Room Meme [death by pictures]

Pegasicorn's picture
Yep, you've been warned. There's 28 pics ahead, and they're not the smallest.
I got carried away basically. 8D; And since it's nearing 5am, I'm not putting explanations to these pics now. They have writing on them anyway, so that'll help you out. Ask stuff if you get confused by something. |D
I will say this though: I share my room with an older sister, and have been in this room for a little over 20 years. Never known any other room since I was too little. Hence, there's a lot of crap built up. |D
Have fun looking! 8D;
EDIT: Added descriptions. I hope they're in the right spots. I typed them out in Notepad so I could look at the photos at the same time, then copy-pasted.

Let's start out with the most important area of a bedroom.
The bed.
I has the top bunk. 8D *blurred the pile of clothes on her sister's bed* |D ..*burns the Twiglight books*
That "pile" over there is the only true "pile" in the room. =B
If it seems like I took over this room compared to my sister...well, she's out a lot. |D Heck, there's crap of hers missing that she took with her again. (Laptop, makeup, straightener, etc.)

My bed. 8]
The squirrels watch me sleep. >> If you're wondering why there's two printouts: the first one printed blue toned, the second one printed normal. But they both looked cool, so I hung up both later.
Got the middle panel of my Golden Hind narrative project up too. *pets it*
Yes. That is basically a Gaara pinup. |D It's a print I got in a coloring contest.
*loves on her duckie pajamas*

Santiago doesn't give. Or maybe he's just sore at me for putting the dreamcatcher on his ear. |D
Shall I name the bears? Vanilla bean, no name (don't know what to call it |D) chocolate chip, McGee (name it came with). The yellow scrap of paper had my grade and notes from the teacher on my squirrel poster, but it's back there since some tape glue was still on the wall after tearing down some old posters. |D (Don't mind the missing paint in some spots.) You can tell my walls are in fact OFF-white. =B Haven't been painted in years. |D Probably never going to happen again.

Rikou also doesn't give. Dude, aside from the plushies, all I did was put a feather in the halter that came off the dreamcatcher. |D
We have a familiar painting here too. And yea, it does scratch me every morning (or tries to) when I make my bed. |D I have to push it against the wall all the time cuz it bows outword.

Closer look at the plushies on Rikou. Pose for me dudes!
ScapePlush, don't join the snorting at me bandwagon!
So we've got ScapePlush (made by a friend), Sesshoumaru, Miroku, and Inuyasha (all from the anime Inuyasha; all technically gifts), and another plush my friend made a few years ago of one of my original characters. =] *pokes Ryuusei for looking the wrong way*

8D; Lotta old stuff here. Except the LED light (which I call Flicker cuz it's hard to turn on) and the phone holster. I put my phone in it so I can get to it when it's set as my alarm clock. And yes, I'm one of those cell phone holster wearers. =B

Looking down from my bed at the bookshelves. That don't hold too many books. XD; The tops usually have more stuff on them that my sister has.

Screw the makeup mirror. You need to have makeup to need one of those.

Hello right bookshelf. 8] Top is all my and my sister's DVD's (most are mine. She has others somewhere else. Twilight. *gag* Only ones I don't have here are the Harry Potter movies.). My black horse, dragon, and 3 tiny figures (wolf, hawk, owl) guard the DVD's along with another LED. There's a DVD I made up there. =B
*blurs out book titles* >> Nothing to see there.. Oh. Sometimes I'll make things out of twist ties when I'm bored. There's also the first one I made, which is hidden behind the old straightener on the right. |D You can kinda see it a few pictures up (the top-down view of the shelves). Poor deer though. |D;
Also have The Princess Bride, Tanya Huff's Blood Books (except the first. I'm lending that to someone), and the essential read for all TEFer's: Fire Bringer. Old puzzle box in back that now holds batteries. (Completed puzzle I think is under the bed...but we won't go there.)
Harry Potter and The Inheritance series on the bottom, along with a few comics. *pokes Batman: Year One* 8] The ones that are my mom's are comic versions of a few books she likes. |D
Diecast cars. 8D Other toy cars are somewhere else. Didn't think to pull them out. |D;

Closer look at the DVD's. Couple at the end get cut off. Indeed I did splurge on the Advent Children collector DVD. |D; I HAD A COUPON.

The other shelf. And THE PILE. I moved some stuff from the bottom shelf to see it. =B Like the fake katana, the ghetoo ninja stuff I made (XD), and the Furby and Shelby (I wrap them in plastic |D didn't bother to remove the Shelby's).
"STUFF" here being art books and anime DVD's, and such.

