, and are talking about someone helping them with something, I'd be telling one of my "old stories" about when I was on this crazy game, and how some nice girl helped me out. Her screen name was Laruna and I'll never forget it...

And, in-game, I'll never be able to look at a stump the same way again.
Thought I'd throw that in.


You know, I thought for the longest time you were a guy. I don't know why. I really don't. Maybe it was your masculine character. But I knew when I came, artists were held in great honor, and you were like the god of the artists!... I'm so glad now, more artists have joined TEF, it's great to see so many new styles, but yours have never dimmed in my mind of how stunning they really are. Call them scribbles if you must, but your art is amazing....

I also recall one time seeing Quammy in the forest and goodness, I thought Jesus himself had come to earth! I think it was one of those times when you really don't know anyone's picto, when you're new, and when you finally recognize someone you freak out... come to think of it, baby-Myst must have looked like a loony seeing Quammy for the first time...


I remember loving how he could be so manly, and so silly at the same time. Like a guardian-clown, and I also remember some deer fighting one of Quammy's friends and he charged in there like a bull and fought him off. That was amazing....


Ok, so I once knew you as Rowan . And I remember loving your picto because it was so easy for my brand new nooby mind to process and remember. I loved the idea of having your deer born from a tree, and being like-- part bird. I remember her being so elegant and wonderful, and then when you posted your pictures I was like:
"WO she can draw, and have an awesome character?!"

Your a really old friend, and I'll never ever forget you.
And I love your comments, they're so helpful!


Fled, I was absolutely sucked in by your character... Fledermaus. I'm not exactly sure why. I think it was because, he was far from "the norm". He wasn't always happy and cheerful, he was a bit gray at first, when I met him. But Myst really attached herself to him, and enjoyed so much sitting with him in the rain. I don't know how such a simple thing could be so much fun!!

Again, you were one of those people who could have a really unique and amazing character, and also have the amazing art talent to carry over, that's priceless, and I hope we can be friends for years to come.

Io Rez:

You know what. Honestly, I have no idea when or how I really met you Yorres... probably when I created the Lightbringers, and saw how much you loved the idea, and then went on to become the Lightgod...

I love your character.
And your proof to me that older people can play a game with younger-ish people, and that not everyone is "out there to get you.", that's something you've taught me, and I'll hold it in mind.
You're very devoted to what you believe, and you stand for many strong and great things. Your comments and points of view can make or break the ground with what you say in a good way, and you can be gentle about it also!!

When you comment on something, many people listen to what you have to say... it's just beautiful.


I haven't seen your deer much in the forest, only a few times. And for some reason she was walking extremely slow, it almost made me laugh, it was like she was a queen looking at her subjects, just walking ever-so slowly....

Your coloring skills are really really great!! And you were one of the few faces I associated with TEF when I first came, you were one of the first people who made the foundation of friends I have today. Thanks for being there!!


Ephra, I don't know what to say, and yet I have so much to say...

First I guess is that I admire how long you've been a member of this game. You've seen so much happen in your time here, and have seen various people come and go... the first doe of the forest, when there could be a doe!! Ephra is a mother figure to all deer in the forest, and whenever her picto is in-forest, I can hear a hush in the trees, and fawns gather around to listen to her...

Whenever I see a doe in my backyard, I think of 21.
I think that will stay with me for years to come.


You were another one of those "faces", when I first came that I could associate with TEF. You were really active when I first came. And your picto was awesome because I could actually read Reetno within it, so I always knew who you were!!

Your art skills are also very good!! And I really hope to see more soon!


Quad, I think the first thing I noticed about you was that you were really into your Irish ancestry... when you drew Quad as like an Irish/Wizard/monk/dude... I thought it was amazing a bit more recently when you told everyone how much you loved your deer, and then realized that was exactly how I felt about Mystress... You have a lot of personality, and everything about you is kind and gentle. I know you'll be an amazing person in the world, and I'll never forget you.


Fayne, I'm SO glad you're back... I dunno whatever happened to the Joker's Daughter Pandemonium, but I stinking loved her as a deer character... I also loved illustrating your book about her "Totally Sane", (how do I remember this?!)... goodness, your smiling faced character was one of the oldest memories I remember. With the lightning and the willow tree at the pond and then the Mysterious (hehehe!) stag running out in the rain sacrificing himself (herself cough cough) to save someone else. Yeah.... I really liked that story and hope you raise it from the dark depths of TEF. Smiling


Her, you're a totally spontaneous, wonderful and hilarious person... before TEF, I never really had a serious belly laugh at something someone had typed over the Internet, but you seriously broke that for me...

