For the people that wanted an animal inspired MMO.

There is going to be one called Earth eternal.
It's going to be a furry MMO-It looks fun though.
There are 16 playable races!
Here are the pics of all the races:
I wish I could have announced it on forums in that old thread
but I guess it's gone. Sad Well I hope some people find this
blog and take this game up when it's released. Smiling
Lyeekha's picture

I've seen that before, and I

I've seen that before, and I like the idea! (I don't like their animal structure innacuracies (particularly wolves) but that's not too bad!)

I'll probably join when it's done. But I don't think it looks like a long term thing.
Redkora's picture

That looks like fun! I'll

That looks like fun! I'll have to try it when it comes out.

Thanks for the link!
[pixel deer by Aldebaran]

Np, i'm glad you like it.

Np, i'm glad you like it. Smiling