RP Anyone?

TheDustyStar18's picture
Hello all! I hope you are all doing oks. I have seen for a while that quie a few role play here. I've loved the idea for a while. But I guess I'm not sure how and a little bit nervous to see who would like to. I've RPed for years and have been on several web sites. (Please pardon any spelling issues on this. I'm on mobile..) I would also like to think I'm a good writer.. If anyone is interested please let me know. ::hugs to all::
TheDustyStar18's picture

Well I know how to role play

Well I know how to role play I just wasn't sure who to ask if they wanted to... Sorry just noticed my mistake. XD
AlisonRobin's picture

No need to apologize, you

No need to apologize, you didn't do anything wrong. Smiling
My deer La is open for interaction and if you look at a lot of other characters' pages you can see that a lot of them have notes saying they like to roleplay too, and you can usually just jump right in with your character.
tastygrahamcrackers's picture

I would be interested in

I would be interested in doing a roleplay!
Ailasti's picture

Hey uhm...I've never had the

Hey uhm...I've never had the chance to roleplay on this site
and would love to be introduced to it. Can you help me a little
with it?
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