You can be totally blunt one second.
And you're not afraid at all to tell people just how it is.
I love that.

Thanks for being there.


Emiva, dammit I don't even know if you'll be able to read this, but here goes nothing...

When I first came, I celebrated when I could comment on a picture or something else by chance before you. You were so active and spirited!! Your deer was a total reflection of you, a kind beautiful young lady...
You liked to stir stuff up in a good way, and you brought life flowing in the community site and to the forest! I can't even remember a time when you were seriously mad.
This community will loose a lot if you're truly leaving. You were a lot of the blood in this place.


Blackhoof, for the longest time I thought you were from like-- Germany or something. I don't know what it was. You typed just fine, I just don't know why...

You have a strong self-figure about yourself. You have a lot of artistic talent and very good taste in music, and you're not afraid to try anything music-wise, and you can appreciate a lot of different things for what they are. You're not "hard" in any way at all, and your drawing style is so great I can't even talk about it or I'll go off and type three more pages...
Just know that I really admire having you around the site...
and that you're a really really good friend.


You are not forgotten, and even though you may not read this, I'm saying this stuff anyway because it's important even if people aren't here, to keep them alive by remembering.

You always had something nice to say. It didn't matter what it was. You always had something positive, and you weren't afraid to tell someone if what kind of drama they were stirring up was stupid... it may sound cheezy, but there isn't enough of happiness and nice comments going around. You were someone, that if I didn't post a positive thing quick enough-- you would at one time... you were another face that founded the foundation of TEF for me. Thanks for being there.


Avani, you're someone who really cares. Genuinely cares, and not to get attention either...
You're a person who can really tell you "life's a bitch" and go on with it, or be a wonderful nurturing person. I believe you care firmly for your friends, and really wants to do good in this life...

I don't know how many times I've actually met your character in-game, but I know they would be just like you... and I can't wait to see what the future has in store for you, because it's destined to be great.


Tera, gosh dang it, the one thing I wish now is that I'd met you sooner than I did....

I wish I asked if there were anymore priests in the forest before I did...
Queze is an amazing character, and he is truly an amazing example of true character development. You have historical and educational cultures within him, and so much personality, perhaps not so far from your own.

Your a person who really cares!
And someone that no one should ever be timid to trust, or to befriend...
Thanks for being there.


Ok Anzel, you may have left but I don't care, my prayers and well thoughts are going with you anyway.

You were the tragedy in the forest that reminded me not everyone could be as lucky as most of us, to experience what we can. And I remember feeling so terribly sad at your struggle to want to be able to... sad at the fact that not everything was perfect in the forest....
But your writing was amazing.

You could blend totally different words together and make them either so sad, or wonderfully vivid, or happy... that's something I'm sure will stay with you forever, wherever you go...
I really hope you won't forget us, because I won't forget you....


Bleh, another person gone.

As many people have said, you were one of the many faces of leadership on this web site. You communicated with he very creators of the game, to come up with wonderful things for people to do and attend. It's a true tragedy you aren't around anymore, but it would be selfish to ask you back, for I couldn't imagine the preparation, devotion and work that must be done to organize the DA web site, and things like the Secret Santa...

When I first came, I looked up to you like an acorn to a tree.
You were someone that with their very words, you wanted to respect, and honor.

You were a leader, and your new Bio for Jay was stunning, and everything about him was perfect in every way... you are a Lightbringer in the world around you, and I know you will never let it diminish...
We will be here, waiting for you.


Lemon, your a person that I wish I knew as a friend in real life.
And you feel like someone I've known forever, and yet never met face-to-face.

We have a lot in common, and yet in so many ways we're different.
Your page-long comments are always welcome on anything I post. I know you love to write, even if you may not have a lot of confidence in what you do. I pray you do, or if you don't now, you will have sometime in your life.

Your comments are always down to earth and constructive, and melodic in a way. Like a little mini- symphony to read, and I enjoy them very much. And as everyone has pointed out, your art is stunning! And young lady, please never give it up like I have heard you want to... it may never really "get you anywhere", or get you to where you want to be, rather, but you can always have that by your side, like a little extra jewel to take out of your pocket and admire. Something that makes you---you...

You are a unique and amazing person with a bright, bright spirit. I know you won't let it go to waste.


