Seven Deadly Deer

Fledermaus's picture
I had a stupid/curious idea the other day. I find the topic of the deadly sins very fascinating, and I began wondering how they applied to different personalities. It might be interesting to see which sins everyone thought applied to their deer's personalities, if at all.
I didn't want to start some long meme or anything, so you can put your answers here just to avoid taking up more space than needed. :B

The seven vices are:

Greed - Also known as avarice, greed is the desire for more than what is needed and having things in excess. It usually applies to money, wealth, and power.
Pride - Pride, or vanity, is thinking highly of oneself and considering others to be inferior. The vain fail to appreciate the accomplishments of anyone but themselves.
Wrath - Wrath is the vice of anger or retribution. Those guilty of wrath consistently wish or practice physical harm on others.
Sloth - Sloth of the vice of laziness. This can apply to taking credit for the work of others, refusing to do things for oneself, and failing to push oneself as far as they can.
Envy - This vice is for the ones who wish they have more than they do. Jealousy of what others have, whether materially or not, is a defining characteristic of this sin.
Gluttony - Those guilty of gluttony will consume more than is necessary and take everything in excess, not only food. It is the sin of overindulgence.
Lust - The sin of lust is to crave for sexual pleasures, whether by addiction, adultery, rape, or other means. Those guilty of lust will look mainly for physical pleasures from others and mainly disregard them as anything more than that.


As for my deer/characters, here's what I think:

Fledermaus is guilty of he sin of Envy. It is not always so obvious to everyone, but it has remained persistent throughout his life. Ever since he was young, he has envied those who have close families and normal lives. He wishes more than anything that he could have his parents present in his life again, and he wishes his brother treated him as one. Seeing other siblings who love each other makes him jealous, knowing that he will never have a relationship like that.

Masque is guilty of the sin of Wrath. He cannot exercise patience or kindness with others, whether by his own fault or not. He is the type that is so insecure that he compensates by putting others down instead just to make himself feel more important. He does not tolerate anyone challenging him, and he is quick to deliver retribution to anyone who even remotely endangers him or anyone he cares about. Masque is not a believer in using words to solve anything, and sometimes will go out of his way to get into a fight.


So, what about your deer? Which of the seven deadly sins do they commit?

Hmm this is an interesting

Hmm this is an interesting idea!

I'd have to say for Queze, Wrath would be his big #1. Not so much in the forest, but back home when his job was hacking out hearts and roasting them Smiling
"Good times...good times *happy smile*"

annnnnd since Hook is still a baby and designed as a innocent, I'll go with his shadowy stag acquaintance, who's sin would be Pride...big time.

~Aztec priest of The Forest~
lemon's picture

Ooh, wonderful idea! It

Ooh, wonderful idea! It didn't take much to figure out what sins my deer were guilty of. c:

Lemon - Envy. Little known by those who know her, Lemon often suffers high amounts of jealousy through her life. Envy is the single largest factor in her bouts of depression and anger; though, in part, these episodes are also caused by self-loathing and guilt for feeling these things in the first place. Lemon is especially envious of mothers with fawns, groups of friends who seem to be having a wonderful time without her, and lovers. She is extremely possessive of her friends, and becomes highly envious whenever she is confronted with the fact that they are pursuing romantic interests.

Close second? Wrath, oddly enough! Under the right circumstances, Lemon will explode. She actually has a relatively short fuse, even though she is calm and reserved for the most part. Lemon will fly off the handle when she feels that her friends are being treated poorly, and will not hesitate to get into a confrontation if need be. Fortunately, her anger usually disappears as quickly as it arrives.

Eliott Lust. Need I really say more?

Nollie Wrath. Nollie has a very short temper. She is extremely spiteful of those around her -- and even of herself, at times. Her anger is mostly a deflection of her own disappointment in herself.

I could write more, but I'm exhausted (and I'm not sure anyone cares that much about my characters, anyway, lol). So I'll just leave it at that. x3

Understanding Lemon - Lemon's Biography
Avatar by Kohva!

quadraptor's picture

Yeah, Zephyr's is really

Yeah, Zephyr's is really obvious, but Quad is really hard to place one for.

Zephyr would fall into Envy. She is often depressed and jealous of other deer, walking off alone.

Quad would most likely fall into Gluttony. I just can't fit him into any other sin - he seems to party too much.

Quad's Bio
The Divine Series
Fenqua's picture

I have six deer, if I had

I have six deer, if I had one more I'd have them all. And I agree, I find the topic very interesting! I kinda studied it for a while XD

Let me think a little more and I'll post them <3

To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul

To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul
Fenqua's picture

Okay, here goes: Fenqua -

Okay, here goes:

Fenqua - Pride/Vanity - Having a hard time to appreciate the accomplishments of others, Fenqua sometimes considers herself better and smarter than the others around her. It's connected to her rather dominant personality; she is dominant because she thinks she knows best. Ironically, she was a very insecure fawn, but due to her being 'chosen' by the Twin Gods (in my story) she has grown a bit arrogant.

Silvery - Envy/Wrath - Silvery gets very attached to the people she loves, and will 'hate' and curse anyone that will take them away from her (Envy). Plus, when she is hurt by a loved one, forgiveness is not in her vocabulary and deep inside she wants to crush the person to let them feel the same pain she has been through, wishing them all the worst in the world. (Wrath)

Q - Sloth - I'm not sure yet, because his personality is still a but underdeveloped, but I believe Sloth also has a connection to depression and a lack of effort to improve or get out of it. Besides, Q has far more potential than he is showing right now.

Fenkovan - Lust/Pride - Not purely concentrated on sex, but Fenkovan has a hard time appreciating others for their personalities and feelings. His is more concentrated on his own pleasures and his own fun, sometimes dumping a friend because he gets bored or sees another. Also, he never considers their feelings when doing it. That has nothing to do with sex, but I believe that is also considered Lust at some point. Furthermore Pride because he is Fenqua's son and was raised that way. Secretly he was her little favorite between him and his twin sister, and he always knew. That made him feel better and wiser than her and even though he's a few minutes younger, he likes to pretends he's older.

Juliet - Sloth - Same reason as Q, I believe. Both of them lack the will to step up and make friends and rather feel depressed and alone. I wouldn't call her lazy, but her lack of will is lazyness at some point. Sticking out tongue

Spangled Plushblue - Greed/Pride - Spangled is just very insane, so it's hard to apply one sin to her. I think they all fit her, but these two are connected to each other. She likes to control and have the power, while enjoying scaring the shit out of others. She hates to share, whatever it is and will never do something unless she gains from it herself.

To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul

To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul
fayne's picture

FFFF Aeros is clean. :B Pan

FFFF Aeros is clean. :B

Pan and Tuna...Wrath ahaharharhar. |D |D |D
Nox would be Pride and Lust and I dunno about Di. Probably Envy.