If you use CSS coding in your blog, you NEED TO PLACE IT UNDER A CUT. This prevents your coding from interfering with the coding that makes up the TEFc site. Not using a cut can effectively 'break' pages of the site (like the biographies page) making it impossible to navigate as intended.

Making a cut is EASY. You can see a step by step tutorial, with pictures showing you how by clicking this link. Please always use a cut when creating any blog that uses CSS coding!

Thank you to all the responsible members who use a cut when creating CSS testing blogs, or when posting biographies!

If you find a blog that is 'leaking' coding and it hasn't already been pointed out, POLITELY comment explaining the problem and provide a link to the tutorial above. Realize that there are no warnings on TEFc about using a cut, this unfortunately all has to be word of mouth. Be kind, many people are new to coding and had no idea they needed to use a cut.

If you have a blog that supplies new users with coding templates or tips, including IN BOLD, unmissable text, information about how to create a cut, and the importance of using them.

Please, help do your part to prevent leaky blogs. Nobody wants to step in that.

Edit: Also remember that using codes in comment signatures (such as changing the colour of your font) need to be closed at the end of your comment with a closing tab. Otherwise your font colour or other un-closed codes will leak out onto every blog you post on!

Here is a simple example:
Hey look, I am a font colour code example!
[ color = blue ] Hey look, I am a font colour code example! [ / colour ]

^ This is what your code looks like, the text inside the [ ] symbols is what turns your font blue. The last part of the code [ / colour ] closes the code. Closing tabs change depending on the type of code you are using (for example a font changing code will not respond to the use of a [ / colour ] closing tag).

Be sure you know what type of closing tag to use before you add a code to your signature and always close your codes!

thank you so much

thank you
so much
Aivilo's picture

Quote:Please, help do your

Please, help do your part to prevent leaky blogs. Nobody wants to step in that.

Makes me think of the pipe people ads x3

Thanks for the reminder~

thanks for the reminder. I

thanks for the reminder. I usually put my coding under cuts unless it's a really simple/small piece of code that doesn't affect the site as a whole(like some of the free smaller bio templates/ Coding advice stuff).

.: Thanks for the reminder! I

.: Thanks for the reminder! I admit I have forgotten a few times. ^^;
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Reyy's picture

Thank you Tera.

Thank you Tera. Smiling

Bumping: I've added a little

Bumping: I've added a little note about using CSS coding when commenting as well.
HolyMaria's picture

thank you Tera for always be

thank you Tera for always be willing to help others. Kind actions like yours are the ones that makes this a beautiful community

Bumping because the

Bumping because the biographies page is YET AGAIN messed...come on people. :T

Bumping because the

Bumping because the biographies page is again unreadable and I can't find the blog(s) causing it...if anybody reading this could do the following that would be great:

1) Make sure all your blogs use a cut.

2) Take a moment to check the recent posts page to see if any blogs match the banner/colors displaying on the leaking biographies page. If you can, post a polite comment linking that member here, or to the 'how to create a cut' tutorial blog so they can fix the issue.

FairyClock's picture

What's causing the pages to

What's causing the pages to be messed? I noticed some people's pages started to act up, but I didn't know it was caused by other people. O.o

Its this one...

Its this one...
My computer wont load the page properly for some reason >.< Otherwise i would comment.

Ah thank you Starfox! I have

Ah thank you Starfox! I have that player on Skype and they currently aren't online. I'll leave them a message about it.