Kaoori, if ever there was to be a fairy of pure innocence and downright purity it would be you. You are a person, who I can tell loves to learn and is very intelligent for your age...
Your deer reflects your personality, and love for culture!!

A little doe-eyed (no pun intended) deer, who just wants to play and have fun, oblivious to things around her who may not exactly have her best interest in mind...
You're a true Lightbringer, a genuine person who brings out the good in everyone, whether they like it or not!! You're friendly, and honest, and you will fly in life if you keep it with you.
Thank you, for being there!!

Verdy: (HAHA... purple... don't kill me >.>)

o.O... Where do I start...?

Well first, I didn't meet you until you became active about-- what has it been? Three months or so ago?

You have also been here since the very beginning... like 21. And I'll tell you what, I can admire your character greatly, and you for playing him. I could never create a character that was so real, in my own mind to ever make them that believable and mortal in their own way. To be able to have severe mood swings, and be able to pull it off like that! To not want to be accepted and fawned over by everyone... that's just amazing to me.

You're a strong person with a very firm personality. Some times, when meeting you for the first time, you may seem bitter, but dang it's so worth making friends... You're a great person!! And I really hope to get to know you even better in the future.


You know what, it's absolutly amazing how:
If English is your second language, you can write English so well. You're from Germany, correct? It's a place I've always wanted to go...

Infact, I didn't even know you were from Germany until I looked at your page...
You are like a butterfly, truly! The way you flutter around, and give everyone a wonderful sight to see! Your colorful personality is like the wings of a monarch, and your presence is like standing before a princess of joy... it's a wonderful feeling, and I know you'll never loose it...


Dannii, I can tell by how many deer you have, you--yourself... as a person cannot be defined by one word alone. You're a person who has a lot of personality, and loves adventure and in no way are you stiff! You're very gentle at times, and I can tell when you are angered fire could come out of your eyes!!... but when you're happy, nothing in the world can bring you down!

You're a person who respects their friends and you love them with all your heart.
You also don't mind a session of make-believe either. Infact you really love to act out things, and be spontanious. That is the child in you, and I can tell you'll never loose that spark.

Her's picture

8D HEEEE I smiled! GOSH

Fenqua's picture

Damn it... now I know why so

Damn it... now I know why so many people cried at my comment ;-;

And I have been looking for that song for AGES. o.o

Mystress, you're a blessing. Thank you very much for spreading my idea! I think you are the right person to make a fire out of the little spark I ignited. ^^

To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul

To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul
Flyra's picture

Also doing this is really

Also doing this is really cute of you, Myst... (:

f l y r a b l o g avatar by tinkee, sig by Quamar

Avani: Wahhh, thanks so

Avani: Wahhh, thanks so muchhh!! It's so true, your comments are the shiz. <33333

edit: (Damn, ninja'd by both of you!! And probably more soon...)

Yes, it is quite touching and I'm so glad you love it.

Flyra: And Flyra, I forgotz you!!! I'll give you something right now:


You know what, it's absolutly amazing how if English is your second language, you can write English so well. You're from Germany, correct? It's a place I've always wanted to go...

Infact, I didn't even know you were from Germany until I looked at your page...
You are like a butterfly, truly! The way you flutter around, and give everyone a wonderful sight to see! Your colorful personality is like the wings of a monarch, and your presence is like standing before a princess of joy... it's a wonderful feeling, and I know you'll never loose it...




Aw I'm so glad you like it. Where the hell is Pandemonium anyway???
Founder of The Lightbringers
fayne's picture

RAINBOWS. You're sweet. c:


You're sweet. c: <3 THIS is the kind of bandwagon I want to see on here har har har.

D'aww <3 These are so sweet

D'aww <3 These are so sweet xD

-- Dannii <3

Sententia - Where Fantasy And Reality Merge

Dannii: I'm so glad you like

Dannii: I'm so glad you like it!

You know what, your deer's personalities are so different I couldn't pick one to write about!!.. I think I've only met one or so of them in the forest... is that true??

Founder of The Lightbringers

*sniffle* :'D It isn't very

*sniffle* :'D
It isn't very often that you get thanks like this, just for being a friend, but when it does happen I think it's one of the most rewarding experiences. You are one of the most...I was going to type selfless but that isn't really true, because you are one of those people who genuinely find it enjoyable to be an entirely positive person! I know that everyone has times when they want to just lash out or to cut others down to boost themselves up but you've never done that. I can honestly say that you are one the best things that have happened to this community Smiling

When you mentioned Queze being like myself you were picking up off the fact that Queze is himself (aspects of him anyway) inspired by a very personal character of mine called Tristan. It's very cool that you could pick up on something like that!

