Sage's Development Blog

Sycamorre's picture
A little blog for me to put down ideas and try to sort out issues I have with Sage's development and design while she's still growing up. Not everything is going to make its way into Sage's character development, it's all just brainstorming. A place for me to jot everything down so I can come back to it and look it all over without forgetting any crucial details. Probably going to end up pretty rambly at times, and might be image-heavy. Feel free to give your opinion, since any input can help spark new ideas.
This will be updated fairly frequently until I make some solid decisions.

Recent Additions:
- New antler idea
- More species information for if I decide to go down that rabbit hole

Appearance —

One of my main issues is deciding how Sage is going to look once she gets older and sheds off the old fawn look. While there's a lot of things I'm certain of (build and the like), the two big issues are her adult pelt and antlers.

Pelt Ideas:

I want to keep an "earthy" look for her, to keep in line with the olive and tan colors she has right now so that the transition seems more natural, but I might end up doing a lot of experimenting (especially since green is a hard color to translate into a TEF deer that isn't super snake-like). I want to avoid any bright tan/gold colors (as much as I love the Barn Owl set pieces), mostly because I don't want her to look too much like our old friend Martisol, so I'm goinng to try to go for more browns or greens. For my own sanity, the pelts need to be at least visibly similar to an in-game pelt. I'm gonna be playing with Moss's template to make it easier on myself.

NEW SIDE NOTE: Any designs that don't get used maaaaaay end up as adoptables down the line.

#1.) "A Hint of Olive"
In-Game: Real Deer Pelt (either works)

#2.) "Go Green" (aka I tried to make a less pink version of the kirin pelt look for my kirin charater)
In-Game: Kirin Pelt

#3.) "This Started as 'Champagne' but then it turned into 'Salmon'"
In-Game: Barn Owl

#4.) "Imma Snek"
In-Game: ???
somebody smack me if I don't use this for Sage and then let this design sit around and not get used somewhere else

#5.) "Ripped Leggings"
In-Game: Dark Real Deer
An attempt at mixing the looks of #1 and #4 (to make it more eye catching than #1 but easier to translate to an in-game look than #4). Olive-y green will show up more as an accent color (hooves, tips of her tail hairs, antlers, etc.). Really strong contender now. Final pattern will be slightly different.

Antler Ideas:

For the horns, I know a general shape I want, but the main question is: how many antlers? On the one hand, using a single antler would call back to her kirin and unicorn inspirations, but I don't know. There could be two larger antlers and one horn on the center of her head as well. Or maybe have two horns merge together near the front to appear as if she had a single one for just the front tines?

A lot of these designs are going to be for her "young adult" stage. They may be smaller if I decide to play an adolescent Sage, and over time as she ages they may grow some.

#1.) "May as well be a Triceratops" or "I'm Trying Too Hard"
-- NOTE: The antlers have normal bases, and begin growing as if they were separate antlers. However, they join together while they're still developing, like when two trees grow together.

#2.) "Skyrim Vale Deer"
Unlikely, but now I want to make any green markings on her final pelt glow when she uses magic now.
...or just make a character entirely based on the Vale Deer and their bioluminescent adorableness

Additional Appearance Ideas:

  • Feathers???

  • Scales???

  • Heavier built, some horse-like influence? (I have Georgian Grandes on the mind)

  • Look to fallow, chital, and sambar deer for other antler inspiration?


Not so much an "idea" as it is a sneak preview. I know for a fact that I'm probably going to base the design of her mask (the whistling mask) off of Scythian horse masks. This may not be the final design (or at least not her first mask, she might upgrade later), but this gives a good idea of how it will look on her grown head:

Magic —

Forest Caretaker/Guardian:

HIGHLY unlikely now, but I'm keeping the notes for reference.
I have this feeling that I want Sage to have a good affinity for magic beyond the typical Forest magic. Partially as a tribute to her mythical inspirations, but also to give her a sort of "job" in the forest. Let me explain:

Her magic wouldn't be whatever sort of spell she felt like using (at least not at first, over time she may be able to branch out and work with magic she's not as naturally inclined with). Her magic would start out very specific, with a purpose in mind. Examples:

  • Water purifying -- Inspired by unicorn mythology: the Crying Idol may constantly give clean water, but accidents happen and the stagnant water of the pond can become polluted if left there too long. Her biggest "job" and the reason she was put in the forest is to help keep parts of the forest safe for the other residents.

  • Flora Healing -- Plant diseases are no joke, and when there's an entire world where the vast majority of inhabitants rely on it for survival, someone has to make sure the plants of the forest flourish and stay healthy.