Along with the stack of VHS's I use the record on. |D *was once recording all of the Inuyasha series when it aired on Adult Swim*
Art books: Animator's Survival Kit, Bridgman's Complete Guide to Drawing From Life, The Art of 3D Computer Animation and Effects, Shot by Shot (all for classes, and yet to be cracked open XD; ). When You're Up to Your Ass in Alligators (this is a textbook believe it or not, for when I took Mythology and Folklore. I had to keep it after the class. It was too epic.) Zombie Survial Guide. what more can I say?
Then the anime. =B 2 complete series. Fushigi Yuugi and Great Teacher Onizuka. 8] Such opposites. XDD
"STUFF" here pencils, markers, highlighters, gel pens, old colored pencils, and a pocket paper airplane book. (I was once obsessed.) Old sketchbooks I shall go through for the art improvement meme....someday. |D
Yes there are 3 kinds of glue. XD;

Another view from my bed, of the other side of the room. The Incredibles was on tv when I was doing this. XD; I used to hang up all the greeting cards I got. We'll get back to that later.

For now, it's this part of the room. Yick, venetian blinds. |D I don't use the exercise bike or 10-pound weights. |D. The paint on the ceiling over the lamp peels. |D It's always done that, no matter how much it's been repainted.

Hi tv cabinet. =B THe N64's not plugged in now, thanks to my sister getting the XBox 360. I don't touch it. She doesn't seem to play it anymore either. O_o
Horsies. 8] Birthday gift in 9th grade from a friend.
(You guys are lucky I vacuumed 2 days ago, or you'd be seeing a lot of hair on the floor. ...the photos make my carpet look decent. |D)

Need I say more?
NoI'mnotexplainingtheonesontheleft. |D;; The rolled-up poster is of my high school graduating class in 2005 formation on the field. I had nowhere to hang it when I got it so it's been in here. |D Guess I could hang it now...

Closet. The toy box is under a few towels. |D My sister doesn't seem to hang her clothes up anymore (hence the pile that was on her bed). I made that cat hook thing in tech class in 8th grade. 8] All the other girls did heart-shaped stools. Eff that.

Hello dresser. 8D With my crap on it. |D

Ah, darn, the little glass figures got cut off. |D So did the carousel horse.
Well, here's other manga I have that was missing from the tv cabinet, and the 3rd of the Inheritance series (still not done 8D; ). Too much to explain here. I need reorganize again when I'm less lazy. |D But *points at gloves* those are there for when it gets really cold in this room.

More books that were under my sweatshirt. More Tanya Huff (cuz it's the sequel series to the Blood Books), another book I won't show the title of, and (borrowed) Watership Down (not started yet).

It's the most important part. 8D


Where I spend most of my awake time at home. (My sister always leaves that nail crap over here. Rar.)
The mug says "ho ho ho"; not "ho". |D
I think Dhuddwa was helping another deer with their set at the time. XD;

The more current games. =B MIGHT install Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego for old time's sake.

*pets tablet*

>8D XD This is why I call the router Spider. Cuz it's guarded by a spider.

The "almost-pile" on the floor in front of the closet.
HieiKeychain is not a people person.
The old drawings down there I plan to go through (again) to pick out ones for that one meme. =B
The Tote Box was for when I took textiles. I didn't bother to empty it out. |D

Last but not least, my tools of the trade tradional art-wise. Waiting on scanner access to post those 2 sketches. The planning sketch will remain unseen (outside of this). |D
Uhh..about that glazes info's from when I took ceramics. I just use it to keep my place in the smaller sketchbook. XD;
Cheap colored pencils for the win-lose!
Seele's picture

You sure have a lotta stuff

You sure have a lotta stuff X"D FURBYY. Also that fake spider made me crap my pants urgkk. WHYYY. Room-memes are epic. XDD *Just watches em >8D*
Fledermaus's picture

AGGH SPIDER So this was

So this was great. People's rooms are hilarious/awesome. 8D

-bounces away on bouncy ball-
Spyrre's picture

Hehe, hey your place looks a

Hehe, hey your place looks a lot like mine...
Hey, why clean up if you can still move around without breaking anything? =D
Lots of stuff. <3
arrowdoe's picture


Pegasicorn's picture

@Seele: |D 20 years of crap.

@Seele: |D 20 years of crap. 8D; Furby has its batteries out. And that spider is from a plastic ring I got in grade school actually. |D

@Flef: =B
Mine isn't great. |D It's tiny. And shared.
*watches bouncing* 8o

@Spyrre: True. =B Though I like being able to move without bumping things. |D There's enough space for that; I just didn't take a shot of the floor.
Too much stuff. 8D;

@ArrowDoe: |D; My bad?
Zergarikiaka's picture

|D Lol I want that dragon...

|D Lol I want that dragon... and that sword. Those are awesome. |D
Zergarikiaka's picture

|D Lol I want that dragon...

|D Lol I want that dragon... and that sword. Those are awesome. |D
Her's picture


YOU MAKE ME SOB. They had it at Wal-Mart once but I never got around to getting it and now it's NOT THERE so I don't own that yet ;______________; ME OF ALL PEOPLE
I thought the spider was real too.
I love your room so much for some reason ajkfldkglh *rolls all over it*
Pegasicorn's picture

@Zerg: They're both plastic.