~Aztec priest of The Forest~
Fenqua's picture

Mystress, I thought these

Mystress, I thought these things were about people, not deer ^^'

At least, that's how I meant them! Because deer are cute and have interesting personalities, but these things are written for us humans... to make us feel proud about ourselves. So actually, you don't have to pick one of Dannii's deer, in the end it's about Dannii herself ;D

To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul

To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul
squeegie's picture

Awww, this is so sweet. <3

Awww, this is so sweet. <3 I really like this idea.

Ah yey, I love long comments

Ah yey, I love long comments like this!!

Tera, isn't that strange how I caught onto that! Eye

You made me well-up with tears, Tera. I thank you so much for your love and positive attitude, and I wish I could just be like this everywhere I go, forever...

Tristan sounds like a very amazing character. I have one myself, whos name is Alieser, and who is ike the incarnate of Mystress-- in one of my books... another maternal character, you know how it is. LOL!

I don't know what to say Tera, I'm speechless, thank you so much for everything!! Words cannot express my happiness for everyone on this site who is kind. This is something that dosen't even begin to scratch the top of my love for all of you guys. Really.

squeegie: Thanks a million

edit: the credit to making this up goes to Avani, Squeegie <33 Smiling

Avani: Your right, I'm getting screwed up!! Dannii, I'll get you down as soon as I can. Smiling <333

Founder of The Lightbringers
Fledermaus's picture

Oh, don't make me tear up

Oh, don't make me tear up :,)

Thank you so much CM, you are one of my most valued friends on here. I love your creativity and your devotion to the Lightbringers; I think you've really started a wonderful thing with that idea.
I can totally agree about Fled being pretty dismal back in the day, but thanks to you being one of his first friends he's really changed for the better.
It's a shame that they haven't seen each other in so long. :<

Fenqua's picture

No, you're not getting

No, you're not getting screwed up! I just wanted to make sure.. Because things about their deer and about themselves, well, people take it differently ofcourse! When they know it's about them they can really take it personally <33

I also like what you did with the rainbow.. splendid idea!

To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul

To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul

Aww Fled, I'm so glad you

Aww Fled, I'm so glad you like it, and I totally agree...
They really do need to see eachother sometime again in forest.
You are a really great person Fled, and I'm so glad to have met you! And Mystress feels like she's on the top of the world to think she may have helped Fled in any way!

Avani: Yes, yes! This was supposed to be about the people for sure!! I think what I mean was not choosing a deer to "write about", but to "compare" more to the person if I could... and I couldn't think how to do that with Dannii, but I'll add Flyra and Dannii to the list above!!

I think the idea is also not to have any one person to write about everyone, but everyone they really really know, so it dosen't feel awkward writing about someone they don't know well...
I certanly don't know everyone on the site, but together we do know everyone, and if everyone pitches in, everyone will have something nice written about them! ^^

Dannii forgive me! I'll put you up as soon as I can! ^^

edit: BTW, those rainbows paid off, but god they were so much work....

Founder of The Lightbringers
Fenqua's picture

That's true Mystress! The

That's true Mystress! The more I have known something, the longer the comment. I just wanted to make sure to write something about everyone that has done something or has been very friendly to me on TEF. I think I reached my limit, I can't think of anymore. There are a few people that left, but I don't know if they will read anyway... o.O
But yeah... now it's just hoping if more people are willing to do this. If not, I don't consider it a failure. Because we did it and it made people smile! (or cry happy tears Laughing out loud)

To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul

To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul

I know, I'm so happy I could

I know, I'm so happy I could do it too! And if it dosen't go anywhere, or no one else does it, I'm just glad you came up with this wonderful idea, and shed some more light into the forest!!
I think I reached my limit too.. what do I have like-- 23 people? Goodness...

-hug- <333

Founder of The Lightbringers
Anzel's picture

You actually made me smile

You actually made me smile :3 This is a very thoughtful thing for you to do for all of your friends...<3
Pegasicorn's picture

Now this is a "bandwagon" I

Now this is a "bandwagon" I like seeing on this site. =] I'm glad Avani started it. Laughing out loud

The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Pega's Forest Philosophy: Look for Friends. Let Love find you.
Fenqua's picture

I have eighteen I believe, I

I have eighteen I believe, I never thought I'd be able to do that much! Seems like I know a lot more people that I thought. That comforts me, to know there are so many nice people around me...