Of course, she will have some other, more "basic" spells, but very few of them will deal in offensive or destructive things. She may be able to use the spells she knows in multiple ways (for example: water purifying may also help her discover a spell for curing poisons in one's body). Healing and defensive magic will be where her skills in the area will excel.

The purpose of these spells would be to fill out a "forest guardian" or "forest caretaker" role, depending on the situations that come up. Still highly unsure if this is something I want to pursue, though. It wouldn't be a role she would take on immediately, though, but rather something she would have to discover once she was mature enough.


The next idea for where her magic could also be concentrated, if the former idea gets scrapped (and it's looking like it might be the case, unless future plot demands otherwise), is in enchantments. Her "job" per se would instead be to offer enchantments to items that other deer bring her, or maybe to leave enchanted items in places where they may be needed. Could need some brainstorming.

A lot of the extended magic previously mentioned would still be present, but there wouldn't be the pressure of using it beyond immediate necessity. No "caretaker" job to worry about, just the ability to use magic beyond the usual TEF magic, though still limited in what she can do. However, a lot of her spells may be able to be transfered over to enchantment effects, and even become more useful as such (ex: a pendant that purifies water when it touches it, instead of just the spell, or something that lets the wearer walk on water temporarily, etc.).

Might potentially even open new interaction possibilities RP-wise.


Now that I know it exists, I might be able to pick and choose appropriate (fitting but not overpowered)
spells (and spells to be interpreted as passive abilities) from either the druid, paladin, or ranger spell lists. Some of the first ones she might learn could be:

  • Detect Poison: Detects poison in one creature or object.

  • Flare: Dazzles one creature.

  • Mending: Makes minor repairs on an object.

Misc. —

Mythological Inspiration Notes:

  • Both unicorns and kirin were depicted as pure and holy creatures. Strong connection to the ruins and the twin gods statues possible?

  • Unicorn horns were believed to purify water of poisons and other toxins. (The idea behind the potential water purifying ability)

  • With the unicorn link to purity, perhaps Sage may feel instinctively drawn to the kind-hearted and gentle souls of the forest? Not like an outright "oh yeah I can tell you're pure at heart" but a "wow look at them, there's something about them that I just like" sort of thing. It's not obvious to her.

  • Kirins were said to appear as an omen for peace and prosperity, or upon the birth of someone exceptionally wise.

  • Kirins myths stated that they often would float on clouds or walk on water (inspiration behind Sage's waterwalking).

  • Some kirins were depicted as very dragon-like and sometimes would have holy fire surrounding themselves. Potential for a more powerful "form" in the far future (likely would require a lot of magic to perform and may leave her temporarily very, very weak afterwards, or possibly even something she couldn't control, only being called on in moments of dire need)? Probably overkill.

  • To bring kelpies into the mix, or to not...

  • I love mythology.



  • In order to tie in all the different mythological influences, Sage may origin from a particular species from another plane where all of these things are explained.

  • Potential species name: Erdhuf / Erdhufe (German for "Earth Hoof" or "Earth Hooves" respectively)

  • A species page could be made to give some insight for those curious.

  • Could even be an open species?? Anyone in TEFc could make one if they followed the species description.

  • Different "categories" of magic that the species can learn. Sort of like an RPG class system. Examples: guardian (combat), diplomat, crafter, scholar, cleric, etc. Likely only 4-5 major classes, with some possible niche-classes that end up mostly falling under the major classes.

  • The magic they learn while growing up determines what class they are as an adult. However, changing classes is possible, but at some point you have to give up stronger spells from the original class to learn higher-level ones of another class.

  • Leaders of the species clans are the leading elders of each "major class" encompassed by those who focus on certain magic types.

  • Possibly prey for another magical species?

Behavior/Other Notes:

  • May like to gather small "interesting" things. If she becomes an enchanter, she may use some of these as things to be enchanted.

  • Likely going to be around the size of #26 once fully grown.

  • Potential adolescent stage? Highly unlikely, since I'm more than ready to play her as a young adult, but a possibility nonetheless.

  • Somewhere in my heart of hearts I want her to have moments of "holy, righteous vengeance" in order to kick butt in true mythological style. But she's probably going to be pretty passive 9/10 times.

