
freesoul02's picture
i want to put my symbol/pictogram as my picture/avatar(since i have no other ideas)but i dont know how to save it i sort of know where to find it but it doesnt tell me i can save it so please if you can help me then please do Sad

you have to make a picture

you have to make a picture yourself of your picto then upload it :3
my account> avatar upload thingy 100x100
Baal's picture

Oh, yeah, what Kileah said.

Oh, yeah, what Kileah said. xD
freesoul02's picture

that goes to another question

that goes to another question that i dont know where to ask im aweful at paint but im good at drawing the things is that i dont know how to put a drawing that i drew in real life in my computer if you can help me ill be grateful

you have to upload it first -

you have to upload it first - like photobucket or DA or imgschack or something then upload it here :3
freesoul02's picture

i hope im not bothering you

i hope im not bothering you but please explain with more details

http://confusedgoldfish.devia - I upload my picture to DA.
Then take the web-adress my pictures has(directlink) and then put it in here, either as blog or picture entery.
did it help? xD I'm a bit bad on the explaining part
freesoul02's picture

well i have a deviantart

well i have a deviantart account but i dont know to put my drawings there and im speaking of real life drawings like in paper i hope you understand me and is easier for you to explain (hope im not bothering you with this)
Snowsauria's picture

You don't necessarily need to

You don't necessarily need to draw your picto, you can take a screenshot of it here and edit it in a program. n_n
freesoul02's picture

they said that by clicking

they said that by clicking the letter "p"it will take a screenshot and i tried but nothing so either they said it wrong or i need to do something else
Snowsauria's picture

When playing the game you

When playing the game you need to press P to take screenshots. If they are not in your screenshot folder, try to click 'Compatibility Files' somewhere at the top ( while you are in your screenshot folder).

To take screenshot outside the game, like of your picto, you just click PrtScrn, I believe. n_n
freesoul02's picture

umm thanks for your help

umm thanks for your help snowsauria but i dont understand the buttons i cant find them can you be more specific(man i hate bothering people this way Puzzled )
Snowsauria's picture

To find your screenshot

To find your screenshot folder, go to My computer > Local disk C: > Program files > Tale of tales > The Endless forest > Screenshots. If your screenshots aren't there, look at the top of your screen for something named 'Compatibility Files'. Click it, and your screenshots should be there. (:

I really can't help you any more when it comes to the buttons on your keyboard. One of them says P, and there should be one saying PrtScrn. ^^'
freesoul02's picture

oh i think i found it thanks

oh i think i found it thanks for the help Eye

i tried doing what you said and nothing happens Sad