*hugs back* |D

To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul

To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul

Anzel: I'm so glad I made

Anzel: I'm so glad I made you smile!! And I'm so glad you're still here!! *waits for it to sink in*.... OMG ANZEL YOU'RE HERE!!! -glomp tackle-

Pega: I'm so glad she came up with it toooo!! Smiling

Founder of The Lightbringers
toboe's picture

-facehug- :: D e e r . U p

lemon's picture

Oh my goodness. ;u; I'm not

Oh my goodness. ;u;
I'm not even sure what to say, other than thank you; but that just doesn't seem to be enough...

Mystress, you're such a wonderful person through and through, and I feel so lucky to be able to call you my friend. c: I'm sorry I can't really write another one of my page-long comments, but your words kind of left me speechless. So, just, thank you. c: <333

Understanding Lemon - Lemon's Biography
Avatar by Kohva!

Rai: -facehug- Glad you like

Rai: -facehug- Glad you like it! C:

Lemon: Haha, don't worry about it! I can't expect a mini-symphony every time!! I know, English really dosen't have many ways to say "Thank You", and even if it did, the words wouldn't mean as much-- I know. I can't say "thank you" strong (for lack of a better word) enough to everyone, who has inspired and loved me on TEF. And I also can't say "you're welcome", enough either-- for what I've done for all of you is hardly enough. C:

Founder of The Lightbringers
Kaoori's picture

I'm just glad I have a

I'm just glad I have a friend like you. Thank you so much for the kind comments. ;_;

I'm a little wolf inside a girl.

Lightbringer-apprentice to Yorres

I only wish I could give you

I only wish I could give you more Kaoori. ;_; <333
I'm glad to have a friend like you too!!

Founder of The Lightbringers
Flyra's picture

AWawAWawAWawAWaw!! You've

You've added me! Whoah! 8O
Oh, Mystress, that is so absolutely kind of you. Thank you. ;__; Thanks for those words you wrote for me... no, they're more than words... I appreciate it so much. Oh man, you're making me smile and cry at the same time. Ain't the world beautiful? :'D
And about your notice about my English... how nice of you to say that! Especially since I'm writing an English test tomorrow, now I'm really reliable that I'll make it! Laughing out loud Thank you, that really made my day... yah, thank you. <333 -hugs extra tight-

f l y r a b l o g avatar by tinkee, sig by Quamar

Gosh are you kidding me?? If

Gosh are you kidding me?? If you fail this test, then tell your teacher that a native New Yorker in the US would fail that stupid thing too!!

I'm so glad you love it Flyra!! Another thing I should've added was that you're a very grateful person too!! You're so welcome, and the world IS beautiful!! Drink it all in!!

Have an amazing day!

Founder of The Lightbringers
Flyra's picture

Okay, I'll tell her. ;D

Okay, I'll tell her. ;D She'd be pretty surprised if I told her something like that. n.n
But god, and how grateful I am. :'D
Thank you so much! Have an amazing day as well! <3

f l y r a b l o g avatar by tinkee, sig by Quamar
IoRez's picture

Wow. I'm blown away by your

Wow. I'm blown away by your words. Thank you, sincerely.
I'm still reading all of these, and just want you all to know what a source of inspiration all of you are to me. I know I can be a bit harsh sometimes, and I am consistently impressed with the kindness and generosity of each and all of you.
I am proud to know you, CM. I echo so many of your above sentiments, particularly those to Jen.

"Fragments fall and reflect the Light. Dust slowly covers my thoughts." - Yorres, Lightbringer

I am proud to know you ! I

I am proud to know you ! I don't know what else to say other than "thank you" for all you've done to teach and show me... I'm honored to have met you, and I hope we can stay friends for many-- many years to come!!

Founder of The Lightbringers
Blackhoof's picture

: o Wow, I didn't know

: o Wow, I didn't know another bandwagon was made?
I should try to do this bandwagon once I get the chance to : D

-hugs- Thanks CelticMystress, if there was anytime I needed a little
pip in my step it was now. -hugs- And indeed, I did live in Germany once.
I lived there through my middle school years.

-glomps Celtic- < 3

Wow, a double hug and a

Wow, a double hug and a glomp! I'm special!! :3

Are you kidding me?? You seriously lived in Germany??... I think I'm a bit more intuitive than I thought... With Tera, and now with you! I guess my friends do speak to me! Lol!