  • So after lurking around on older posts, I ran into mentions of another "Sage" character that apparently a couple of deer were familiar with. I have no idea if this is going to be a problem (at least for me, I can get hung up on that sort of stuff).

phantomhelsing's picture

augh I have such a weakness

augh I have such a weakness for earthtones, that's a gorgeous option for a pelt *^* It's subtle without looking flat or muddy~

for antlers one thing I kinda like doing because I've played with the one-horned thing as well when I was doodling some kirin-esque critters, something like this (on the top critter)

kinda branch-like, still one-horned in a way but there's multiple bits on it |D

she's already looking super fab and I like seeing your thought-process for her C=
Sycamorre's picture

Thanks! And I agree,

Thanks! And I agree, sometimes earth tones make for real clean designs. I actually really liked how the pallete turned out, so I'm probably going to try some different combinations/looks with it and see how it goes.

I considered doing something like that, too, though I couldn't nail down a look that I was pleased with or made much sense to me (both realistically and artistically). The main thing I'm trying to right now is come up with a look that's reminiscent of the beluga antlers, since those are the ones I'm planning on giving her when the time comes, but I probably need to think more outside the box lol.

EDIT: More things added to ponder

lemme just roll around in all

lemme just roll around in all this cool info

I love that antler concept.

I love that antler concept. I'm personally a fan of pelt #3 as well.
Sycamorre's picture

@FishBiscuit: Roll all you

@FishBiscuit: Roll all you want! Just be careful, I think the paint is still wet in some spots.

@nebulae: Thank you! It actually ended up looking a lot better than I was expecting it to, honestly. Needs some cleaning up, but the shape didn't turn out as convoluted as I was afraid it would. And yeah, #3 is still a strong contender for me. Picking a pelt design is going to be the hardest thing about this whole process at this point >:

i actually love this

i actually love this
Sycamorre's picture

@Leotie: welcome to the mess

@Leotie: welcome to the mess that is my mind and thinking process, enjoy your stay

also if anyone has any suggestions about what in-game pelt could be best used for #4, I wouldn't mind some extra input, even if it's just for future reference and not necessarily for Sage
phantomhelsing's picture

#4 is GORGEOUS too wow! it

#4 is GORGEOUS too wow!

it is a toughie for in-game pelt...hmm...maybe theeeee dark brown pelt? even though it's just solid? or the Beluga pelt..on the blue side but it has that bold color divide. It's hard to think of something that matches color-wise because there's no brown and white pelt |D you can have brown OR white lol so I guess decided if you want to just suggest at it and choose a pelt that has one of the main color, or if you want to emulate the stripey aspect of it and choose a pelt based on that.
Sycamorre's picture

Isn't it though? A part of me

Isn't it though? A part of me is dying to use because it just turned out so well but the other half of my brain is being a big coward right now because I went against my own rule by making a pelt that didn't translate very well into the game.

I feel like if I were to go for it, the darker real deer pelt would be my safest bet, but I may consider other ones. Maybe one could just look "right" in the game, I dunno

Quote:To bring kelpies into

To bring kelpies into the mix, or to not...

I absolutely love kelpies. They are one of my favourite mythological creatures. It would actually be refreshing to see a character with kelpie influences, but is gentle and kind-hearted. It could tie in to her being drawn to water as well, perhaps?

So after lurking around on older posts, I ran into mentions of another "Sage" character that apparently a couple of deer were familiar with. I have no idea if this is going to be a problem (at least for me, I can get hung up on that sort of stuff).

In a community this large, it's impossible for names to be "restricted" to just one character. There's more than one Ashe, more than one Lacie, so on and so forth. Don't worry about it hun.

As far as pelts go...

I can see #3 being Barn Owl pelt. It's close enough in terms of pattern and colour layout. #4 I could see being used with the Kabuki pelt (Or "Bacon pelt" as it's usually called.). A good alternative would be the darker Real Deer pelt I think.
Sycamorre's picture

The kelpie thing was actually

The kelpie thing was actually what made me try to have her connected to the water in the first place. I just still have to figure out how and what all I can bring over (the whole water thing would be a given, but a lot of the legends I'm reading seem to make it out that different kelpies act and do things differently, so I might be able to pull from a lot of places rather than specific ones).

And yeah, the name is just a minor frustration. "Sage" isn't a particularly unique name, honestly, but it was just what fit when she popped into my head. And yeah, #3 would definitely be the Barn Pelt, and it would honestly be a bigger contender if it didn't mean I couldn't play with it on my desktop, considering TEF refuses to work right with Windows 10 still on my end for some reason. I considered the Kabuki/Bacon pelt, too, for #4. It's not my favorite, but if it works it works. I might just need to pull out one of my old pictos to play with things on some adult deer lol.