@Zerg: They're both plastic. 8D;
The dragon I actually got at the Cloisters Museum in NYC ("faction" of the Metropolitan Museum of Art) on a field trip in high school. The sword cost $3 one Halloween. XD;

@Her/Allice: |D; Well, for awhile I had a downloaded version >> << >> but decided to splurge once I learned about that collector's one. 8D; I never buy expensive things like that, but this was the exception.
This room is a bit cramped. 8D Though I'm alone a lot, so it's not too bad.
If that spider was real, it wouldn't be here. =B
Kaoori's picture


I HAD A FURBY THAT LOOKED JUST LIKE THAT. and the batteries died.
it made an EEHHHN noise. and its eyes rolled back into it's head. AND I THREW IT OVER MY BED. the next day I gave it to the Salvation Army. ;_;
Zergarikiaka's picture


Iaurdagnire's picture

Omg, I had (and still have

Omg, I had (and still have somewhere) one of those purring kitten plushes and I loved it to death. Ahhh, memories XD
You have many a cool thing 83
Pegasicorn's picture

@Kaoori: 8o D8 I'd call an

@Kaoori: 8o D8 I'd call an exorcist.
But mine is just narcoleptic. |D Turn it on, it goes back to sleep. LIKE 10 TIMES IN A ROW.

@Dag: XD You know about the "latex bladder" then, right? Well, it popped in mine, so now she's got stuffing in its place. =B The fur on the thing is so matted and I when trying to brush it out some fur got pulled out. XD;;
Kaoori's picture

haha, mine popped too in my

haha, mine popped too in my kitten. except I never replaced it. so she's crinkly, to say the least. :3
Pegasicorn's picture

XD Crinkly kitty. =B

XD Crinkly kitty. =B
Laruna's picture

Haha the N64 literally made

Haha the N64 literally made me say "aww." xD Old school ftw.
I love the Scape plush!! Did you make that?

All the "not mine"'s started to make me chuckle. How can you stand to have so much stuff in your room that is not yours? I would go insane. XD
Pegasicorn's picture

I have enough stuff that is

I have enough stuff that is mine, and don't like the majority that isn't? |D

I wish the N64 was still plugged in. I wanna play Super Smash Bros. |D

Scape plush was made by my friend intrepidThrough. =]

My oh my...your room is so

My oh my...your room is so epic.

I might be making a meme myself.

And I think I spy a Meet the Robinsons DVD hurhurhur

Seed's picture

I love N64 games -- I still

I love N64 games -- I still have my old ones.
Pegasicorn's picture

@Lex: It is? XD; Yessss, Meet

@Lex: It is? XD;
Yessss, Meet the Robinsons indeed it is. 8] I liked it in the theatre enough to wanna get it.

@Seed: I miss playing my N64 games. It's unplugged right now since my sister got the XBox 360. And now she hardly uses it so I'm annoyed. |D

Woah. Your room is so clean

Woah. Your room is so clean @.@.
*Pats the Disney*
Nice! We have alot in common 8D *Only makeup she uses is pimple cream*
WHAT HORSEZ IS THAT? *Has 4... and 2?*
Gee... I really like your room XD You can be bothered to make your bed? HOW< OH GREAT ONE? Even if I make it... the bed looks the same *Kicks in her sleep, every night*

N64 <333!!!
Yours looks... alot better than mine *its dusty and old*
What games. 8D?

Pegasicorn's picture

FFFFFF. It's not clean. I

FFFFFF. It's not clean. I have to yet to figure out where this weird smell is coming from. |D;;;

It's the first Horsez, but it's been uninstalled since the computer was reformatted over a year ago. XD; I'm not sure I wanna put it back on. Might try to get credits at GameStop by trading it in instead, along with my Sims 1 CDs. If I'm lucky, they'll take them, and a new controller might be easier to get. 8D

I...can't stand going to sleep in a messy bed. |D Waking up in a messy bed and continuing to sleep is different. Then I don't care.

N64 is unplugged. D; *kicks the XBOX 360 she doesn't use and her sister hasn't even touched in awhile* But I have... Donkey Kong 64, Super Mario 64, Mario Party 1, Super Smash Bros. (original), a couple of WWF games (|D), and...a few others I don't care about. Most of those are ones my sister played. I only touched Super Smash and Mario Party. The others I tried but didn't like or didn't have the patience to learn the controls of.