I'm so glad I could make your day better! -glomptackle- <33
Smiling Glad you love it!!

Founder of The Lightbringers
Verdalas's picture

*Sways to the song with

*Sways to the song with tears in her eyes*

I love purple. <3 Thankyou for using it. I seriously have nothing to say, because I'm speechless. It really feels good to know that there are people out there who don't think of me as a jerk for playing Walter as I do. <3

And I'm going to miss you, so hurry back, damnit! For now, me and Walter are going to sway to this song. Much better than that pop-boy-band version. *Nodnod*

Oh I'm SO glad you like it!!

Oh I'm SO glad you like it!! I didn't give anyone an "assigned color", it just unfurled like that, so when I saw your color I was like..."crap."._.

I'm sure I'm going to miss myself for awhile. Right now I'm waiting for the toilet-paper mache horns to dry, and for a few more supplies to come in the mail... until then I'm here, but if I become un-responsive it'll be a bit 'till I'm back...

Aww Walty don't you cry yah big luver you... -glomptackles and joins the swaying-

Founder of The Lightbringers
fayne's picture

I'm touched. c': Apparently

I'm touched. c': Apparently Pan is the new favorite. XD I love you too babe, I should really do another one of these.
Scythe's picture

Aww, these are all very

Aww, these are all very sweet; the entry in general just made me smile. ^^ Thank you so much for the kind words. While I don't comment all that much, I really am thankful to have you as a friend on this site. Your creativity and kindness really does help to keep this community alive. Thank you for just being you. Smiling

Fayne: Pan has always been a

Fayne: Pan has always been a favorite of mine... PLEASE do something with her and danggit I'll love you forever.


I'm glad I can still be friends with those who may not comment as much as some of us, and be blessed by having them accept me as one of their friends! And I'm touched for being thanked for just "being me"... it's not everday you hear that, and I thank you for it.
I will always try to be a firm foundation for all of my friends (and anyone who isn't yet) to rely on, because I don't think I'm ever leaving the forest...
There will always be goodness and kindness while I'm around, and while those who are like me, such as yourselves and everyone I've mentioned are within the site, as well as a countless number of others-- light will shine.
In the Lightbringers, I will live Smiling

Founder of The Lightbringers
Sunflyra's picture

;-;awwwwww that

;-;awwwwww that is...that's...the most beautiful blog entery i've every seen...i can't explan it sweet...<3 -cuddles- the music and the texts makes me cries real tears...*moved*

~Sunfryra's Biography~

Thank you so much dearie!

Thank you so much dearie! I'm honored you are moved by it! ^^ -hug, nuzzle-

Founder of The Lightbringers
jadine's picture

thank you mystress. That was

thank you mystress. That was a pick me up. Its so wonderful of you to take your time to right every word on this page. there aren't enough words to describe how great you are to the forest.


Aww Jadine, I'm so glad you

Aww Jadine, I'm so glad you like it, and believe so strongly in what I do ^^!
Never forget that your an awesome peice of the forest, and if you have to go away, we'll always remember you!

But this isn't about me, it's about all of you, and all of the wonderful things you've done.
I love you all *big hug and kiss*

Founder of The Lightbringers
Laruna's picture

I did see this, Mystress,

I did see this, Mystress, and I apologize for not commenting sooner. I can't even express how glad your words make my heart... I'm not used to receiving such kind words. This game is truly incredible, to bring such people together. I may not know you very well outside of the Forest, but believe me when I say that I'll always remember you when I reflect on the Forest in later days. It's not everyday you meet someone who takes the time to write such kind things about so many people. What I love about you is that your kindness can be felt in the Forest as well as on the site... it's like an aura that never leaves you.


@ all: Oh geeze, I really

@ all:
Oh geeze, I really hope no one got the idea that I was sending them the link to this page because "I wanted comments" or anything, because from the outside looking in it does look like:
"Oooh yey look at me, look at all the great things I've written about you all, bring on the comments!"
It's not like that at all, and I really hope no one got that impression.
Infact if someone didn't want to comment on this page, even if I had written about them, that's fine!! I was just re-assuring myself, by sending some of you a link to the page, that you've seen it, and that's all that matters to me... just that you saw it and it made you happy.

@ Runa:

I'm more than pleased that you feel so glad over what I have spoken of you!! I've always tried to keep my aura "light", and I'm so glad it comes out in both the community and the forest!!
I'm so glad you will remember me.
I'll remember everyone here, forever.

Founder of The Lightbringers