Pre-Birthday stuff

quadraptor's picture
So today my parents took me shopping. I had mentioned that I wanted some new church shoes, so we went to the shoe store with a coupon for 20% off the purchase.

I finally ended up with a black pair of Nunn Bush shoes that were $40, but while we were there, I looked at the New Balance tennis shoes (my favorite brand of shoes), and my mom convinced me to get a pair of them as well. The ones I picked were the 460's:

These are going to replace my 413's, because I've been wearing those to work so they look a little messy:

So anyway, it was going to cost around $100 for both pair of shoes. We fumbled around figuring out what to do about the coupon, and eventually decided to let my mom buy my two pair and another pair. The coupon ended up reducing both pair of shoes to $32 a piece. So I owed my parents roughly $65 instead of the $100 we thought they were going to be.

We also ran into Sam's Club, where my mom got me a new set of pillows. We went to lunch later, and then came home. It was then my parents decided to give me the shoes for my birthday!

In addition, a package came from my brother and his wife...with my pictogram on it! I won't open it until tomorrow, but that was suprising to see it there. Finally, before I go to work, I will be running to my grandparent's house, who want to give me their gifts today.

So despite today is the day before my birthday, I've already gotten some cool things!

Happy birthday! We share the

Happy birthday! We share the same one no? New Year's Eve? Hope you get lots of stuff! Slim pickings for me this year Sad

Proud Founder of The Lightbringers